This plugin makes it possible to show data from IMDB Movie Database using the movie ID with a BBCode.
As far as I know many users were looking for a plugin something like this which pulls data from IMDB and shows directly in the post.
This plugin uses a script which is contributed under GPL. However, a big part of the system was rewritten and a lot of coding were done to integrate both systems.
Plugin Pulls these movie information:
- Contry (Lite)
- Genre (Lite)
- Time (Lite)
- Language (Lite)
- Director (Lite)
- Cast (Lite)
- Description (Advanced Version) (Extended)
- IMDB Score (Advanced Version)
- Thumbnail Picture (Advanced Version) (Now large picture avaliable for Advanced Version)
[s]-Trailer Link (Advanced Version)[/s]
- Advanced control of style, language and dimension. (Advanced Version)
Included in the zip file under "Documentation"
How To Use
You simple copy the part at the end of the IMDB link and copy after the tt letters the IMDB ID and write it between the tags.
Common Mistakes With This Plugin:
[s]- Your host must have the allow_url_open option set as OPEN or ON.[/s]
- Inside the IMDB folder "images" and "cache" folder's CHMOOD must set to 777 (Files and Subfolders)
- The Format of usage is [IMDB]0468569[/IMDB] not [s][IMDB]tt0468569[/IMDB] [/s]or [s][IMDB][/IMDB][/s]
Credits and Notes:
- Part of the plugin was written under GPL.
- Special Thanks to Melih B?y?k who made this plugin work.
-Bug reports, suggestions that would help improve this plugin are always welcome.
No offense, but as a indie feature film producer this is what IMDB doesn't like this stuff now, people trying to profit off products. Like the way you give "Lite" version, and offer other versions for sale! Come on.
Reference -
Sitting with someone that works at IMDB and drinking beers.
No offense, but as a indie feature film producer this is what IMDB doesn't like this stuff now, people trying to profit off products. Like the way you give "Lite" version, and offer other versions for sale! Come on.
Reference -
Sitting with someone that works at IMDB and drinking beers.
Let's keep in mind, that it's an oddity that people do this stuff for free as it is. This is time consuming stuff, even for things that seem relatively simple, and generally done in people's spare time with their existing resources. Doing Lite and Pro versions is one way developers mitigate all that time spent in front of the computer and not, say, spending time with their family. I made money for several years with one modification and it just barely got us groceries for some of the harder months in the mid 2000s. I'm not saying that's everyone's case, but take a group of devs like DBTech. They offer dozens of mods for free, and several more full featured versions at a cost. There's no way they could stay as consistent as they do with the quality and development of their products, and maintaining a group of devs to do that, if they didn't have some kind of business model to support it all. Even the simplest looking mod can take hours out of your day, and days out of your week. And most of us still have our full time jobs to consider when sequestering that time. It's not only fair to sell a full version of a product, it's often the only way a dev will have the resources to keep the free version going.