Version: 1.0.5, by y2ksw
Developer Last Online: Feb 2023
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 11-06-2010
Last Update: 02-13-2011
Installs: 300
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
This vBulletin 4 product imports external images in your posts from external servers or paths into a specific path, normally your forum's image folder.
Differently than the previous product Image Cache for vBulletin 3.x., it parses the posts at regular intervals for new images and replaces the external references in the background. Also, instead of using only a single folder, it creates folders for years and months, making it much easier to handle large quantities of images. The source and destination image URL's are stored into database, too, avoiding unnecessary duplicates.
It moves and optionally converts images from one place to another. It is a handy tool in order to keep your images local to your forums.
Version 1.0.4 is temporarily in BETA stage until the users have confirmed the newly requested features.
Version 1.0.5 is still in BETA stage. It adds a new bunch of additional features, one of which allows you to test your mathematical understanding ... and a few other to fine-tune CURL and socket timeouts, and resizing on the fly of too large images. If you don't know what these options do, please leave them at their default values.
OK thanks. What I have to change if the folder named picupload?
Depending on what you have decided to do, you have to change the plugin code or move the files.
Code changes: The code is commented and uses self-explanatory variables, thus you should be able to find easily the place where to skip the forum path test and comment that part out or change it to your needs. Alternatively, you may hire somebody (not me) who is going to make the changes.
Move files manually: use shell commands and phpmyadmin for the queries
Thanks, is there a way to make it only import http images (Non SSL images)? That is, skip any images with https in it and only download the "mixed content" http images.
Thanks, is there a way to make it only import http images (Non SSL images)? That is, skip any images with https in it and only download the "mixed content" http images.
In the settings for the plugin (Settings -> Options -> vB4 Import External Images), put "https://" (without quotes) on a new line in the "Ignore" section, like so:
You may consider downloading everything though, if you have the space/bandwidth to support it, because otherwise, external hosts could get rid of their images - either due to age, or some ulterior motive, and by surprise, like Photobucket.
I just have a question, I noticed that the imported folder has to be chmod to 777, however all the imported files are automatically chmod to 644.
In this case, if a user posts an "infected" image that contains a php script or malicious code, are they blocked by chmod 644 or is there still a chance that the code gets executed when the hacker opens the url ?
CHMOD/CHOWN are server based permissions and have no bearing to the end user if the file is served to them. What you need is to have an addon that uses FProt or ClamAV to scan attachments and imported files. I know there was Fractalizer for VB 3 and there was a VB4 variant but I think they were only for attachments. This is something that would need to be coded from scratch.
CHMOD/CHOWN are server based permissions and have no bearing to the end user if the file is served to them. What you need is to have an addon that uses FProt or ClamAV to scan attachments and imported files. I know there was Fractalizer for VB 3 and there was a VB4 variant but I think they were only for attachments. This is something that would need to be coded from scratch.
OK thanks for your fast reply, that means that this plugin is pretty insecure? In this case is there a way to put an .htaccess in the imported folder that would deny anyone from running php scripts?