The one being referenced is a fluid style. It will detect mobile versions and display accordingly.
If responsive is what you're looking for, that's a whole different ball game and would mean that it would literally adjust content and design from desktop to mobile using the same style. For something like that, you usually want a custom solution.
Some of us really appreciate your efforts for the vB3.x community. :up:
And unlike the $500 no-name site (linked in one of the earlier posts), you're somebody that many of us already know. We respect and enjoy working with you. You've always done excellent work for reasonable rates. I was relieved to find this post just now, as we now have a theme option from a quality coder. Too many "responsive vBulletin themes" have been outright coding abortions.
Thank you for kind words, I have updated my vb3 responsive style from javascript detection to media queries only. You can see here
The one being referenced is a fluid style. It will detect mobile versions and display accordingly.
If responsive is what you're looking for, that's a whole different ball game and would mean that it would literally adjust content and design from desktop to mobile using the same style. For something like that, you usually want a custom solution.
Let's talk I'm looking to customize my current theme to responsive.
A few questions:
1. you are able to use plugins with this?
2. can you do the same for vb 4.2.3?
3. Can we access the user control panel?
4. Can we access private messaging?
I'm in desperate need of a mobile style for vB 4.2.X. The mobile application is full of bugs. driving me absolutely nuts.
I bought the SultanTheme mobile style for our forum, and we have been using it for a month now and we think it's really great. It was easy to set up and mod the logos and stuff, and it works really well. Scales nicely on Android and iPhones. I think it deserves a mention. :up:
There are a couple of decent free mobile themes in the 3.8 styles section. One of those coupled with the "detect and assign mobile browser style" hack should help you alot. You can customize the mobile styles to your tastes but the real reason to have them is, they are extremely light in kb load.
I cannot find it!
Anybody out there who could help me? Thx!