How to install?
Read the documents inside the *zip file.
How to upgrade?
1. Upload and replace the new files.
2. Import XML product with "Allow overwrite" to YES.
Changelog: v1.0 - first release v1.5.2 - 1 bug fixed (only first post function issue), 2 phrase edits v1.8.0
- new feature: support for vBCMS articles & comments
- whos online locations added
- new feature: top rated (in latest 7 days) contents page
- new feature: postbit statistics
- change: only one button when "thumbs down" are disabled
- new feature: ability to change the color of the thumbs box and the color of amount font via admincp v1.9.0
- new feature: support for vBBlog entries & comments
- small fix to box template (thanks to Valter) update 22/12/2012
- bug fixed: guests could not show the thumbs number (shows a zero for all posts)
- to install this fix just upload and replace the updated file includes/functions_sc_thumbs.php. It is not necessary to re-upload all files or upgrade the product xml
The plugin has been working great for forum posts but for those that have been promoted to CMS articles, the thumbs count displays incorrectly, mostly 0's, when there are some that have been thumbed up.
I'm still looking at replicating the issue, but it seems if a thumbs up is given on the CMS page initially, the count does show up.
just a short question, because many are using Tapatalk to participate with their smartphones: is this mod compatbile with that App, so that the vbSEO supported "likes" given their will be reflected and counted towards the votes of your mod?
The question has been asked a few times in this thread, but hasn´t received an answer yet..
just a short question, because many are using Tapatalk to participate with their smartphones: is this mod compatbile with that App, so that the vbSEO supported "likes" given their will be reflected and counted towards the votes of your mod?
The question has been asked a few times in this thread, but hasn?t received an answer yet..
For those asking the same question: no, you have to choose between this mod OR the vbSEO likes.
may I make a suggestion?
Your mod has a good potential to boost the user engagement. But like in any good software, sometimes simple things make them even better. For the most part your mod is self-explanatory. But there are 2 or 3 issues that could make it more intuitive for new visitors or members who aren?t used to the new likes system.
For a random visitor it isn?t clear at the first glance, what the number next to the thumbs means. Is it 6 votes in total, 6 negative or 6 positive ones? No big thing, but it would be useful for them if the respective thumb would be coulored and the other one grayed out. So they get it right away. Members also
When a member has already voted, the clicked button becomes gray and the other one stays colored, i.e. you have liked a post, the green like button turns gray and the dislike-thumb stays red. That?s a bit confusing and the first time I liked a post yesterday made me think I`ve clicked the wrong button. I guess it would be a good addition, to change the way this part works, so that the clicked button stays and the not clicked button turns gray. That way, when a user comes back to this post the other week, he can see instantly a) that he has voted already and b) what he voted for.
These two changes would make your mod really intuitive, because a mod where the enduser has to scratch his head with a new function, that seems to be working different (or they feel it would do the opposite) of what the majority of other sites uses as a likes system, has an unnecessary hard stand. 10 Minutes after installation I received 4 PN?s from users telling me, the new likes-system would be broken
hello, I have a problem, it was a new style instaled, unfortunately, the hack is not shown there, in the older Styls but already.
What can I do that is the hack also displayed in the new style?
thanks for info