Version: 1.6, by MarkFL
Developer Last Online: Jun 2020
Category: Moderators Functions -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 06-10-2015
Last Update: 02-06-2016
Installs: 29
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
This product allows you and your moderating staff to more easily distinguish between report threads (including those generated by my Profile Reporter) that have not yet been resolved from those that have been taken care of by using colored prefixes for the threads.
Upon installation, a new prefixset is created consisting of two thread for unresolved report threads (bright red) and one for resolved report threads (darker green with strikeout text). These prefixes will only be available in the forum you have designated for report threads, and in the forum you have designated for auto-reported posts if you have "MarkFL: Automated Post Reporter" installed and active. If you uninstall the product, then the prefixset is removed from your database.
When a post is initially reported, the unresolved prefix is auto-added to the report thread. Then when someone on your staff (those with access to the report threads and with moderating privileges) posts to say what they have done to resolve the issue, they will find a checkbox in the "Moderation Tools" portion of the "Additional Options" block on the posting form for actions to be taken after submitting their message that will allow them to mark the report as resolved.
If a report thread has been previously marked as resolved, but another staff member is posting to add additional information and wishes to revert the thread back to an unresolved status, they will find that the added checkbox will mark the thread as unresolved.
In addition, an item has been added to the "Thread Tools" menu to allow your staff to change the status of reports without having to post.
You have the option to record the actions taken by this product in the moderator log. You can choose to record all actions, or just when the prefix is changed without posting, or not at all.
Version 1.1
Added support for Quick Reply
Version 1.2
Added a report prefix toggle button next to the reply button at the top of the page.
Version 1.2.5
CSS for toggle button has been moved to a CSS template for wider browser compatibility.
Version 1.2.6
Forum counters rebuilt after prefix changes so correct prefix shows up on forum display.
Version 1.2.7
Space removed from MySQL query which causes an error for some.
I had a look through the code to figure out what is going on here, but came short on it.
So, without further adue, a bug report! If a global moderator, or administrator reports a post, the thread prefix application of 'not resolved' will not apply or activate. In the reported thread, on our forums - it will not even show the mark as resolved button. However, if a normal user reports the post - the thread prefix will activate like it normally would. This is only applicable to newly generated reports, not preexisting reported threads.
The only thing hooking to report_do_report is this addon. We have nothing else utilizing this hook.
I would have to come to your site and take a works flawlessly on all my sites, no matter who reports a post. So if you want, send me by PM the credential for a temporary admin account.