- Uses AJAX so new shouts show up without the page having to be refreshed
- Set the title and other language features to anything you want
- Will ignore empty shouts, and ones that are being repeated one after the other
- Enter how many shouts you want it to show
- Enter how many days you want it to store shouts in the database (even forever)
- Enable or disable guest shouting
- Members names are linked to their profile pages
- Admins can delete shouts directly through the shoutbox itself
- A fully customizable shout archive with pagination
- Works with any custom theme automatically
- Parses BBcode, smilies, and images if you allow it to
- Installation takes about 5 minutes and is all done through the admin CP
- You can even modify the amount of time it waits in between checking for new shouts
- Plus lots more!
Installation instructions:
1.a) Extract the "ddshoutbox2.zip" file onto your computer using a program like winrar, or winzip
2. Log in to your admin CP, everything will be done within here
3.a) Go to Plugins & Products -> Manage Products
3.b) Click on the "[Add/Import Product]" link
3.c) Browse for the "product-ddsb2.xml" file
3.d) Click on the "Import" button
4. Upload all the ".js" and ".php" files into your main vbulletin directory (the same directory as index.php)
5 Decide where you want the shoutbox on your site (I recommend the top of your forum index)
If you want the shoutbox at the top of your forum index, go to the "FORUMHOME" template, find:
"<!-- / guest welcome message -->
<br />
Copy and paste the contents of "template.txt" underneath.
If you want it at the top of every page, go to the "navbar" template, find:
"<!-- / nav buttons bar -->
<br />"
Copy and paste the contents of "template.txt" underneath.
6.a) Go to vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options
6.b) Select "Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 Options"
6.c) Click on the "Edit Settings" button
6.d) Edit all of the values as you desire
6.e) Click on the "Save" button
Additional options:
1. If you want to change the time in which it checks for new shouts, open up "shoutshow.js" with notepad, find "timeint = 2000" at the top of the file, and change "2000" to the time (in milliseconds) you want it to wait before checking for new shouts. 1 second equals 1000 milliseconds. If you want shouts to show up faster, set it to a lower number. If you are worried about server load, set it higher. Don't forget to upload it to your server after you change it so the new timer takes effect.
2. You can edit the shoutbox width and height by changing the iframe width="100%" and height="200" attributes from the "template.txt" file.
You're done! Please donate anything you can spare to donations@diondev.com before removing my copyright notice.
Is there anyway to only allow "confirmed registered users" see the shoutbox? I have users who are in the "awaiting email confirmation" group who are able to see and use the shoutbox. Its a problem with 1 certain user who we banned a few weeks ago but he keeps using bogus email accounts and a proxy server to change his ip address.
He is able to see/use the shoutbox but cannot use any of the forums that I have blocked from that group. If there is a way to implement this would help me out a lot. Thanks,