Originally Posted by tbworld
At some point you have to trust somebody (I didn't say everybody), but I think Ozy, Max Taxable and RichieBoy are all good fruit.
You can always run an audit program for your database, in case your suspicious.
Point well taken @Disco-Stu, there is always added risk. 
Who are you calling a fruit?!

You are also a good fruit.
BTW - i could not like your post. Too many on you already and it wont let me. lol
--------------- Added 30 Sep 2014 at 23:24 ---------------
Originally Posted by michael brian
RichieBoy67 have been taking care of multiple site for me in the last little while he have all my trust.
keep up the good work bro  ... yes there is very good people out here 
Thank you for the kind words and trust!