Version: 1.00, by Xenon
Developer Last Online: Oct 2023
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 05-26-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 38
No support by the author.
Ok, i have completed my Archivhack now
Hackversion: 3.00
Known Bugs: The permissionsystem doesn't work with php4.1.x
What it does:
It compresses a thread in the database, so it would take less space, but it cannot be posted in it anymore.
Zlib-functions must be installed on your server. Without this hack won't work
You can revert Archives to threads when you want it.
A small searchengine is also included.
Install it at your own risk!!!
It should work without problems, it has been tested very long, but you know Murphys Law..
A hint how to use it with PPN's thread description Hack is in the install file.
Thanx to Foxtroter for the help on english Templates.
The conversion can take a longer timespan, read this for optimization.
look at the screenies below
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
great hack, but i have one problem - when i give permissions for more than 1 gruop, all category dissapeared from the main archiv page, and only "All Archivs" left (with "0" topics).
If you have fix for that in this topic, please give me link
Once you've set up at least one permission, you have to set up the permissions for all groups in this forum, so recheck if you have enabled acces for administratorgroup also
Ok... when i UNcheck all boxes in permission i CAN see all categories BUT can`t go in... then when i CHECK all boxes i can see ONLY "All Archives" category... all other dissapeared BUT i CAN go in... :surprised: and why you made that options if it works like "if for one - so HAVE TO for all"??? I want show archiv ONLY for regesterd users (users, mods, admins, etc.), NOT for UNregestered & Awaiting Email Confirmation or Users Awaiting Moderation...
you have to edit your forumjump-template
and after that you have to edit forumdisplay.php the first part of the file where the forumjump redirects are..
the permissionsystem, was just an addon to the original hack, to allow Admins to also Archive private forums and don't let the wrong users inside. that's why it uses that behaviour.
but normally it should work, as i've tested it.
Nevertheless it's a RC, so i'll look into the code again
Good hack! But one minus - it is impossible to remove forum from archive after removing all threads in it... I have to use phpMyAdmin for it.
Or it is my mistake?
no, you don't have to create a new forum and move threads there first, you can just archive them frome wherever they are (use the mask or the direkt threadid)