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Xenforo Style
Version: 1.0.1, by Dr.Wave Dr.Wave is offline
Developer Last Online: Aug 2018 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.8.7 Rating:
Released: 04-11-2014 Last Update: Never Installs: 22
No support by the author.

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6 благодарности(ей) от:
blind-eddie, Hasann, RichieBoy67, rockerzteam, socialteenz, zorcocuq

Old 04-14-2014, 12:04 PM
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Hakan39 Hakan39 is offline
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Nice theme thank you. Installed it.
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Old 04-27-2014, 10:26 PM
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blind-eddie blind-eddie is offline
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I like this style, Thank You for taking the time to create this for the 3.8 vbulletin community.

Those that download this will need to do a bit of editing to change text throughout to English as well as remove non-default template edits (meaning: author has custom edits on his/her site that I for one don't have)

Thanks again......
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Old 04-29-2014, 04:34 PM
Kesha Kesha is offline
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This looks really good. Great work!
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Old 05-01-2014, 01:36 AM
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blind-eddie blind-eddie is offline
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I really enjoy the header and navbar edit but, they both render differently between IE & FF.
Looks perfect in FF, as usual but, in IE the radius corners will not show and login area messes up a bit in IE.

IE--not logged in


FF--not logged in--PERFECT!!!!

both after login looks normal and drops your info down to navbar, perfect!!!


Here is the CSS.
#header { background: url(http://bigsite.biz/saywhat/drwave/xen/h_bg.png) repeat-x; height: 108px; }
#header a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; }
#header .xen-logo { padding-top: 13px; float: left; }
#header .ana-menu { border-top-left-radius: 8px; border-top-right-radius: 8px; background: #000000; border: 1px solid #65a5d1; border-bottom: 1px solid #65a5d1; margin-top: 4px; }
#header .ana-menu ul { margin: 0px 25px; padding: 0px 0px; list-style-type: none; }
#header .ana-menu li { float: left; font-size: 11px; color: #a5cae4; margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px; padding: 5px 12px; font-weight: bold; }
#header .ana-menu li:hover { background: #176093; }
#header .ana-menu a { color: #a5cae4; }
#header .h-alt-menu { background: #65a5d1 url(http://bigsite.biz/saywhat/drwave/xen/h-alt-menu-bg.png) repeat-x; height: 26px; color: #000; }
#header .h-alt-menu ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0px 25px; padding: 0px 0px; }
#header .h-alt-menu li { float: left; padding: 6px 6px; margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px; font-size: 11px; color: #000000; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }
#header .xen-giris { float: right; background: #032a46; padding: 7px 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 8px; border-bottom-right-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #000000; }
#header .xen-giris ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px; float: right; }
#header .xen-giris li { float: left; margin: 0px 0px; padding: 0px 5px; }
#header .xen-giris li input[type="text"], #header .xen-giris li input[type="password"] { background: #2b485c; border: 1px solid #65a5d1; padding: 3px 6px; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Trebuchet MS; border-radius: 4px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; }
#header .xen-giris li input[type="text"]:focus, #header .xen-giris li input[type="password"]:focus { background: #000000; }
#header .xen-giris li input[type="submit"] {
	font-family:Calibri,'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
	color:rgb(0, 0, 0);
	background: #a5cae4 url('drwave/xen/form-button-white-25px.png') repeat-x top;
	padding:0px 6px;
	border:1px solid rgb(221, 221, 235);
	border-top-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
	border-bottom-color: rgb(179, 179, 189);
	-webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px 0px rgb(200,200,210);
	-moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px 0px rgb(200,200,210);
	-khtml-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px 0px rgb(200,200,210);
	box-shadow:0px 1px 4px 0px rgb(200,200,210);
	text-shadow:0 0 0 transparent, 0px -1px 2px white;
	height:23px; }
#header .xen-giris li input[type="submit"]:hover {
	border-bottom-color:rgb(190,190,170) }
#header .clear { clear: both; }
#breadcrumb { border: 1px solid #a5cae4; background: #f5fafd; color: #427bc6; font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 7px; font-family: Trebuchet MS; border-radius: 5px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px; }
#breadcrumb a { color: #427bc6; text-decoration: none; }
#breadcrumb a:hover { color: #427bc6; text-decoration: underline; }
Header template.

<div id="header">
	<div style="width: $stylevar[outertablewidth]px; margin: 0px auto;">
		<div class="xen-logo">
			<a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]">
				<img src="drwave/xen/vbt_logo.png" border="0" alt="$vboptions[bbtitle]" />
		<if condition="$show['guest']">
		<div class="xen-giris">
		<form action="login.php?do=login" method="post" onsubmit="md5hash(vb_login_password, vb_login_md5password, vb_login_md5password_utf, $show[nopasswordempty])">
		<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>
				<li><input type="text" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_username" id="navbar_username" size="10" accesskey="u" tabindex="101" value="$vbphrase[username]" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='$vbphrase[username]';"  onfocus="if (this.value == '$vbphrase[username]') this.value = '';" /></li>
				<li><input type="password" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_password" id="navbar_password" size="10" tabindex="102" value="password" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='password';"  onfocus="if (this.value == 'password') this.value = '';" /></li>
				<li style="padding-top: 2px;"><label for="cb_cookieuser_navbar" style="cursor: pointer; color: #fff;"><input type="checkbox" name="cookieuser" value="1" tabindex="103" id="cb_cookieuser_navbar" accesskey="c" /> Remember me</label></li>

			<if condition="$show['registerbutton']">
				<li style="padding-top: 5px;"><a href="register.php$session[sessionurl_q]" rel="nofollow"><b>-$vbphrase[register]-</b></a></li>
				<li><input type="submit" value="$vbphrase[log_in]" tabindex="104" title="$vbphrase[enter_username_to_login_or_register]" accesskey="s" /></li>
		<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
		<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
		<input type="hidden" name="do" value="login" />
		<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password" />
		<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf" />
		<div class="clear"></div>
		<div class="ana-menu">
			<ul style="float:left;">
				<li><a href="#">Arcade</a></li>
				<li><a href="video.php">Video Directory</a></li>
				<li><a href="online.php">Whos Online</a></li>
				<li><a href="banned.php?do=temp">Banned User List</a></li>
			<if condition="$show['member']">
			<ul style="float:right;">
				<li><strong><phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[username]" 2="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$bbuserinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[welcome_x_link_y]</phrase></strong></li>
				<if condition="$show['notifications']">
						<span id="notifications">
							<a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]">
								Notifications: $notifications_total
							<if condition="$show['popups']">
								<script type="text/javascript"> vBmenu.register("notifications"); </script>
							<else />
								<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_notifications_nopopups.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>
								<script type="text/javascript"> vBulletin.register_control("vB_Notifications_NoPopups", "notifications");  </script>
			<if condition="$show['member']">
				<li><a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[user_cp]</a></li>
				<li><a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&amp;logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]')">$vbphrase[log_out]</a></li>
			<div class="clear"></div>
		<div class="h-alt-menu">

			<li><a rel="help" href="faq.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="5"><font color="red">$vbphrase[faq]</font></a></li>
			<li><a rel="help" href="info.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="5"><font color="red">What's Hot!</font></a></li>
			<if condition="$show['communitylink'] AND $show['popups']">
				<li><a id="community" href="$show[nojs_link]#community" rel="nofollow" accesskey="6"><font color="red">$vbphrase[community]</font></a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("community"); </script></li>
			<else />
				<if condition="$show['memberslist']">
					<li><a href="memberlist.php$session[sessionurl_q]"><font color="red">$vbphrase[members_list]</font></a></li>
				<if condition="$show['quick_links_groups']">
					<li><a href="group.php?$session[sessionurl]"><font color="red">$vbphrase[social_groups]</font></a></li>
			<li><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]"><font color="red">$vbphrase[calendar]</font></a></li>
			<if condition="$show['popups']">
				<if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">
					<if condition="$show['member']">
					<li><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew" accesskey="2"><font color="red">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</font></a></li>
					<else />
					<li><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily" accesskey="2"><font color="red">$vbphrase[todays_posts]</font></a></li>
					<li><a id="navbar_search" href="search.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="4" rel="nofollow"><font color="red">$vbphrase[search]</font></a> <if condition="$show['quicksearch']"><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("navbar_search"); </script></if></li>

				<if condition="$show['member']">
					<li><a id="usercptools" href="$show[nojs_link]#usercptools" accesskey="3"><font color="red">$vbphrase[quick_links]</font></a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("usercptools"); </script></li>
			<else />
				<if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">
					<li><a href="search.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="4">$vbphrase[search]</a></li>
					<if condition="$show['member']">
					<li><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a></li>
					<else />
					<li><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[todays_posts]</a></li>
				<li><a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]do=markread&amp;markreadhash=$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[mark_forums_read]</a></li>
				<if condition="$show['member']">
					<li><a href="#" onclick="window.open('misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=buddylist&amp;focus=1','buddylist','statusbar=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=250,height=300'); return false;">$vbphrase[open_contacts]</a></li>
<br />
<br />


Would someone educate me a bit to get this to display properly in IE.

I have tried many fixes and nothing seems to want to work.

Thank you for those that will read and reply.
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Old 05-01-2014, 06:56 PM
Dr.Wave Dr.Wave is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Istanbul / Turkiye
Posts: 28
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Originally Posted by blind-eddie View Post
I really enjoy the header and navbar edit but, they both render differently between IE & FF.
Looks perfect in FF, as usual but, in IE the radius corners will not show and login area messes up a bit in IE.

IE--not logged in


FF--not logged in--PERFECT!!!!

both after login looks normal and drops your info down to navbar, perfect!!!


Here is the CSS.
#header { background: url(http://bigsite.biz/saywhat/drwave/xen/h_bg.png) repeat-x; height: 108px; }
#header a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; }
#header .xen-logo { padding-top: 13px; float: left; }
#header .ana-menu { border-top-left-radius: 8px; border-top-right-radius: 8px; background: #000000; border: 1px solid #65a5d1; border-bottom: 1px solid #65a5d1; margin-top: 4px; }
#header .ana-menu ul { margin: 0px 25px; padding: 0px 0px; list-style-type: none; }
#header .ana-menu li { float: left; font-size: 11px; color: #a5cae4; margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px; padding: 5px 12px; font-weight: bold; }
#header .ana-menu li:hover { background: #176093; }
#header .ana-menu a { color: #a5cae4; }
#header .h-alt-menu { background: #65a5d1 url(http://bigsite.biz/saywhat/drwave/xen/h-alt-menu-bg.png) repeat-x; height: 26px; color: #000; }
#header .h-alt-menu ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0px 25px; padding: 0px 0px; }
#header .h-alt-menu li { float: left; padding: 6px 6px; margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px; font-size: 11px; color: #000000; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }
#header .xen-giris { float: right; background: #032a46; padding: 7px 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 8px; border-bottom-right-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #000000; }
#header .xen-giris ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px; float: right; }
#header .xen-giris li { float: left; margin: 0px 0px; padding: 0px 5px; }
#header .xen-giris li input[type="text"], #header .xen-giris li input[type="password"] { background: #2b485c; border: 1px solid #65a5d1; padding: 3px 6px; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Trebuchet MS; border-radius: 4px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; }
#header .xen-giris li input[type="text"]:focus, #header .xen-giris li input[type="password"]:focus { background: #000000; }
#header .xen-giris li input[type="submit"] {
	font-family:Calibri,'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
	color:rgb(0, 0, 0);
	background: #a5cae4 url('drwave/xen/form-button-white-25px.png') repeat-x top;
	padding:0px 6px;
	border:1px solid rgb(221, 221, 235);
	border-top-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
	border-bottom-color: rgb(179, 179, 189);
	-webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px 0px rgb(200,200,210);
	-moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px 0px rgb(200,200,210);
	-khtml-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px 0px rgb(200,200,210);
	box-shadow:0px 1px 4px 0px rgb(200,200,210);
	text-shadow:0 0 0 transparent, 0px -1px 2px white;
	height:23px; }
#header .xen-giris li input[type="submit"]:hover {
	border-bottom-color:rgb(190,190,170) }
#header .clear { clear: both; }
#breadcrumb { border: 1px solid #a5cae4; background: #f5fafd; color: #427bc6; font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 7px; font-family: Trebuchet MS; border-radius: 5px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px; }
#breadcrumb a { color: #427bc6; text-decoration: none; }
#breadcrumb a:hover { color: #427bc6; text-decoration: underline; }
Header template.

<div id="header">
	<div style="width: $stylevar[outertablewidth]px; margin: 0px auto;">
		<div class="xen-logo">
			<a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]">
				<img src="drwave/xen/vbt_logo.png" border="0" alt="$vboptions[bbtitle]" />
		<if condition="$show['guest']">
		<div class="xen-giris">
		<form action="login.php?do=login" method="post" onsubmit="md5hash(vb_login_password, vb_login_md5password, vb_login_md5password_utf, $show[nopasswordempty])">
		<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>
				<li><input type="text" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_username" id="navbar_username" size="10" accesskey="u" tabindex="101" value="$vbphrase[username]" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='$vbphrase[username]';"  onfocus="if (this.value == '$vbphrase[username]') this.value = '';" /></li>
				<li><input type="password" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_password" id="navbar_password" size="10" tabindex="102" value="password" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='password';"  onfocus="if (this.value == 'password') this.value = '';" /></li>
				<li style="padding-top: 2px;"><label for="cb_cookieuser_navbar" style="cursor: pointer; color: #fff;"><input type="checkbox" name="cookieuser" value="1" tabindex="103" id="cb_cookieuser_navbar" accesskey="c" /> Remember me</label></li>

			<if condition="$show['registerbutton']">
				<li style="padding-top: 5px;"><a href="register.php$session[sessionurl_q]" rel="nofollow"><b>-$vbphrase[register]-</b></a></li>
				<li><input type="submit" value="$vbphrase[log_in]" tabindex="104" title="$vbphrase[enter_username_to_login_or_register]" accesskey="s" /></li>
		<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
		<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
		<input type="hidden" name="do" value="login" />
		<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password" />
		<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf" />
		<div class="clear"></div>
		<div class="ana-menu">
			<ul style="float:left;">
				<li><a href="#">Arcade</a></li>
				<li><a href="video.php">Video Directory</a></li>
				<li><a href="online.php">Whos Online</a></li>
				<li><a href="banned.php?do=temp">Banned User List</a></li>
			<if condition="$show['member']">
			<ul style="float:right;">
				<li><strong><phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[username]" 2="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$bbuserinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[welcome_x_link_y]</phrase></strong></li>
				<if condition="$show['notifications']">
						<span id="notifications">
							<a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]">
								Notifications: $notifications_total
							<if condition="$show['popups']">
								<script type="text/javascript"> vBmenu.register("notifications"); </script>
							<else />
								<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_notifications_nopopups.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>
								<script type="text/javascript"> vBulletin.register_control("vB_Notifications_NoPopups", "notifications");  </script>
			<if condition="$show['member']">
				<li><a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[user_cp]</a></li>
				<li><a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&amp;logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]')">$vbphrase[log_out]</a></li>
			<div class="clear"></div>
		<div class="h-alt-menu">

			<li><a rel="help" href="faq.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="5"><font color="red">$vbphrase[faq]</font></a></li>
			<li><a rel="help" href="info.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="5"><font color="red">What's Hot!</font></a></li>
			<if condition="$show['communitylink'] AND $show['popups']">
				<li><a id="community" href="$show[nojs_link]#community" rel="nofollow" accesskey="6"><font color="red">$vbphrase[community]</font></a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("community"); </script></li>
			<else />
				<if condition="$show['memberslist']">
					<li><a href="memberlist.php$session[sessionurl_q]"><font color="red">$vbphrase[members_list]</font></a></li>
				<if condition="$show['quick_links_groups']">
					<li><a href="group.php?$session[sessionurl]"><font color="red">$vbphrase[social_groups]</font></a></li>
			<li><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]"><font color="red">$vbphrase[calendar]</font></a></li>
			<if condition="$show['popups']">
				<if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">
					<if condition="$show['member']">
					<li><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew" accesskey="2"><font color="red">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</font></a></li>
					<else />
					<li><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily" accesskey="2"><font color="red">$vbphrase[todays_posts]</font></a></li>
					<li><a id="navbar_search" href="search.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="4" rel="nofollow"><font color="red">$vbphrase[search]</font></a> <if condition="$show['quicksearch']"><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("navbar_search"); </script></if></li>

				<if condition="$show['member']">
					<li><a id="usercptools" href="$show[nojs_link]#usercptools" accesskey="3"><font color="red">$vbphrase[quick_links]</font></a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("usercptools"); </script></li>
			<else />
				<if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">
					<li><a href="search.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="4">$vbphrase[search]</a></li>
					<if condition="$show['member']">
					<li><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a></li>
					<else />
					<li><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[todays_posts]</a></li>
				<li><a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]do=markread&amp;markreadhash=$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[mark_forums_read]</a></li>
				<if condition="$show['member']">
					<li><a href="#" onclick="window.open('misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=buddylist&amp;focus=1','buddylist','statusbar=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=250,height=300'); return false;">$vbphrase[open_contacts]</a></li>
<br />
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Would someone educate me a bit to get this to display properly in IE.

I have tried many fixes and nothing seems to want to work.

Thank you for those that will read and reply.
Next version, IE problem fix. 1 week wait please.
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Old 05-01-2014, 09:38 PM
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To awesome, Thank you very much!!
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Old 05-02-2014, 07:52 PM
Nirjonadda Nirjonadda is offline
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Please can you update for vB 4.2.2 ?
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Old 05-05-2014, 09:46 AM
Dr.Wave Dr.Wave is offline
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Originally Posted by Nirjonadda View Post
Please can you update for vB 4.2.2 ?
etiket theme developer release
Visit vbulletin.web.tr
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Old 05-05-2014, 03:13 PM
Nirjonadda Nirjonadda is offline
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I does not see any release from the developer.
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