For some reason vBulletin 4.x does not use the thread's meta description when populating the open graph "description" tag that is read by Facebook and other social networking sites. Instead by default vBulletin uses your site default meta description that is set in Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Site Name / URL / Contact Details.
This default description is usually very generic whereas the thread description is the first few sentences of the thread and therefore usually far more useful to describe the page actually being shared than your generic site description.
Also even with the Facebook Platform enabled vBulletin doesn't provide an open graph title tag at all- while in practice this isn't a big deal as Facebook will default to the page title, as a matter of good practice it should be explicitly provided.
This mod fixes both issues. It will override the generic description with the thread's meta description which is based on the text of the first post. It also adds an explicit og:title tag.
New In Version 1.2.0 - The mod now also greatly improves the open graph tag description tag for blog entries. By default the description tag is the blog title followed by the username of the blog poster. With this mod the description becomes up to a 300 character preview of the actual blog entry instead. And the open graph title tag provided takes the form of blog title Posted By username.
This mod is only for people with VB 4.1.10 or higher and only if you have the Facebook Platform enabled in your settings. It will do nothing if both of those do not apply to you.
There are no settings- just install the product and the mod is active.
To see the difference use the Facebook Debugger to look at the content scraped off a thread page before and after instillation-
Facebook Debugger is here:
Do you by chance have installed VSa - Forums Online CountUp installed?- I found out recently that mod causes such problems with the Facebook Open Graph array.
Just curious if we ever found a work around for this?
Hi there I have a question. Is there a way to integrate this with the mobile style? I see the facebook "like" button vb natively installs but for whatever reason this mod doesn't seem to add the sharing options to the mobile style. Thats an issue for me because 64% of my traffic is mobile.
Hi there I have a question. Is there a way to integrate this with the mobile style? I see the facebook "like" button vb natively installs but for whatever reason this mod doesn't seem to add the sharing options to the mobile style. Thats an issue for me because 64% of my traffic is mobile.
Are you sure? This mod just adds more details to the open graph tags in the header (doesn't add sharing options...) and those tags do indeed work in the mobile style on my test site.