To be clear - has never existed to showcase any vBulletin version.
That was never the claim. The goalposts have been moved so many times in this discussion that it has lost all meaning. When people start arguing strawmen that were never constructed it's time to move on, and so I shall move on. And, so, at some point, shall vBulletin from this site. That was the initial and only point.
On the Russian support forum vBulletin are available vB3 and vB4 with the compatibility php7.2
Developers do not need this. The administrator adapts his forum or downloads a compatible version in the Internet.
Ah I saw Marks post on the first page that vb4 publishing suite is EOL, does that mean the vb4 forum itself will not get security updates? The publishing suite and the forum are 2 separate downloads at so are they separate products as well?
I didn't read the other pages but this last one is just filler content, is a solid assist to, I don't see it dying just yet.
Ah I saw Marks post on the first page that vb4 publishing suite is EOL, does that mean the vb4 forum itself will not get security updates? The publishing suite and the forum are 2 separate downloads at so are they separate products as well?
I didn't read the other pages but this last one is just filler content, is a solid assist to, I don't see it dying just yet.
It just means there is no active development on vB4 - forum or suite - planned. So no new features, no further bug fixes, no php compatibility changes, etc etc. It's actually been this way for a while, certainly since Paul left, and even prior to that there was no feature development going back a few years now. Paul was mainly doing php compatibility and some minor bug fixes.
In terms of security releases, any issue found will be evaluated if it should arise (which is broadly similar to now).
Meanwhile, this site does virtually nothing for customers of the product they do currently sell. So, why should they keep it up and running? You tell me.
Because there is a vBulletin 5 section that offers paid custom work and a free section as well. Given it's very limited in development, it's still there to keep the promise of 3rd party support.
Originally Posted by Panzer Max
Loyalty to their customers? Past and present.
We bought the product vB made (3). We like it, we use it and we paid for it (twice). We do not like the new product (5), it is not what we want. If a company is struggling, making the product their customers want is the first thing they should examine.
I believe they can't be doing that bad in sales or they would already be developing something else. I do not like vB5 either, but there are some who do. I've seen some communities start developing Reddit type forums. All depends on taste and what the consumer wants. They want to focus on their newer software, I can understand it. They even released security fixes after EOL. I'd like to see anyone go to Apple and ask them to patch a security flaw in an iPhone 1G.
I tried to throw money at him to assist but he said he's done with vb.
What are you trying to do? There are many who have VB 4 running under PHP 7.4.x You do not need a vBulletin developer to achieve this, but only someone with knowledge of PHP itself.