Version: 1.3.4, by DragonByte Tech
Developer Last Online: Mar 2023
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 06-29-2012
Last Update: 02-15-2017
Installs: 234
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Dragonbyte Gallery is a fully functional gallery system addon for your forum that will allow your users to create their own photo albums to store and display their images. You can run multiple instance of the gallery on the same site with the same files, yet have a completely different look and function because of the modular sytem it was built on. Users can customize how their gallery profile is displayed on each instance.
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What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?
* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified by us whenever new updates are available.
* For security issues - will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.
* Marking a modification as installed also helps us know how many people are using our work, giving us extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.
We appreciate the support!
Multiple Instances You can run an unlimited number instances of the gallery on the same forum with same set of files! Each instance can have a different look and feel to it, and with enough work can have a completely different function because of the system we built it on.
AJAX integration We used AJAX wherever we could to help reduce the page reloads
Automatic resizing and thumbnail creation As long as your server can handle it, the users can upload whatever size pictures they want. The gallery will control the size displayed and stored, and will even create a thumbnail, all automatically. Users no longer have to worry about resizing their images to fit what your forum specifies. If you do not have a server with the power to resize images (GD image library can get pretty memory intensive) then you can set the gallery to reject images that do not fit into your size criteria.
User Albums Users can create their own image albums to organize and display sets of their images. Albums can also be set to hidden and/or password protected. So users who want to have images for only certain friends or not visible to anyone else at all can easily organize them.
Complete Feature List (Lite)
Public or Hidden - Images in a hidden album will not be visible to users other then that owner
Album icon will display latest image added to it
Image paths are hidden through the php files, so it keeps users from browsing your image folder without going through your page
Camera images will be prepopulated with camera information from jpeg images
Images resized and thumbnails created automatically on upload
Comments and Rating
Users can comment on individual images
Users can rate images
Users can comment on user profiles
Easily integrates with Advanced Post Thanks/Likes mod
OOB integration for twitter, google+, pinterest and facebook!
Can upload multiple files with one selector (HTML5 browsers only)
Unique user profile per each gallery instance
Users can customize their profile display per instance
Can search by tags, title, description or owner
CMS widget to display latest, highest rated or most viewed image or latest albums
Forum sidebar block to display latest, highest rated or most viewed image or latest albums
Forumhome box to display latest, highest rated or most viewed image or latest albums
Subscribe to users and receive notification when new images are added
A lot of AJAX integration to reduce page reloads
vBShout Integration to create shouts on new images and comments
Gallery Settings
Multiple gallery instances
Mass import from ACP
Import from vB Albums and vB Gallery
Gallery Navigation Link Name
Modular layout so each instance can have it's own look and feel
Multiple layers of categories
Usergroup permissions per instance
Can View Gallery
Can Add Album
Can Upload Images
Can Rate Images
Can Delete Images
Can Delete Others Images
Can Comment
Can Delete Comments
Can Delete Others Comments
# of Albums
# of Images
Custom fields on image page
Single line text field
Multiple line textarea
Select Dropdown
Grouped Checkboxes
Grouped Radio buttons
Gallery General Settings
Turn Gallery system on/off
CMS widget settings and number to display
Choose from two different styles of image views
Settings to change your gallery filename as well as ability to run it outside of the forum root directory!
Gallery Image Settings
Change location of gallery images
Are images downloadable?
Choose to automatically resize images or force users to upload images within your set range
Image count settings
Enable/Disable twitter integration
Enable/Disable google+ integration
Enable/Disable pinterest integration
Enable/Disable facebook integration
Complete Feature List (Pro)
Password Protected - Only users with the password will be able to view the albums images. They can see the thumbnail view but will not be able to browse to the album view
Admin can select if images will be watermarked or not.
Watermark can be dynicamic or Etched. Dynamic for powerful servers will little space, Etched for less powerful servers and more space.
Watermark can be an image or text, located in several different locations over the image
Comments and Rating
Easily add/remove images as your favorites
Gallery Settings
Usergroup permissions per instance
Max Image Width
Max Image Height
Max Thumb Width
Max Thumb Height
Gallery Watermark Settings
Select if you want to use text, image or no watermark
Select if you want to have dynamic or etched watermarks
Several different text watermark and image watermark positions to choose from
This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of all pages which includes:
1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
1 Link to Product Description page of this modification
Hello, I can import albums created with the default album fearture, but I don't see any options to create an album in the gallery [permissions are set correctly]
Can you please double-check that you've set all the permission settings on every page (check vBulletin Options, every Gallery page as well as the vBulletin usergroup manager)?
Originally Posted by wotws
Is there any module that shows random images changes every page refresh?
I don't believe this is a feature at the time, is it in the feature list?
i never can get this to work i always get an error message when i upload an image it never shows and my top part of the forum gets loaded with error codes.... would be cool if it worked in 4.2.2
Can you please double-check that you've set all the permission settings on every page (check vBulletin Options, every Gallery page as well as the vBulletin usergroup manager)?
Thanks for replying, Sir It turned out to be the navigation links were missing, I recovered them by enabling the navtab, but it is always showing as being selected, in all skins