I help with a site that is vB 3.8.2, has been going 13 years, has nearly 200,000 members, 14.5 million posts and gets heavy posting traffic daily, still. Site is busy 24/7/365 with no lulls in traffic. And I mean frikkin busy like you've never seen. Forums aren't "dead."
I am the principle of two public forums, 2 private forums and two commercial forums (oversee IT department which runs them). They all have unique mobile capabilities and all of them have their own smart Apps.
The mobile interfacing and Apps are time intensive, but the public forums have really taken off and I now employ a son and a daughter to run them, both are in graduate school away from home. They have run their own forums since around 2009. Anyway, my point being that forums are not dead, but to gain market share today you must cater to the trends of the internet and the next generation.
Ha. That's pretty cool. You embedded your live vBulletin page onto the facebook page. I did this some years back, vB with Joomla.
Nice going!
Actually I dislike (not say "hate") Facebook. But I must admit that most users love it and they want everything to be done from there. It's easy for them to click a bookmark on their FB profile to see your page and then with one more click to return to their "base".
There was a joke here last days before the elections. "We would like to remind FB users that during vote we place "+" besides the name for whom we vote and NOT "LIKE"