Version: 1.00, by mt_100
Developer Last Online: Aug 2003
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 08-01-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 22
No support by the author.
OK, my first "hack"!
I created this because I want to have security and logins for my sites non VB pages but don't want two logins, one for the site and one for the forums.
There are other hacks that do the same thing, but this one is different.
1. It creates a PHP session, which means when the user closes the browser they will have to login to the site again later. It doesn't access the VBulletin cookie at all.
2. The user is prompted to login on any page you include this on, once logged in they are taken to that page minus the security.
3. No modification to the VBulletin code.
4. Uses the VBulletin user table so any information in there can be used, like welcoming them on all pages with their login name or telling the user who they are loggin in as.
5. You can block poeple based on their VBulletin user group! That way only certain user groups can see the rest of your site.
Let me know how you like it!
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Originally posted by mt_100
I saw a great hack for Apache on Unix/Linux with .htaccess that did the same thing and loved it, use it on one of my servers.
I just wanted one that would work the same on IIS, so I made it and wanted to share it.
Hi mt_100
This may not be a good question but i have to ask!
Will this hack work on Apache or is it strictly IIS???
If not, can you point me into the the other hack that inspired you to create this one!
Yes there is a problem for some. The solution is to change all the lines that read ECHO that are HTML to just HTML and put the stop PHP and Start PHP parkers before and after them. I will send the new file as well.
That is the correct code to work, so no problem there.
What version oh PHP are you using?
Also, is the register_globals setting turned on in the php.ini file?
Try to rename the file you are including it into .php instead of .html.
Also, make sure you have a file called connect.php in the same folder as the membercheck.php file defining the $DBSERVER, $DBUSER, and $DBPASS variables or change them in the membercheck file.
Also be sure you have the second version of the file listed in the post, the first didn't work for everyone. Let me know if this works.
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/wwwroot/websites/www/admin/memchk/membercheck.php on line 47
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/wwwroot/websites/www/admin/memchk/membercheck.php on line 52
The rows:
47: $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
52: if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
Need some serious help here, because off php/mysql n00bnes
Take a look at my post just before yours and make sure those items are satisfied. It looks like you don't have a connection to the DB so be sure to check your connect.php.