So we would spend hundreds of hours converting all the modifications and tweaks to vB5 (not sure we could even do that) ..... hundeds of hours creating a style that looked like this, and numerous hours actually upgrading ... all for somthing that looks the same, and works [almost] the same, but likely runs slower.
For the sake of argument, let's assume speed isn't a factor...there are still these very important points:
Originally Posted by Paul M
So we would spend hundreds of hours converting all the modifications and tweaks to vB5 (not sure we could even do that) ..... hundreds of hours creating a style that looked like this, and numerous hours actually upgrading ... all for something that looks the same, and works [almost] the same...
sites need upgrades. You can let a site run for 57 million years just because it would take work to upgrade, but that site is outdated and needs to be upgraded.