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Old 04-08-2003, 05:49 PM
filburt1 filburt1 is offline
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I didn't say immune. It's childish to use profanity to trash a piece of software in general.

"Got dropped?" Do you mean hacked? If so then you should try to ask the administrators to contact vBulletin devs to get the problem fixed. Of course every script is insecure at some point but as a general rule free boards which are developed by unpaid unprofessional (i.e., no professional training) developers are bound to have more problems.
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Old 04-09-2003, 03:57 AM
Webdork Webdork is offline
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XMB is terrible! The worst thing about it is all the infighting amongst the development team. I ran it for about a year, then switched to phpBB.

PhpBB is nice and cosmetically I like the look - but once I hit 25,000 members and around 100,000 posts the board starting timing out and having major problems - posts disapearing etc. ie as soon as the db got over about 50Mb it ++++s itself.

I now have to have auto prune running to kill dead threads over 90 days. Im still running phpBB and am still a fan, but if I had to start again i would indeed use VBulletin.

I run VBulletin on several other sites and the performance is noticable better and much more stable at higher levels of traffic - and this is on identical boxes.

The number of hacks for VBulletin and the size of the developer community makes it well worth spending the $$$ - but only if you are running a serious site.

Id still recommend people start off on one of the free boards, get their feet wet so to speak - and then Upgrade to Vbulletin when performance requires it.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 04-09-2003, 04:43 AM
fiendz fiendz is offline
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i didnt use profanity to trash the board all i said is dont ++++ the wrong people off and it wont matter and when i say dropped i dont mean dropped. hacked in my opinion of the word would mean downing the boards or effecting its performance when i say dropped i mean completely gone as in the sql info was retrieved from the script and the sql db totally wiped out which technically is getting "hacked" but i prefer to use "dropped" to better specify what actually happened.
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Old 04-16-2003, 06:22 PM
ub3x ub3x is offline
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to me....

this all sounds like..


This all sounds like high-end Corporate Propaganda, that umm... only a group of people who have alot of money would support.. I think you are all, uhh, really under-estimating the Open Source... community, and think that just because a group of developers aren't being paid for something, that they're not going to care about the quality of their work.

But umm, yeah, Invision is up there with VBulletin, but unfortuantenly lacks a few of the key components that make VB the best forum software out there.

I'm not sure about the quality of the code out there, VB3's design doesn't look too good right now, and it all just seems sort of cluttered.

But yeah, If invision were a commercial board, I would take VBulletin over it. if I were to ever run out of money, I would either ask someone to buy me VBulletin, or else I would go with Invision.

Those are my 2 cents. Please don't flame me.
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Old 05-02-2003, 06:47 AM
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02-05-03 at 12:05 PM Davey said this in Post #2
  • The staff are friendly.


vb is the best
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Old 05-02-2003, 07:49 AM
Brad Brad is offline
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04-16-03 at 03:22 PM ub3x said this in Post #44
to me....

this all sounds like..


This all sounds like high-end Corporate Propaganda, that umm... only a group of people who have alot of money would support.. I think you are all, uhh, really under-estimating the Open Source... community, and think that just because a group of developers aren't being paid for something, that they're not going to care about the quality of their work.

But umm, yeah, Invision is up there with VBulletin, but unfortuantenly lacks a few of the key components that make VB the best forum software out there.

I'm not sure about the quality of the code out there, VB3's design doesn't look too good right now, and it all just seems sort of cluttered.

Mike, I respect your optioins but I fell I sould calrify a few things.

Of course we respect the open source community, I for one am I big fan, however. The dev's of vBulletin are paid for their work and that insures us support and stable code, I for one have never seen a team of dev's fix bugs as quickly as the vB team do.

As for vB 3's design, it is a beta, this has been stated many times. vB 3 will get a new, better looking design before the finals are out.

Personally ive had the chance to use the vB 3 mod cp (not admin cp, Im not a beta tester) at vBulletintemplates.com, and I must say from what ive seen the vB 3 cp will be one of the best so far in the world of forum scripts. I wont go into details because im sure the dev's wouldent like that so you all are just going to have to wait .
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Old 05-04-2003, 05:34 AM
GaleForce GaleForce is offline
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Here is all I have to say;

You get what you pay for. You want more, you pay more. You want less, you pay less (or nothing).
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Old 05-13-2003, 12:35 AM
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The answer is simple. There is no compelling reason to choose VB over Invision board. VB is better at something, Invision at others. Neither has a clear feature advantage. Thats a straight comparision ov VB2 to IBF1.1.2

The outcome is similar when you compare VB3 to IBF1.2

The one thing to consider, especially since you're on this site, is which has the greater user base and thus the greater experience in modifying the code. VB wins that one hands down.

So, are you going to run out-of-the-box or are you going to customize. For $160 investment into programming help for IBF you still won't come close to the code mods available to VB.
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Old 06-07-2003, 05:46 PM
CharlieS CharlieS is offline
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I?m a current IPB user and am considering switching to vB but?

You can actually *get* support when errors occur .

The staff are friendly.
From my experience at the IPB forums this is completely and utterly untrue. The reason I have considered switching is because I heard it has better features. But I haven?t found that to be true yet

Firstly it has no file attach
Not true ? 1.2 even allows you to make large images automatically appear as thumbnails

and as for the support i couldn;t even find that

if you want a crap 1 month board with 6 members, go with phpBB...

or if you want a site with about 500 members and up for a long time (2 years) then go with vB, and if you dont have the money, get a job or become admin at a friend's site :-0
There are some very successful phpBB and IPB boards (such as neowin.net). People won?t flock to your site because you?re using a slightly better script. People flock because of community - and in my opinion there is no such thing as instant community, so I don?t really like the vB slogan.

It is very true that there are some ?fly by night? users of phpBB and IPB.

PhpBB is faster than other free boards
Hmm? I?ve found IPB to be faster but I will check that out, haven?t been to the phpbb website in a while.

But umm, yeah, Invision is up there with VBulletin, but unfortuantenly lacks a few of the key components that make VB the best forum software out there.
Such as? I agree there are some things missing. The main three are threaded view, collapsible categories (not sure what they are called, but that?s what they look like), and Similar Threads. The only one of interest to me is collapsible categories (similar threads seems to bring up either irrelevant threads or old dead threads), and it isn?t worth an entire vB license just for that.

The answer is simple. There is no compelling reason to choose VB over Invision board. VB is better at something, Invision at others. Neither has a clear feature advantage. Thats a straight comparision ov VB2 to IBF1.1.2

So, are you going to run out-of-the-box or are you going to customize. For $160 investment into programming help for IBF you still won't come close to the code mods available to VB.
Semi-true. For $160 you are buying access to a few more hacks. But IBPlanet.com is more active then you think.

because I am sure if they had 160$ or 85$ they would of tried vBulletin
Please do not characterize all freeboard users as cheapskates or poor people. Not only is it incorrect, it is rude. I could afford vB, and I?m looking into it, but so far it seems my money is best spent elsewhere.

I like all of the features in 1.2 of Invision, and thought ?maybe it?s time to see what vB is doing?. It seems the features are comparable, and in my opinion, IPB is much better in some areas (such as search engine friendliness and topic ?multi-moderation?). There just isn?t a compelling reason to buy vB for me.
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Old 06-07-2003, 06:54 PM
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Heck we use both. Invision has some features vB doesn't and the reverse is true. Agreeing with CharlieS here, the major drawback on invision is lack of collapsible catagories, but l think this is a vBulletin hack and not a standard feature. Haven't looked that closely at vB 3, so maybe a new feature or something. One of our guys is completely in love with vB 3, while another one wont move from invision and is actually counting down the days to 1.2.

We are still looking at whether invision is indeed faster. Results so far indicate that people using dial up get a real speed advantage, but no noticable difference with ADSL :dunno: Once again l'm being told vB3 really ups the speed.

vBulletin is a lot easier to skin, invision puts everything in multiple CSS files which is painful to skin. Then again we only have the two skins so far, maybe with some more expierance on invision it becomes easier.

Charlie l find the support at vBulletin.com tremendous Asked a question yesterday about a bug some one stated was in the software, and got a response within 15 minutes, that's gotta rock imho. The support at invision is equally as good, and it's always nice to have one of the admins step in if you get into some real problems with your board For your $30 per year at vb.com you get a ticket system with faster response time, which comes in real useful. The support team at vB really know their stuff. I believe there's a similar paid service at Invision but haven't checked it out.

This might be a personal opinion, but l believe there is a better range of hacks here than at ibplanet (member there as well). Of course the hack list grows steadily day by day at both sites. (One of these days l'll think up something vb.org doesn't have, so far everytime l think of something it's already been done and posted up).

We have a couple of php gurus onboard (actually three now l think) so generally they will code up anything that's not available.

I haven't done any hacks for vB so can't comment on how easy this is, hacking invision is a breeze though. If a techno lamer like myself can do it, anyone can.

Decision on either software, it's up to personal preference. I like both Though must admit the smilies put me off invision for a while, but once you get used to them they are fine. Actually our graphics admin has created something like 50 or so for invision, she gets a kick out of making them and sharing them

There you go, view from some one who uses both. Naturally it turned out to be make your own decision :lol: Both are fine, l guess one thing to make a decision on is if you aren't a real graphics and CSS guru, then vBulletin is a much better option for skinning, which is simple and quick to do. We have something like seven style sets for vBulletin and 2 for invision. Actually thinking about that, you could always grab some one else's skin at invision, there's a heck of a lot of them available for free.

Charles l'm actually working on the collapsible category thing, and will post the hack at ibplanet when it works. This will probably be a day after some one else does it :lol:

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