*To test Front-End Layer protection : It's the page shows up when you first enter the site. *To test 2nd Layer Protection : Pass Front-End Layer protection, then Tap (not hold) F5 continuously nonstop for 10 seconds.
DnP Firewall Gateway was designed to stand against the massive DoS attack targeted DnP Network? few years ago. Upon installed, it has been reducing the severe level of many incidents and preventing my forum from being overload ever since. It also nearly blocks away all the automated bots that come to register for spamming on the forum. The last release was almost 3 years ago and there had never been any update to the MOD. Version 0.3 came with many issues though it was very stable. I decide to give another upgrade and simplify the code a little for another release. Don't hesitate to install DnP Firewall Gateway for your forum and hope you will find it as useful as I do.
*This Firewall is compatible with All PHP Forum systems and Search Engines Friendly*
1 - Use this simple Firewall to protect your ( vBulletin / phpBB / SMF / IPB / etc.. ) forum
Deny unwanted Bots
Reduce Spamming
Block Flooding Attack
Partially weaken DoS
Prevent automated malicious scripts pass through
2 - Side features
Increase your Adsense Impression and Revenue.
Act as an Introduction page for your forum.
SEO Friendly. (DnP Network has this firewall installed for more than 2 years. Google Search : silveryhat returns 29,000+ results)
No query executed / Extremely fast
3 - Installation for vBulletin Forum
a. Upload all files from package to your forum_root
b. Open global.php using Notepad. (Why global.php ? Because global.php is the core file of vBulletin system , it is also the initial startup file that calls important database queries and keeps sensitive information. The Firewall comes before any of the processes run to prevent direct damage to the forum. That is the reason why DnP Firewall does not use any hook or come as an automatic plugin like other MOD)
PHP Code:
// identify where we are define('VB_AREA', 'Forum');
Simply remove this line to deactivate the firewall
c. Save and Reupload global.php to your server. Done!
3b - Upgrade
Simply perform step
a.Upload all files from package to your forum_root
*If you have custom layout, do not overwrite dnp_fw_template.php*
4 - Note
Eventhough the DnP Firewall Gateway could reduce the damage of a flooding attack, it does not guarantee that all of the negative affects of an attack could be avoided. I do not hold any responsibility for such matters. As an administrator you should know that there is not software firewall that could be as effective as a hardware firewall.
You are free and encouraged to modify the Layout of the Gateway page in dnp_fw_template.php but please respect the copyrights notice of the author. Additional templates are also available if you'd want different look. (How to change DnP Firewall Template)
DnP Firewall Gateway also acts as an Introduction page for your forum if you fill it up with rich information content of your site. Adsense or other Ads could be placed here to maximize your revenue since every visitor will need to pass by this Introduction page. It almost 100% guarantees that your CTR or Page Impression will raise quickly.
5 - Compability
This MOD can be used with almost any system that runs PHP. Compatible with all vBulletin forum from 3.0.x to 3.8.x
It should not conflict with any existing MODs on your forum.
DnP Firewall Gateway consumes very little server resource because on the surface, it is just a simpe webpage. It does not execute any query, therefore your database will not be affected under any circumstances by this MOD.
DnP Firewall Gateway could together be used with InV-Firewall Script to act as doubled-firewall system that 2 x the strength against Flood /DoS Attack with bonus of denying malicious query and tracking access.
[Original topic can be found at http://www.silveryhat.com/delynie/f142/dnp-firewall-help-your-forum-fight-flood-attack-dos-spam-unwated-bots-6985.html]
there is anyway to add apply this mod only for Guests and normal Members ? other site staff and vip members will not see DNP firewall also maybe they will see but firewall will not detect there ip's bcoz i am admin i mostly online on my forum dnp blocked my ip i cant access my admin cp