Version: 1.00, by el3m3nt
Developer Last Online: Oct 2002
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 04-04-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 75
No support by the author.
Latest Version: 1.3
This hack is not very special for me. I just wanted to create a mainpage on which you can see.. (as a member) everything what u like to see. The idea of the script is similar to the vbHome of nakkid and also a little bit to the vBPortal. I tested all of them.. but i was looking for something better . so i decided to write such a script myself...
Active threads & newest posts
News & Polls (read from a newsforum and a pollforum)
Quick CP Links on the index-site
Buddies on the index-site
Very easy to customize. Just edit the templates!
Available in english and german!
Summary: On this index-site you can see everything what you as a member would like to see .
Newscode part from vBHome by nakkid.
Onlinetodaycode part from Online Today Hack by Mystics.
Pollcode part from vBPortal by wajones.
I'd really like to get every feedback you guys can give me. Also post bugreports and suggestions to improve this script. If you have installed this hack, pls click on the install button to receive updates thru email. Thank you .
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
ok would it be possible and if so how would i do it, but instead of having the most user every online stats, replace it with online today stats? thanks
Originally posted by wintz ok would it be possible and if so how would i do it, but instead of having the most user every online stats, replace it with online today stats? thanks
Thats what the hack origionally did, had the online today stats, it is posible to keep this feature in, but then you lose the ability to store the most ever online users (in a day and members in a day), although I am looking into a solution for this.
Hi... I just installed vbIndex and everything is working except the news icons. A blank pic with an [X] in it comes up folled by '.gif" border="0"> News Title' This may have already been answered, but I didnt see anything on the pages I looked at. (I gave up after about page 8).
I need help...
I have installed the hack... it works perfect except for 2 things:
-It says 'No poll available'
-No news shows up, only the 'latest threads' and that's it
I tried everything, I DO have the variables set correctly, but it just doesn't show up!?!?!
please help me, because I REALLY want to get this hack installed
@FlyingDutchman :
recheck ur variables at the top of index.php .. maybe its because the permissions :lick:
@LightBringer :
i did that thing. put ur new index.php to ur root. and ur forum's index.php is in forum/index.php .. i mean:
/index.php -> this is new one.. vbindex thing
/forum/index.php -> normal forum index file .
here what u have to do :
put chdir("forum"); before require('./global.php'); in vbindex's index.php.
then modify all ur vbindex templates.. all you have to do is putting "forum/" before all links and imgs
Originally posted by erdem @FlyingDutchman :
recheck ur variables at the top of index.php .. maybe its because the permissions :lick:
uhm, I may be dumb, but I'm not so dumb after all, and as I said I tried everthing, from editing the permissions to changing templates to changing index.php, tried the german version, and so on...