Took a quick look at your site: Your style is definitely unique and interesting, you put a lot of work and time into it! I was a bit worried about your initial page load speed, but I did not check where you were hosting it, or your ping. The only other problem I quickly see is you might want to set a larger "min-width" on you "body" and make your style "fixed" instead of fluid. I noticed your login and navbar tend to jump when the browser adjusts your page to a smaller width.
Took a quick look at your site: Your style is definitely unique and interesting, you put a lot of work and time into it! I was a bit worried about your initial page load speed, but I did not check where you were hosting it, or your ping. The only other problem I quickly see is you might want to set a larger "min-width" on you "body" and make your style "fixed" instead of fluid. I noticed your login and navbar tend to jump when the browser adjusts your page to a smaller width.
I see your having fun, keep up the good work!
Thanks for your suggestions, i have fixed some bugs you can review it now if you have enough time