Version: 1.00, by Mystics
Developer Last Online: Jun 2015
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 01-10-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 339
No support by the author.
Hack Name: Who was online today Hack Version: 1.0.2 For vB Version:: 2.x Originally Created by: genial @ Skats Board (Contact)
Documentation, Translation, a few changes and posted by: Mystics
This Hack adds something like the "Currently Active Users:"-Feature of vBulletin.
The difference is, instead of showing the users, who are currently online, it shows all Users, who were online on a day and it also displays "Most users ever online on a day".
Summary of the Features:
Shows "Number of Active Users Today"
Shows "Most users ever online on a day"
Shows last online time for each User while pointing the Mouse Cursor on it's name (=mouseover) in the list
Important: The Hack only works 100% correct, when each member is in the same time zone as the Server!
Files to edit: index.php Templates to edit: forumhome New Templates: forumhome_todayloggedinusers, forumhome_todayloggedinuser
I have attached the Install Instructions in a Text File.
The Instruction is in English and in German.
I will attach a Screenshot in a Reply to this Thread!
Post any Questions into this Thread!
Updates in 1.0.1: Inserted the two new templates into the template precaching (first step)
Updates in 1.0.2: Fixed a little Bug with the "Most users ever online on a day"-Count
(Replace '$maxusers[2] = $todayonline;' with '$maxusers[2] = $numbertodayonline;' in index.php)
Info: You can find an other version of this Hack here. In this other version the usernames of the members, who were already online today, are not shown on the Forum-Mainpage; the names are shown in an extra File (like online.php), onlinetoday.php (Screenshot).
The hack is working perfectly and makes a great addition to my board! I just have one question.
Is there any way to create a history of how many people have logged on each day for say a week, or a month? I'd like to see just how the days are averaging, etc.
I'm having a probelm with it showing the right amount of users now. Here's what it says:
Number of active users today: 2
Most users ever online on a day was 5 on Today.
And it only lists 2 names when I know for sure there were 5 users on line today.
Anybody have any ideas? I have checked and re-checked everything and even re-stalled the templates and checked to make sure the code was right where is needed to be.
BTW: The reason the number of users is so small is because I am still setting the board up )
Anybody have any ideas as to why this is happening now? It worked great yesterday when I installed it but now it is showing wrong.
I installed the extra page version and as far as the time fix thing, I either missed that or didn't understand it. Do I need to apply it becuase it was fine yesterday and after midnight it must have gone wrong, is that it?