Version: 1.0.5, by y2ksw
Developer Last Online: Feb 2023
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 11-06-2010
Last Update: 02-13-2011
Installs: 300
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
This vBulletin 4 product imports external images in your posts from external servers or paths into a specific path, normally your forum's image folder.
Differently than the previous product Image Cache for vBulletin 3.x., it parses the posts at regular intervals for new images and replaces the external references in the background. Also, instead of using only a single folder, it creates folders for years and months, making it much easier to handle large quantities of images. The source and destination image URL's are stored into database, too, avoiding unnecessary duplicates.
It moves and optionally converts images from one place to another. It is a handy tool in order to keep your images local to your forums.
Version 1.0.4 is temporarily in BETA stage until the users have confirmed the newly requested features.
Version 1.0.5 is still in BETA stage. It adds a new bunch of additional features, one of which allows you to test your mathematical understanding ... and a few other to fine-tune CURL and socket timeouts, and resizing on the fly of too large images. If you don't know what these options do, please leave them at their default values.
@y2ksw I think I know the cause, I've made the following changes for someone and now it's working again:
In the cURL part in the iei_get_contents function, I made it so that any SSL errors are ignored (for HTTPS sites). This can be done by setting CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST and CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to 0. I also added a check there so that it returns false when the status code is bigger than 400.
Finally, the iei_normalize_path function adds a slash in front of the path which does not seem to work on all servers. I removed the first slash in the path that's created by that function and that fixed the whole thing.
@y2ksw I think I know the cause, I've made the following changes for someone and now it's working again:
In the cURL part in the iei_get_contents function, I made it so that any SSL errors are ignored (for HTTPS sites). This can be done by setting CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST and CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to 0. I also added a check there so that it returns false when the status code is bigger than 400.
Finally, the iei_normalize_path function adds a slash in front of the path which does not seem to work on all servers. I removed the first slash of the path that's created and that fixed the whole thing.
Interesting Dave .... thanks ..
We import pics from all kinds of SSL sites and have so for years with this mod, but I don't recall us ever having to modify CURL options to do so.. and y2ksw's mod hasn't crashed, or failed to import a pic in years.
We import pics from all kinds of SSL sites and have so for years with this mod, but I don't recall us ever having to modify CURL options to do so.. and y2ksw's mod hasn't crashed, or failed to import a pic in years.
Hello guys will this work on Version 4.2.5 or would you guys recommend something else for that 4.2.5? Thanks!!!
I dont see why not, I have it (or at least a modified version of it) working on 3.8.11 & PHP 7.1, which is basically the same as far as this code is concerned.
(** The modifications relate to the information stored, I like to save the postid and a timestamp).
Awesome, thank you so much. I remember I stop doing the Vbulletin because it was a pain in the ass to keep up with all the version updates on the modules. You guys are pretty awesome to have around for the community and thanks!
Some members pointed me to this thread, great mod!
Now that Photobucket has stopped 3rd party hosting, years of threads on my forum now have the below redirected image.
Has anyone tried this mod since PB have done this?
Any luck?
I'm concerned it will try and pull all of the PB photos but will pull the redirected image code instead or just blanks, any ideas/help greatly appreciated!
Some members pointed me to this thread, great mod!
Now that Photobucket has stopped 3rd party hosting, years of threads on my forum now have the below redirected image.
Has anyone tried this mod since PB have done this?
Any luck?
I'm concerned it will try and pull all of the PB photos but will pull the redirected image code instead or just blanks, any ideas/help greatly appreciated!
Bad news, in testing I have found that the image is replace with the PB shakedown thumbnail