Version: , by bira
Developer Last Online: Jun 2013
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 12-09-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 109
No support by the author.
This is something that is common in IRC - /me is away
In BBs, a user is either online or offline (or invisible).
But, on my Bulletin Board, the folks created such a community that every time someone goes on a holiday or goes offline for a while, he/she posts a new thread to annouce they're 'away.
So, I wrote a hack allowing a user to change his/her status to "away", including a return date and an away reason which will show up in their profile.
Likewise, the online/offline icon in postbit and buddy list will change to an away icon (a very faded version of the 'offline' one).
Some demo captures:
The Edit Profile screen, when a user is NOT away:
The Edit Profile screen when a user IS away:
The Get Info (User Profile) screen when a user IS away:
The Get Info (User Profile) screen when a user is NOT away:
The postbit icon when a user is away:
How to install:
Download the attached zip file. Upload away.gif to your images dir (or create your own away.gif).
Upload install_awayuser.php to your admin dir and follow the instructions.
I figured it out. Had to place a } in between two of the installs... as they came next to each other. At least on my member.php ( I have the store hack in there too).
Edit... nope.. something else happend... If I enter the user profile... I have lost all the data filled in there... and trying to submit something I end up on a blank member.php page. When I look at a thread....I do not see the "username" displayed all nice and clean... but the full description of the "Cutom User Text: this is the description of the..........".
I revert back to the "unexpected $"....
I really need some help on this one, please
Edit: I redid the member.php from the original file... went into Admin and manually changed my own settings back to normal... everything seem to work now!
I'm not sure when this started happening, but one of my users found this problem recently -- the 'return date' is one day behind.
1. Go to 'Edit Profile' and choose that I'm away, enter a reason, and choose the 'return date' to be 6/21/02.
2. Save the changes.
3. If I then display my profile, it shows all the 'away' information correctly except the return date, which appears as 6/20/02.
Do you have any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? Should I uninstall and reinstall?
i just downloaded this cool hack, but in some threads i read to change some codes in some files...and when i open this attachment..there is no installing instruction..only two files..(install_awayuser.php + away.gif) i just typed in my browser this yxz.php..but i get an parse error on line 98..he dont want to make me happy...i just cant install this hack..maybe someone knows what is wrong..i get the portal installed too..maybe there is something wrong !