Version: 1.3, by MarkFL
Developer Last Online: Jun 2020
Category: Show Thread Enhancements -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 05-01-2015
Last Update: 03-16-2017
Installs: 25
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
This simple add-on will show who is replying to a thread when you view the "Thread Information" block to see who is browsing a thread. On a site where help is given to users, this can potentially save time for those who might decide to post help, only to discover they have been beaten to the punch by someone else.
Version 1.1:
Added setting to set which usergroups can view who is replying.
Version 1.2:
Minimized the number of queries involved.
Now shows who is editing a post as well.
Version 1.3:
Text added to active users now phrased.
In AdminCP go to Plugins & Products ► Manage Products ► Add/Import Product.
Click on "Choose File" and browse to the product xml file that was packaged in the .zip file.
Click "Import"
You MUST set your settings to enable the mod.
Each setting has an explanation of its use.
Can this be made into translatable phrases, my forum isn't in English. At the moment I hardcoded it in my language, but I would prefer it translatable.
Can this be made into translatable phrases, my forum isn't in English. At the moment I hardcoded it in my language, but I would prefer it translatable.
1) When I select usergroups and save, afterwards I don't see which usergroups I saved. It would be much better if we have some feedback for which usergroups mod is selected.
I see it works, but this kind of feedback is very useful in my opinion.
2) Mod only reacts if advanced editor is used, either for replying or editing post. Is it possible that mod reacts also to quick reply? I know this probably depends on vB, but on my forum people usually use quick reply for posting and editing.
EDIT: you're great man. Fast as a lightning. :up:
EDIT2: Now that I installed v1.3, I see usergroups selected. Don't know what happend. Now it is fine.
1) When I select usergroups and save, afterwards I don't see which usergroups I saved. It would be much better if we have some feedback for which usergroups mod is selected.
I see it works, but this kind of feedback is very useful in my opinion.
This is what I see, which tells me which usergroups are selected:
Originally Posted by Alan_SP
2) Mod only reacts if advanced editor is used, either for replying or editing post. Is it possible that mod reacts also to quick reply? I know this probably depends on vB, but on my forum people usually use quick reply for posting and editing.
Yes, this won't work to let you know who happens to be typing something into the quick editor...the user has to be located on the "newreply" or "editpost" scripts. When using the quick editor, a user's location does not reflect this.
Yes, for some reason I didn't see selected usergroups, but now I see them, after I updated to v1.3, as I mentioned in edit2 in my previous post (you were writing your post at the time).