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The Itemshop v5 (Original)
Version: 1.00, by Vivi Ornitier Vivi Ornitier is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2008 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.2.x Rating:
Released: 04-29-2002 Last Update: Never Installs: 102
No support by the author.

Again, I'm posting this for a friend. He is the original itemshop creator. (see this thread):

Let's start with the beginning. You may wonder why this thread has the word original in its name. Well, there are too many itemshops out there. So here's a short version of the itemshop history:
  1. First of all, afterlab had the idea of an itemshop, which he also did, but it was pure text. People would have to talk to him to buy items, and he would have to manually substract the points.
  2. Then, as a member of ffr, i started talking about how easy and convenient it would be to have an automated itemshop. People just click on the link, and the item is added, points substracted. Later that day, i did the very first version of the itemshop. Nothing big, just a buy function. The items were stored in an array.
  3. I had released my itemshop on vb.org and afterlab was pretty unsatisfied that i hadn't given him any credit for the original idea. Actually i didn't even consider the itemshop a hack, it was more of a joke, something i had made for fun. I had no idea it would become so popular.
  4. 2 days later, version 4: This one had error pages, improved buy and sell function. I was planning a database powered itemshop, with admin cp interface.
  5. afterlab then pretty much copied my code 3 times, and released his first version "with item categories". It felt pretty unfair, while i was struggling to do something way more advanced, he was getting all the credit for something that was still 85% mine.
  6. then my computer broke, just as I was working on the admin cp of my database version. I was also planning to do the battle system hack.
  7. in the meantime, about one week later, afterlab released his itemshop 3 i think, database powered.
  8. couple of weeks later afterlab started all the battle system stuff.
  9. about 2 months after my computer crashed, it got finally fixed, and i began to work to complete my own itemshop.
  10. So well, here it is.
nice story, isn't it?

here's a quick list of features:

Database driven
Full Template Set (everything that is outputted is generted through templates)
Infinite items categories and items
Items and category descriptions
Stock (idea by Crono)
Detailed items/categories/shops stats (number of sold items, profit)
All the item and category adding/editing/deleting and option editing is done through the cp.
Special icon column for different item display possibilities
!!!! Personal Shops !!! (members can create their own shops and sell items. You can specify how much it costs through the cp. while each category has it's own slot, all the personal shops work under one slot. That means, you can only have one item from all the personal shops)
An own donation system included

what it adds:

The itemshop adds 4 tables to the vbulletin database:
  • [items] - This is where all the items are stored
  • [items_cats] - This is where all the categories are stored
  • [items_options] - This is where the configuration data is stored
  • [items_user] - This is where all the user stuff and items he bought, are stored

26 templates to the main template set:
  • itemshop
  • itemshop_buypers
  • itemshop_delpers
  • itemshop_donate
  • itemshop_donate-error
  • itemshop_donate-more
  • itemshop_donate-self
  • itemshop_donate-thanks
  • itemshop_error-nosell
  • itemshop_error-noshop
  • itemshop_info
  • itemshop_its
  • itemshop_itsbits
  • itemshop_own
  • itemshop_pers
  • itemshop_persform
  • itemshop_personal
  • itemshop_pheader
  • itemshop_redir-del
  • itemshop_redir-edit
  • itemshop_redir-sell
  • itemshop_redir-thanks
  • itemshop_tablebottom
  • itemshop_tablemiddle
  • itemshop_tabletop
  • itemshop_view
Like i said, anything there is to edit can be edited through templates

File and Template Modifications:
there are 4 file modifications, but only one of them is neccessary.
and one template modification: postbit, wherever you want the donation link to be.
important!!!!: remember to change your points field and remove any old itemshop templates!!!

Installation method
First of all, be sure to back up your database!! This is a fairly large hack. Adds a lot of stuff to the database.

the installation is done through the install script install_itemshop.php. It will guide you through 5 easy steps.
the only manual edits you'll have to do are the ones above, file and template edits.

Included Files

readme.htm - general information
root/itemshop.php - main itemshop file
admin/itemadmin.php - itemshop admin interface
admin/install_itemshop.php - itemshop installation file
images/itemshop - itemshop image file. This is where you will have to upload all coresponding graphics.

Contact Information
mail: gheghe@rnc.ro
aim: MewtwoAlx

If you wish to colaborate with me in continuing this hack or to add item descriptions for further versions please contact me.
This hack can easily be used not only for rpg boards.. As an example: you add computer categories: cpu, hdd, monitor etc, replace points with $ and let people on your forum build themselves a computer!

I've already got a list of stuff i gotta update in the next version, but if there's any request feel free to ask.
The shop is 100% functional, but i want to improve stuff, make it more efficient.

[And please, before releasing any new mod/edit/version to this hack ask for permission] - If you agree to that condition you are allowed to freely use and distribute the zip below, as long asthe copyright and author information remains intact.
By not agreeing, you are not allowed to use this hack, nor will you get any support.

- Thank you! That was just to prevent my hours hard work on the itemshop to be stolen

Whoa, that was a lot of typing! I hope you like it! Attached file below.

screenshots attached:


*** update
all bugs reported by Kaelon are fixed.
i've also added some extra stuff:
ascending or descending order
postbit edit: well, for the postbit, i couldn't just put the imgs, cause all the items of the same type have the same image. so i put the image and a link to a separate item info page.
1 new template required for the item info page.
added remove feature in installation script. ( note: it will simply drop the tables and remove the templates).
75% faster!!! and less stress on your server

new update: bank hack integrated!!!


Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 07-20-2002, 02:42 PM
Grealm Grealm is offline
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umm.. that didnt work.. still 3 items on the postbit
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Old 07-20-2002, 04:48 PM
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For all you that can't real the above post to find what this is a fix for:


It's all with the functions.php code.
In admin/functions.php
global $DB_site;
while ($nr <= 50) {
$catstuff=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM items_cats WHERE id=$nr");
$its=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE cat=$nr ORDER BY name $asds");
if(sizeof($catstuff)==16) {
if($catstuff[type]==1) {
$uid=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT item0,points0,description0,icon0,itid0 FROM items_user WHERE userid=$post[userid]");
if($uid[0]!='No Item') {
$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/prs.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
} else {
$post[items] .= "<img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/No Item.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
} else {
$uid=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT item$nr,points$nr,description$nr,icon$nr,itid$nr FROM items_user WHERE userid=$post[userid]");
if($uid[0]!='No Item') {
if(empty($uid[3])) {
$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/$uid[0].gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
} else {
$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/$uid[3].gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
} else {
$post[items] .= "<img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/No Item.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
} else {

global $DB_site;
//$cats=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM items_cats WHERE id=$nr");
//$catstuff=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items_cats");
//$its=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE cat=$nr ORDER BY name $asds");

$cats=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items_cats ORDER by catorder");

while ($catstuff = $DB_site->fetch_array($cats)) {


$its=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE cat=$nr ORDER BY name $asds");

		$uid=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT item0,points0,description0,icon0,itid0 FROM items_user WHERE userid=$post[userid]");
		if($uid[0]!='No Item')
			$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"images/itemshop/prs.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
		else 	{
			$post[items] .= "<img src=\"images/itemshop/No Item.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
	 else 	{
		$uid=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT item$nr,points$nr,description$nr,icon$nr,itid$nr FROM items_user WHERE userid=$post[userid]");
		if($uid[0]!='No Item')
				$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"images/itemshop/$uid[0].gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
			else 	{
				$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"images/itemshop/$uid[3].gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
		else 	{
			$post[items] .= "<img src=\"images/itemshop/No Item.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";

That should do it.

NOTE: I did not make this code, a friend of mine did.
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Old 07-21-2002, 01:08 AM
Grealm Grealm is offline
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thanks.. that works perfect
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Old 07-25-2002, 12:39 AM
Lovaboye Lovaboye is offline
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I truely love it when liars post and say "i Got it working, "it works fine for me" when if you look at their forum they don't have the itemslist under the peoples names, thus not having it installed correcly!

The main problem that is bugging everyone is that


Doesnt show up on the thread, is their an alternate way of making it show up? Caue i can make a taable myself, i just need the info to make the table, since "$post[items]" isnt the correct item to put in postbit, does anyone know the correct item? Or just the info that enables the items box to appear?

This is truelly a great hack, i commend the author on ts behalf, but this problem is very annoying to alot of people, and whoever has fixed the prob should share the solution!
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Old 07-25-2002, 02:15 AM
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Vivi, stop your whining,
"Cause you people are VERY ANNOYING! "
Hmm, you know what i find very annoying, You .And vivi, for your information about our "Laziness" It seems your coding is the one thats lazy, the problem most (and i HAVE read every post and provided people with a solution) people are having is with the items showing up in the postbit. There is an error in the categories thats why, If you delete a category then add a new one, it wont show that categories items, or something like that, But if you don't delete the category, and modify and delete the selected items in it, it works fine. But this hack was just to much hassel, i uninstalled it. Please dont peeve me off with your rants vivi, I really dont find you impressive at all.


Theres some sort of weird muck up in the categories. If you have created a new category, all the items in that category will not show on your postbit. There is a way around this, and i posted it at an earlier page, but ill copy it here.
NOTE: Scroll down to the RED TEXT if you have not deleted any categories, If you have,follow all the steps bellow.

If you are fresh installing, run the install script, and after its done, go from step 4

Step 1:
Start up the install script again and first REMOVE the templates and tables using the script.

Step 2:
Go through the script again and let it set up the tables etc

Step 3:
Skip the file alterations

Step 4:
Go to your itemshop and direct it to the proper user field
(I installed the SHinra Hack because it provides better moderation functions. But even if youve got this installed you must do the same)
[To find out what field is what simply go to the Modify area of the user profile fields and then hover your mouse over edit. The last number of the line in the bottom left hand corner is the field number.]

Step 5:
Simply go into your item shop and then buy some stuff, and watch it appear in the post bit.
[Note, Custom items should appear too!]

*********Custom Items Bug*********
I have found if you delete ANY of the categories then create a new one in place of em, the items from the new category DO NOT show up. So what to do is simply delete all the items in each EXISITING category, and then replace them with your own custom items. Then if you require any more categories you can add em on, but you cannot delete any of the orginial four, it mucks it up.

Took me a while to figure that out, and i may not even be right, but i think this may be the problem for many, i dont know why that happens. Perhaps the Delete Category option should be ignored by all users until a fixed version is released

If you need more help on these steps or need other support please message me on vbulletin.org. I will be happy to help to the best of my v limited abilities, I know how annoying these things can be :bunny:

Its ashame the hack has soo many errors, its a great concept, Oh well, ill just use Lesanes exellente store hack.

edit: Added earlier post step by step fix to the post.
edit: Removed some more heated comments in reply to vivi's rudeness.
edit: Added secondary steps for fresh installers.
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Old 07-25-2002, 02:35 AM
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Originally posted by Lovaboye
This is truelly a great hack, i commend the author on ts behalf, but this problem is very annoying to alot of people, and whoever has fixed the prob should share the solution!
I think this is the same problem as I had, you can find the soloution here (above)
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Old 07-25-2002, 02:40 AM
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BTW, I installed this hack, and it worked fantasticly (after making the changes suggested) - i'm looking forward to any addons that might come out for this, as well as the ability to split the diffrent categories into diffrent pages.

Anyway, well done
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Old 07-25-2002, 02:44 AM
Lovaboye Lovaboye is offline
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ok ok people, this is the problem, this hack is ultra sensitive, its like a new route canal, and other installed hacks are a cold rush of air.

If you have other hacks installed, its mosts likely this wont work! This hack was made super sensitive and we need someone to unsensidize it,

I have installed a fresh copy of vb, then istalled the hack, bbom, perfect. then i changed one thing in a file, boom hacks fudges up, then when i make everything default again the problem stays the same, it doesnt go back. If your having trouble with this hack dont worry, it wasnt made with the idea that ppl might have other hacks on their board. So just 4get about this.
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Old 07-25-2002, 02:44 AM
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Im glad to see it worked for someone. I think its pretty much hassel free if you read the instructions carefully and run it with its default items, its as soon as you try and customise it that problems arrise.
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Old 07-25-2002, 02:47 AM
Lovaboye Lovaboye is offline
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ok, i never customized it, i never said i did, i let it be, but the items wont show up
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