Why not throw sharks into the mix? Sharks, Carp, & Piranhas oh my...
real sharks are saltwater. One thing you should no about me is that i do not like saltwater fish. There are certain types of catfish that are referred to as sharks, but they are not. They are actually not agressive at all. I have a fish that is a catfish that is referred to as a shark, but once it gets bigger, it will go on the pond. BTW Carp do not go well with characins in the same tank. Carp are pond fish. characins are tropical. That means you can only keep comet or common goldfish & variants with koi and other pond fish. Tropical fish can only go with other tropical fish if they get along well. You can not keep fancy goldfish & variants with common goldfish, comet goldfish and koi because fancy goldfish are slower. The fancys wont get any food . Another myth is that you can only keep bettas alone. Some bettas that are very aggressive have to be kept alone, while others are quite peaceful and do well in a tropical community tank. Another myth is that you can not keep fish in bowls. THIS IS UNTRUE!!! DON'T DO IT!!!
I know that. I studied sharks for many years. When I was a kid I wanted to be an ichthyologist. And you are not entirely correct. Bull sharks have been known to be found hundreds of miles upstream in rivers and other fresh water bodies. So at least bull sharks CAN be found in fresh water.
You don't keep the piranhas with the other fish though, right? And do piranhas eat each other?
No you place them into crappy 3D movies instead and hope it breaks box office records and rentals like Snakes on a Plane. Seriously though who thought up SOAP, its appropriately abbreviated to what I'd like to wash my eyes with after watching at least.
Originally Posted by Wisc
There was a call in pet show that the local pet psych had.
A guy called in and said his pet piranha was depressed and lonely.
He kept buying him goldfish but they would run away.
She recommended he check into the loony bin right away
I thought this was guess why name is what it is thread?
... if so then "WISC" that just went right over my head (why you posted it not the joke, that was rather clever), hey it sounded like wisp so I had to go for it!
I bet no one can figure out why my name is TheLastSuperman, not in a million years .
I know that. I studied sharks for many years. When I was a kid I wanted to be an ichthyologist. And you are not entirely correct. Bull sharks have been known to be found hundreds of miles upstream in rivers and other fresh water bodies. So at least bull sharks CAN be found in fresh water.
i have heard of bull sharks before. I know they can be found a lot in freshwater, but i did not really think about them. The fish that are mainly on my mind are carp.
i have heard of bull sharks before. I know they can be found a lot in freshwater, but i did not really think about them. The fish that are mainly on my mind are carp.
Well you are in Utah, guess there are not many sharks there huh? lol