Please do not put words in my mouth. Nothing in my comment goes against what Paul said, he and everyone else you have discussed this issue with is 100% correct.
If your server spends 6+ hours on those alters, then it would likely also spend 6 hours inserting 1.5 million rows in another table due to the serious misconfiguration on your server. That is all I said, and that is all I intended to say.
Any of the people who have argued with you on this issue could reconfigure your server to perform vastly better, that is a fact.
Fillip, I've quoted what you said on page 1, you said exactly this
Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
Would you say that it is better to spend 6+ hours on a "finalise" action to import all your members into a different "user" table?
Would you say that it is better to leave your forum running gradually slower and slower due to multiple queries needed to fetch all the information, compared to a one-time slowdown when installing the product?
We don't create table alterations because we enjoy hearing complaints from large forums. We created them because it is the best option when considering the performance of your forum.
All those who came in here saying I have a Mysql issues, haven't showed me a different result, they can install any of DB's plugins on a big vb community and share the result but they don't want to do it, so their statements holds no value other than seeing he say she say type of statements that gets no where.
I've installed 2 or 3 of DB's plugins in the past and i had to uninstall all of them and each time i had to wait that long to get rid of them or install them. None of the other plugins i installed did this and I've been with VB since 2006 and always tried different kind of plugins. You relay heavily on altering VB database which in my opinion is bad.. for big communities at least.
You didn't deny that your plugin could do that on page 1 or else you could have said something like i have clients who have big communities and they never run to similar issues similar to yours but what you said is this
Would you say that it is better to spend 6+ hours on a "finalise" action to import all your members into a different "user" table?Would you say that it is better to leave your forum running gradually slower and slower due to multiple queries needed to fetch all the information, compared to a one-time slowdown when installing the product?
Many people here wants to prove their point to be right, well you're not going to prove it unless you try it and share the result. So try it! those who claim i might have a mysql issue, try installing DB's plugin, any one on big communities and see how long it will take to import the xml product.
Try installing this plugin as a test on a popular vb community with millions of posts, threads and members and see how long it will take I tried fiew others and same issue i had, 6+ hours to import or uninstall.