This changes thread icons to be the avatar of the thread starter. It applies to thread listings on forumdisplay, search results and subscribed threads in the UserCP.
Upload the cssrollup_digitalpoint_threadavatars.xml file to includes/xml (this is really only needed if you store CSS as files in the file system)
Install the product-dp_thread_avatars.xml product under AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product
Icons are cropped (but never stretched) to be square for display.
Threads with no new posts have the avatar slightly greyed out.
Locked threads will have a lock image overlayed.
Soft-deleted threads will have a red X image overlayed.
If the user posted in the thread, they will see a mini version of their avatar overlayed.
If a thread is "hot", the shadow of the icon will change color.
ZERO SQL queries are added.
Overlay images are encoded as CSS data (no extra HTTP requests needed for images or the CSS files themselves).
If your site uses pre-defined avatars, they are not scaled down for use as the icon since vBulletin does not store the dimensions (instead, the upper/left potion is cropped for the icon).
You can disable the mini-avatars under AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Forum Display Options (forumdisplay) -> Highlight Threads in Which User Has Posted
You can disable the hot thread highlight under AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Forum Display Options (forumdisplay) -> Hot Threads Enabled
You can change the color of the hot thread shadow under AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> StyleVars -> dpta_shadow_hot_color
You can change the size of the avatar under AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> StyleVars -> threadbit_iconsize (since they are square, it keys only on width)
If your site uses pre-defined avatars, you should use the AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> User Picture Options -> Site Uses Pre-Defined Avatars option
If you want to add your own mini-icon overlays, you can utilize the $template_hook['thread_avatars'] variable to do so.
If you want to selectively disable thread avatars, you can set the $show['hide_thread_avatars'] to true. This would allow you to create a custom profile field for users and set the $show['hide_thread_avatars'] based on the user's setting. Alternately you could enable the addon for certain usergroups or just for specific styles.
I tried using this but the avatars were appearing on left hand side. So ichanged my css to align it to right. But when i try to upload new avatar it again appeared on left side and thus distorting the UI. What modification I need to do so that every time newly added avatar should be aligned to right.
How do I remove the Greyed Out? Cause the icons look so faded..
also what is the blue border around the icon? what does it mean
The border is used to highlight a hot thread, it can be disabled in admin>options or the color of the border can be changed in the stylevar.
You can disable the hot thread highlight under AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Forum Display Options (forumdisplay) -> Hot Threads Enabled
The grayed avatar i have noticed it but it didnt bother me enough to look into it but i think the Hot Thread color has some bearing on how faded it looks, try disabling and take a peek.
Is that normal, guess not...so this means i will have to manually re-compile all of that :[ ?
What was compiled there, if uninstall this modification of course problem will persist...so to revert templates or...please advise
As "KGI_Bling " was saying in post 379 here... I also have same problem, if user don't tick "remember me" upon logging in he will see only no_avatar/default avatar icon same as he dont have avatar on forums
Running VB4.2
have one more modification related to avatars and thats: Avatar in a header
Thank you for this neat modification
is it possible to get this modification without copyright?
It's normal for the compiling messages... it will recompile the proper templates when you uninstall.
At some point there will be a non-attribution option available, but it's not available yet.
You mean that I just leave it as it is, or to uninstall than again install your modification ?
Not planing to uninstall your mod for good as I am sure my users will love it, on other hand I guess that these parts of forum do not affect that much on server resources?
If I uninstall, than after that install again your modification...will this resolve issue [if it is] with "Compiling Templates", than upon second installation this "Compiling Templates" will not be there any more? That was question, will re installation help?
Pardon for my knowledge, regarding coding and VB is not on a lvl that maybe should be...only I never saw that any modification did something like this before, did install and uninstall at least 100 of them
Not one of them had : "Compiling Templates"