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vbHome (lite) - your vBulletin(powered) main homepage
Version: 1.00, by TECK TECK is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.3.x Rating:
Released: 03-29-2002 Last Update: Never Installs: 1397
No support by the author.

vbHome (lite) 4.2 Released (coded for vBulletin 2 only)
[high]vbHome (lite)[/high] will create a vBulletin(powered) homepage for your web site.
The advantage of this script is that you can interact better your web site with vBulletin. Fully customizable through vBulletin templates, it's very easy to achieve any look or web design you want.
[high]You like the vB.org main homepage? With a little editing of vbHome (lite), you can achieve the same look.[/high]

Important Update
[high]Please update your footer link to the new web site:[/high]
The old link (teckwizards.com) has expired.
Thank you.

[high]Why choose vbHome (lite):[/high]
- vBulletin known stability and flexibility
- high quality php code (entirely original, not ripped)
- true XHTML and XML compliant
- template based
- extremely easy to install (vBulletin style installer)
- easy to write your own add-ons and modules

What's Hot with vbHome (lite)
[high]Search Engine Indexer Add-On v1.4 Released[/high] [download]
This is an enhanced version of curent Search Engine Indexer, that I released here at vB.org site.
The add-on will work ONLY with vbHome (lite) 4.x.
I followed the same tradition, the script is true XHTML compliant, that's why I added the logo at the bottom.

Visit our archive to see the new look.

[high]vbHome (lite) installed at AVS Forums web site![/high]
AVS Forums is a community with over 53,500 active members (1500 online users, almost every day) and over 1,600,000 posts in a 5GB database.
They recently switched to vbHome (lite) due to the script performance.
Visit their page to have a look.

[high]vbHome (lite) is now featured at HotScripts.com.[/high]
The Support Forums are open. [high]You want to see vbHome (lite) live? Go here.[/high]
I can help you on the support forums only. Other users might (and should) help you also here. However, on the forums we have several forum leaders specialized on vbHome (lite) issues that will solve your problem in no time.

[high]vbHome (lite) won the HOTM award.[/high]
Thank you for your votes and encouragements. Read more here.

New Features for vbHome (lite) 4.2
This an important release, due to performance. Here it is what is new in vbHL 4.2:

1. optimized the queries for large boards
2. added the backend.php file (XML feeder, so you can syndicate your news and forums)
3. made a new installer, easier to use

Keep in mind that the new installer is all-in-one tool.
It will let you install, uninstall, update the old threads that are not displayed correctly and also update your templates, if you upgraded your vBulletin version.
Also the [high]XML feeder[/high] will let you syndicate the news and latest forum discussions to any RSS compliant tool.
The most popular ones are Trillian and KlipFolio, but you can also import it in others.
Check the TW.com Instructions Page to see how you can set it up.

Upgrade to vbHome (lite) 4.2 (from 4.1)
Do NOT start adding crazy stuff from old vBulletin header, footer, etc. It will not work. Instead check the code changes and edit them accordingly.
Since vbHL 4.x changed completely related to the variables usage and templates code, you will need to uninstall the old version and re-install the new one. To do this, follow those steps:
1. Uninstall the current version script using [high]the OLD install[/high] file.
2. Delete all OLD files from your server.
3. Open the NEW readmefirst file and follow the instructions.

In conclusion, upgrade asap.
You don't have anymore the old file? The only version still available is v3.8.

Code Hacks
vbHome (lite) is the first hack that will have hacks made for it, here at vBulletin.org.
So go ahead and switch the "hack" button on, for vbHome (lite). The users will enjoy it. Read more at the support forums.

Copyright and Permissions - [high]ARE YOU READING THIS?[/high]
1. You [high]are NOT[/high] allowed to REMOVE or MODIFY the copyright text at the bottom of the page, or to ALTER in any way the URL links listed there.
[high]First[/high], vbHome (lite) uses vBulletin functions, so it's part of it. If you must keep the Jelsoft copyright at the bottom of your vBulletin forums, then it should be present also in vbHome (lite) page(s). The only part you can remove from the copyright is the vBulletin and vbHome (lite) version, same like in your forums.
If you paid the $600US fee to have the vBulletin copyright removed, then you have permission to remove also the vbHome (lite) text and link.
[high]Second[/high], is the time I consumed on this script to provide you with a free, reliable and performant piece of software. If you use it, all I ask in return is to leave the links intact.
Click here to see how it looks the copyright note at the bottom.
2. You [high]are NOT[/high] allowed to REDISTRIBUTE the contents of the .zip file.
3. You [high]are NOT[/high] allowed to post any parts of the code either here on the thread or somewhere else.

Basically you follow the same rules as vBulletin does, if you are not allowed to post pieces of code from vBulletin, then the same rule apply to vbHome (lite).
4. You [high]are NOT[/high] allowed to COPY ANY PARTS of the code and use it for distribution.
In other words, you can run the script for personal(web site) use only. No part of the code may be copied, altered in any way, then distributed in a different package. This includes removing any part of the code to be included in any other version or re-release.
5. You are allowed to add, remove or modify any part of the included code.

[high]If you do NOT agree, please do not install this script.[/high]
If you are not happy with the rules listed above, please feel free to install other similarly scripts that will add on your page 50-100 queries and crash your server. The code I made can cope very easy with a large amount of users online, in fact is optimized for large web sites.

Installation Tips - [high]ARE YOU READING THIS?[/high]
I have provided support to those that have had problems, that insisted that they did indeed read the help file, when in fact they did not, because when I went through the steps with them, they realized they missed something, ALWAYS.

Support will only be given to those that have thoroughly read the [high]readmefirst.htm[/high] file included with the script.
All of your questions are specifically answered in this file. If you continue to have problems, it's because:

A. You did not read the included help file.
When you read it, take the time to read every line of it, not just what you like.
B. You edited the code incorrectly.
Mixing the "BELOW ADD" with "REPLACE WITH" expressions is inadmissible, that's English, not Chinese.
C. You were in a rush to install this and missed a step.
Take a coffee or whatever you want and 30min of your free time and the script will install without a hinch.
D. All of the above.

If you want to display nice locations in your online.php file, like for example [high]Main Index[/high] and [high]Forum Main Index[/high], read more here.
__________________________________________________ __

NOTE: As a thank you for using my script, please click on the INSTALL button.
You will receive updates in your e-mail, whenever I add new features to it and it will let me evaluate better the quality of my hacks.
Also post a reply with your comments. Your opinion is important to me.

[high]I will not answer anymore to any questions in this thread, that's why we have forums.[/high]
[high]Why did you scrolled down without reading the copyright??[/high] Scroll up and read the copyright. Thanks.

Important Update
[high]Please update your footer link to the new web site:[/high]
The old link (teckwizards.com) has expired.
Thank you.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 10-18-2002, 02:11 AM
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ok, password removed. enjoy ripping code and removing the copyright.
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Old 10-18-2002, 02:13 AM
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whoa whats happened in the last few days, im confused now. Teck are you throwing in the towel again??? :ermm:
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Old 10-18-2002, 02:15 AM
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yep. this time for good. i will leave the script up, but no more dev on it.. except for my own site.
i almost finished 3.6 with nuke style icons and only 9 queries. you will see it on my site soon. it will run on 13queries while all options enabled.
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Old 10-18-2002, 02:21 AM
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this sucks, sorry to hear this. what were the problems??
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Old 10-18-2002, 02:22 AM
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read the thread.
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Old 10-18-2002, 03:26 AM
Smoothie Smoothie is offline
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I think it sucks. I've been with this thread since it has been re-opened. Almost 1500 posts I've read, re-read, and read some more. A lot of us who have installed this hack have many hours invested. I agreed to your terms. I spent a lot of time working on adding this to my forums. I've uploaded, re-loaded, and edited files till I'm blue in the face.

I've followed every single rule you set. I've respected your wishes, I've helped others when I could. Why should I, as well as others be a victim of this? I understand you're pissed, but crap......

Now, you hang the good ones out to dry........
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Old 10-18-2002, 03:28 AM
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Damn, if anything else I have highly respect for Teck and his excellent hack also his wonderful support.

One thing about people, respect usually lost on them.. it is sad to see these people who not respect people and their hard work just like Teck did. I hope whoever rate "1" and complains about removing copyright think twice before say something stupid.

Teck, I m sorry to see you go and give up on us. Do whatever you think it s right thing, go for it and keep your chin up no matter what. Take care
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Old 10-18-2002, 03:43 AM
bouncer18 bouncer18 is offline
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atleast my voting 5 helped raise the stars once again
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Old 10-18-2002, 03:53 AM
nokia8860 nokia8860 is offline
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I was looking to update my site and stumbled upon TECK's work at v3 and posted why woolfs poll wont work then TECK came in with v .1 .2 .3 .4 and now .5

All I have to say is I dont understand why some ppl would want to use his work but not give credit. Its these bad ppl that have spoiled it for the rest of us.

TECK I'll say it again thank you for all your hard efforts. I will run vbhl 3.5 in its full copyright glory!
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Old 10-18-2002, 03:57 AM
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Originally posted by Smoothie

I think it sucks. I've been with this thread since it has been re-opened. Almost 1500 posts I've read, re-read, and read some more. A lot of us who have installed this hack have many hours invested. I agreed to your terms. I spent a lot of time working on adding this to my forums. I've uploaded, re-loaded, and edited files till I'm blue in the face.

I've followed every single rule you set. I've respected your wishes, I've helped others when I could. Why should I, as well as others be a victim of this? I understand you're pissed, but crap......

Now, you hang the good ones out to dry........
smoothie, you did this because you liked the script and saw that is way better then other portals. and you kept the copyright on it because it's part of the download agreement.
vbHome (lite) 3.5 is already a script that beats any portal out there that is used in combination with vBulletin.

as you all know, there will always be pirates who will try to cheat. that's the only reason i stopped developing the free version of the script. why spend time on it if people dont listen?
i have other things to do, like taking care of new customers who will pay me to customize their sites, or taking out my wife to shop, instead of hunting bad people...

do you really thing all coders release their work here? NO.
i bet you PPN, FireFly, Xenon or others have tons of hacks (myself, i do) unreleased.
people are forgetting this very simple fact:
is up to me what i do with my code, that i made. me, to look every day for people out to see if they respect my wish? for what? for nothing? i dont have time for this anymore. i'm not goind to make a spy "call home" on it because i'm a man of honor. if i promise something i keep my promise. so i was hoping to see that people will understand that and respect me. they didnt.

you sound upset, but you should be happy that you have this script installed on your server, and not other one with 50queries on it.
i already did alot by working on the curent version to make it run as good as it is now.
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