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Sarcoth's Roster Mod
Version: 1.0.2, by Sarcoth Sarcoth is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2017 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Profile Enhancements - Version: 4.2.2 Rating:
Released: 06-29-2013 Last Update: 02-26-2015 Installs: 44
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Sarcoth's Roster Mod [LITE]


This Mod is ideal for a Guild/Clan roster, but it is also a great replacement for the Member List. Customize it any way you like: give your roster a title, decide which usergroups can view the roster, which usergroups are on the roster, and which fields you want to display.

Version Update:
  • 1.0.1
    • Product XML code has been cleaned up.
    • Addon included in the zip file, see Step 4 below.
  • 1.0.2
    • Fixed a bug where special characters were being converted to HTML entities.

Step 1: Download the Sarcoths_Roster_Lite_v1.0.x.zip file and unzip it.

Step 2: Upload the files to their correct directories.
Upload the rosterlite.php to the /forum/ directory.
Also, upload the sarcoth folder to the /forum/ directory.
Step 3: Admincp > User Profile Fields > Add New/Update User Profile Field
Add all the Profile Fields you plan to use and keep track of their number(s) (i.e. field6, field7, etc.).
Step 4: Admincp > Plugin & Products > Manage Products > Add/Import Product
Import the product-sarcoth_rosterlite_v1.0.x.xml file.
OR, Import the product-sarcoth_rosterlite_v1.0.x_alltitles.xml file if you prefer to include all titles in the setting options area of the AdminCP.
Step 5: Admincp > Settings > Options > Sarcoth's Roster Lite Settings
Update the settings for your roster: usergroups allowed to view the roster, usergroups that are displayed on the roster, the title and field# for each of your columns on the roster, and other settings.

If you are interested in the PLUS version, click here: Sarcoth's Roster Mod [PLUS].

Download Now

File Type: zip Sarcoths_Roster_Lite_v1.0.1.zip (10.9 KB, 63 views)
File Type: zip Sarcoths_Roster_Lite_v1.0.2.zip (11.5 KB, 122 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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Old 06-30-2013, 02:03 AM
Sarcoth Sarcoth is offline
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LITE Version Features:
  1. Roster title can be changed. This appears in the webpage tab, top of the roster, and in the navbits.
  2. Viewing permissions. These are the usergroups that can view the roster page.
  3. Roster groups. The list of usergroups that appear on the roster.
  4. Group titles. The names of each usergroup that appears on the roster.
  5. View option. You can view the roster as split into groups or all one table.
  6. Column names. The head title for each column.
  7. Column fields. The names of each field you want to use for each column.
  8. Sorting. The default sort is by username. Change this to no to use your own sort field.
  9. Sorting field. This is where you enter the field you want to sort by.
  10. Sorting direction. Adjust this to change the default direction of your sorting field.
  11. Member count. Decide on whether to show your member count at the top of the page or not.

PLUS Version Features:
  1. All features found in the Lite Version.
  2. Admin Groups. The list of usergroups that can view the debug information.
  3. Roster Debugging. Change this to yes to turn off the roster and allow you to view the query without getting a database error. The query can then be posted in the subscriber forum for help.
  4. Multiple Rosters. Allows you to set the page name for additional rosters. At the moment, I have added only 5 additional custom rosters. This can be manually added to if needed. I will give a walk through on how in the subscriber forum.
  5. You can set a joined date column and last activity column as needed.
  6. You can set an Avatar column as needed.
  7. ProfilePic: You can display the profile pics for each of your members.
  8. Title Banner: Instead of displaying a title, you can use an image for your title.
  9. Group Banners: Instead of displaying the name of the group, you can use an image for each group name.
  10. Position #: You can display a ranking number for each member of your roster in the order they are initially sorted.
  11. Display Member Count: This allows you to display or hide the number of users displayed on the roster.
  12. Count Member Once: If you have members located in different groups and you only want them counted once for the entire roster, then change this to Yes.
  13. Sorting Format which replaces Splitgroup. Options are:
    • Multi-Groups: This is the default. Sort by Groups, then by a secondary field (default = username). It is displayed by showing a table for each group.
    • Multi-Groups with Collapsing Tables: This is the same as above, but now you can also collapse each group as you like. (Feature requested by CharlieDelta)
    • Single Table 1: This also sorts by Groups, then by a secondary field (default = username) but is displayed in a single table.
    • Single Table 2: Single Table View with Primary Sort (default = username). The RANK field does not work with this sorting format.
  14. Basic Sorting field: By default, sorting is done by usergroup and then username. This can be changed to whatever field is found in the user table.
  15. Basic Sorting field type: Sort by alphabetical or numerical when using basic sorting.
  16. Basic Sorting order: Sort ascending or descending.
  17. Advanced Sorting: If you want to give users control over how to sort the roster, this will allow them to click on the column header to sort a column ascending (first click) or descending (second click). Advanced sorting works best with a Single Table roster. By holding shift, you can click on additional columns to create a multi-column sorting.
  18. Default Sorting: When using advanced sorting, you can select a column to be the default that is sorted when the page is loaded (asc or desc).
  19. Filtering: When using advanced sorting, you can change the color of whatever column is being sorted. Each additional column will be changed to another color up to the 3rd column. All additional columns will be the same color as the 3rd. These colors can be adjusted in the roster css file.
  20. Pagination: Add pagination to the roster. This will allow you to display a limited number of users at a time. You can even set up the number of users displayed per page.
  21. Page Menu: Make the pagination menu visible or hidden.
  22. Page Default Length: The default length of each page when the roster is loaded.
  23. Page Menu Sizes: Set up the choices a user can select from when displaying the roster. Allow them to display 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, or All rows on the roster.
  24. Info Display: Allow the users to see an information display of how many users out of the total are being displayed.
  25. Search Feature: Enable the search feature so users can enter a string of characters and the roster will automatically update to show just those rows containing that string.
  26. Search Box Display: Keep search enabled, but hide the search box. Allows you to use the search feature in the background without allowing anyone else access to it.
  27. Column Search: Select a single column to be searched when the page is loaded. Select the column and the string to be used in the search. Only the rows with that string are displayed. (Feature requested by Fields)

Planned for Plus Version:
  1. Nothing at this time. I need some ideas.
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Old 06-30-2013, 02:03 AM
Sarcoth Sarcoth is offline
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  • There is a maximum of six columns in the Lite version.
  • I recommend you keep the permission for viewing the roster limited until you get the roster working. This is in case you have any database errors.
  • I am removing all spaces from the settings that state (comma separated list) to prevent database errors. The exception is the column titles, which will allow spaces. I still recommend removing spaces before or after a comma, but this should not cause a problem.
  • The second option under Columns (column fields) must be valid profile fields on your forum. If not, you will get a database error. RANK is a special field I have created that uses the title you set for your group under Rank Titles.
  • Column widths. This is so you can control the width for each of your columns. All your columns should add up to 100. IE: 20,20,20,15,10,15 would be a good setting if you had six columns.
  • Sorting. If you change the top option to No, you need to use a one (1) field you have in the column fields area. If you do not, it should default to username.
  • If you get a database error, you did something wrong. The error will most likely be related to your column fields setting.

Sarcoth's Roster Mod [Plus] - Examples
The following is a set of examples that have been created to show the various ways this mod can be used. To find the list of examples, please visit my website (@ sacredhaven.org) and click on the RosterMod dropdown button in the forum menu. You can click on each example there. A description of each example follows.

Example #1 - Multiple Tables (default)
* Sorted by usergroups (multiple tables) and then sorted by your choice.

Example #2 - Collapsing Multiple Tables
* Sorted by usergroups (multiple tables) and then sorted by your choice.
* Each table can be collapsed for easy viewing.

Example #3 - Single Table w/2D Sorting
* Sorted by usergroups (single table) and then sorted by your choice.

Example #4 - Single Table w/1D Sorting
* Single sorting option: your choice.

Example #5 - Title and Group Banners
* Use a banner for your entire roster.
* Multiple tables (groups).
* Each group has it's own banner.
* Each roster member displays the usertitle via an image.

Example #6 - Single Table w/Advanced Sorting
* Single table w/2D sorting.
* Table is initially sorted with basic options, then advanced sorting via java scripting.
* Each column can be dynamically resorted by clicking on the column headers.
* You can sort multiple columns by holding down the shift key.

Example #7 - Advanced Sorting w/Column Colors
* Same as example #6.
* Each column that is currently selected for sorting with stand out with a new color.

Example #8 - Pagination
* Single table w/2D sorting.
* Pagination allows you to see only a selected number of rosters members at a time.
* Pagination allows you to set a default table size.
* Also have the info box turned on so you can see the current number of members displayed versus the total number.

Example #9 - Search Box
* Single table w/2D sorting; should work with all table types.
* Enables a search box so any user can type a string that updates the table to show only roster members with that string.

Example #10 - Mixed Advanced Features
* Combines all features from Examples 6-9.

Example #11 - Column Filtering
* Single table w/2D sorting; should work with all table types.
* Searching is enabled but the search box is hidden.
* Only the selected roster members are displayed for whatever column and string is set.
* In this example, only the roster members that contain "Enchanting" in the "Crafting" column are displayed.

Example #12 - Private Column Encryption
* Single table w/2D sorting; should work with all table types.
* Set a column and the usergroups that can see this column; all other usergroups can only see special characters.
* In this example, the "Character Name" column has been set to private.

Let me know if you would like to see any additional examples.

More Installs & Ratings
I'm willing to add an option from the [Plus] version to the [LITE] version if this mod gets 100 installs and ratings (any star value). You'll need to reply to this thread and select one option that you would most like to see imported over into the [LITE] version. I'll have the final say, but I'll try to select the one most requested; if it isn't too difficult.
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Old 06-30-2013, 09:11 AM
Kiint Kiint is offline
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Nice work, thanks.

I had an idea maybe for a future version?
I've always found that it's hard to get members of my guild/clan to use my websites/rosters as they are more interested in the game than using the web. My sites normally just change into an info page with nobody taking the time to register....

I was thinking that if you had something tied into the roster like an award/promotion section. Something where you can add achievements to the users characters, Be able to offer them a promotion where they have to go to the website before they can receive it.
When clicking on a member being able to see more info on their characters with a list of achievements, maybe a family tree where you can see all of the users characters together. A small box where they can type in some info on their characters.
I'm playing Star wars the old republic at the moment and each of your characters can have skills/attributes which other members in your guild can use, crew skills etc, would be nice to be able to view a table of these so that you can message that guild member to assist you with making something.

A lot of work, I know, but maybe something for the future.

I've seen an award type mod on here some, but that's no use when you want a roster for people with multiple characters in a game as it's user based.

Anyway, thanks for all the work you have done
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Old 06-30-2013, 12:46 PM
CharlieDelta CharlieDelta is offline
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Great work Sarcoth.
For some reason I am unable to rate this thread????
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Old 06-30-2013, 09:20 PM
Sarcoth Sarcoth is offline
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@Klint - Welcome and thanks. There is already a good Award's mod out there by DragonByte, that's the one I use. If you used something like that, I could always see if I could add their award's to the roster. No promises, but I use it too so maybe I'll look into it. Making an awards type thing for this though goes well outside the bounds of this mod.

@Charlie - Thanks. No idea why it cannot be rated. I did not see anything in the options.

@ Klint again - Actually, I had made a character based one for my MMO guild in Rift. It worked out well. I would be willing to do something like that for the Plus version of this mod if there were enough interested in that option. Then again, who knows, maybe I'll do it anyhow. I personally liked it for my Rift roster. You have my brain working.
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Old 07-01-2013, 01:40 AM
Cyberbang3r Cyberbang3r is offline
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Awesome Mod! Installed and purchased the full version. Exactly what I was looking for!
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Old 07-01-2013, 04:37 PM
Kiint Kiint is offline
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Originally Posted by Sarcoth View Post
@ Klint again - Actually, I had made a character based one for my MMO guild in Rift. It worked out well. I would be willing to do something like that for the Plus version of this mod if there were enough interested in that option. Then again, who knows, maybe I'll do it anyhow. I personally liked it for my Rift roster. You have my brain working.
That's good to hear, Nothing like a challenge
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Old 07-08-2013, 02:17 PM
Sarcoth Sarcoth is offline
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I've added the features list for the Lite and Plus versions of this mod, multiple previews, and a FAQ area. I'm now working on pagination and other options for the Plus version which should be released in a couple weeks.
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Old 07-18-2013, 10:25 PM
Vitaris Vitaris is offline
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Great work, Sarcoth! I've installed it, it all looks good.

I'm in the middle of a big overhaul of my forums, so I might have missed it in your notes, but is there plans to add things like the usergroup colors, links to user profiles? I've noticed in your demo that you have that - is that a feature of the pro version?

Thank you again for your work on this. Looks great!
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