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Integrated Classifieds Plugin - by Panjo
Version:, by Enthusify Enthusify is offline
Developer Last Online: Jan 2016 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Integration with vBulletin - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 07-06-2012 Last Update: 02-10-2015 Installs: 38
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As of September 2015, the Panjo marketplace mod for vBulletin has been completely rearchitected.

You can learn more about the latest version of the mod on Panjo's vBulletin partner page.

This mod enables you to launch a peer-to-peer community marketplace that is integrated into your vBulletin forum.

Here is how it works:
1) Install the plugin.
2) Customize the categories you want in your marketplace.
3) Contact Chad at Panjo: chad@panjo.com to activate your marketplace.
4) When a seller goes to a new or old subforum dedicated to buying/selling/trading, and clicks on the "post new thread" button, the mod will load a listing creation form.
5) The seller will create a listing. The listing will appear in the marketplace. A synchronized copy of the listing will appear in the appropriate buy/sell/trade subforum.

Is this plugin free?
Yes, this plugin is free.

Can you make money with this plugin?
Yes, you can optionally use this plugin to generate marketplace transaction revenue.

How is it with mobile?
The marketplace loads with layouts that are optimized for high res desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Porsche Marketplace <syncs with> Porsche classifieds subforum
BMW Marketplace <syncs with> BMW classifieds subforums
Audi Marketplace <syncs with> Audi classifieds subforums
Belly dancing marketplace <syncs with> Belly dancing classifieds subforums

The marketplace home page

A listing detail page

The listing creation form for a seller

Do you have questions about Panjo? Contact the team at Panjo:

Download Now

File Type: zip panjo-plugin (1).zip (34.3 KB, 67 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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Old 02-21-2013, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by evershawn View Post
I don't want to argue who's a better payment processor but when you're profiting from your product and offering here, you're breaking the rules. You don't have a version of your product that you're allowing people to use without you getting your hands all up in their business, that's the point.
An Administrator has already verified this mod is allowed.

The mod is free for admins to install- the mod itself is not "for sale" - it is free. That was the reasoning provided.

Obviously you can choose to use it or not, but the discussion on whether it is allowed is closed.

If you have feedback on this policy please make a post in the site feedback forum. This thread is not for discussion of site policy.

Thank You.
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Old 02-22-2013, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Enthusify View Post

1) Seller profile pages.

4) Moderation tools for forum administrators and moderators

g) The ability for an admin to choose to display relevant listings from eBay from within Enthusify

I can not locate any of those features ^^. Is this yet another thing that can only be controlled from your side of the mod?

Also, the "post new thread" upon item listing is a no go as well. I have two listings and no threads associated with them.


I seem to remember there being a feature talk about cross forum listings. In other words, is my classified showing up other places.. and if so why am I not seeing other forum's classified sections?
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Old 02-25-2013, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by SwollenCranium View Post
I can not locate any of those features ^^. Is this yet another thing that can only be controlled from your side of the mod?

Also, the "post new thread" upon item listing is a no go as well. I have two listings and no threads associated with them.


I seem to remember there being a feature talk about cross forum listings. In other words, is my classified showing up other places.. and if so why am I not seeing other forum's classified sections?
You asked about the following features:

1. Seller Profile Pages
This is live and implemented. Click here to view an item that's for sale in your marketplace.

If you click on the sellers name, you'll go to the seller's marketplace profile. You can directly access the profile of the seller from the above example here.

4. Moderation tools for form administrators and moderators.
You are a moderator for the SwollenCranium marketplace. To moderate live listings, go to your marketplace and click on "My Marketplace Tools -> My Active Listings" in the top right. If you'd like to designate another user as a moderator, please contact us directly.

g) The ability for an admin to choose to display relevant listings from eBay from within Enthusify.
This was on an old list of features that were "coming soon." Since we originally made that list, we have prioritized 100% of our development on the features that our partners have requested. Because this has not been a priority for our current partners, we have revised its position on our development queue.

- Automatic thread creation for new listings.
We have spoken via email about how this is configured. I have registered an account at TheSwollenCranium to confirm that this is working. I can test this on your installation as soon as my account is approved by a moderator. This feature has been rigorously tested and has worked for thousands of listings across multiple partners.

- Cross-listing of items.
Because every site is different, this is configured on a per-marketplace basis. This is the first time I'm hearing of this with regards to SwollenCranium. We'd be more than willing to talk to you about what kinds of listings you'd like to appear in your marketplace over email.

Generally speaking, every marketplace is different. Different communities have different needs and almost everyone has limited resources and time. We reduce the administrative burden of the administrators and moderators by configuring some things for them. This is why all of our partners have a point person at our company that they can work with to meet their specific goals. From our experience, this is more efficient than teaching new people a new system. However, we do intend, sooner rather than later, to put the full toolset in the hands of our partners.

In the case of SwollenCranium, you can reach Juan Vasconez at juan@enthusify.com at all times to answer your questions. While questions are encouraged, this thread isn't meant to go over your specific configuration. As you've seen already, we have been extremely responsive to your needs over email.


Juan Vasconez
Head of Product @ Enthusify
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Old 02-26-2013, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Enthusify View Post
In the case of SwollenCranium, you can reach Juan Vasconez at juan@enthusify.com at all times to answer your questions. While questions are encouraged, this thread isn't meant to go over your specific configuration. As you've seen already, we have been extremely responsive to your needs over email.


Juan Vasconez
Head of Product @ Enthusify

LoL ..

How about this. In the case of Swollencranium.com you can count this thing uninstalled. Go ahead and remove me from your side of this massively, tethered modification.

I don't know about other admins but I like to have much more control of my site and the things running through my site.

The questions I asked are pertinent to the administering of my Vbulliten site and my questions were modification specific not site specific. So asking them here is the place they obviously need to go.

I'm glad you fully described the things you did. I would have hated to find out this stuff later on as more folks started listing items.

Good luck with that. :up:
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Old 02-26-2013, 11:32 AM
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I really think they should just sell this plugin as a self-install with perhaps an annual license fee. Most webmasters prefer keep control of the whole process and that would free them up to implement their own payment processors in their own countries, or just via PayPal.
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Old 03-01-2013, 11:18 PM
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Massive update. That is the best way to describe the latest version of the Enthusify plugin that we just posted here. Want to take the Enthusify marketplace plugin for a test drive? Just drop us an email at info@enthusify.com and request a marketplace id.

1) Modified the ?Mark As Sold? feature for improved insight into marketplace behavior.
2) Modified the ?Cancel Listing? feature for improved insight into marketplace behavior.
3) The search filter ?Show listings without images? is now unchecked by default.
4) Improved how the plugin resizes if the window size changes.
5) Admins can now ban users from accessing the marketplace based off of email address.
6) Admins can now ban users from accessing the marketplace based off of I.P Address.
7) Fixed a bug where feedback appears multiple times if a user has connected to more than one marketplace.
8) All the pages that are accessed from the ?My Marketplace Tools? button now open in the same window instead of a new window.
9) Added a paid promotion option that lets users link keywords in the forum to their listing.
10) Added search functionality and pagination to the ?My Listings? page.
11) Added a badge in various parts of the marketplace that lets buyers know if a listing comes with Enthusify?s buyer protection.
12) Added a new search filter that limits results to listings using Enthusify?s buyer protection.
13) Updated the security of the page where sellers create listings.
14) Added a badge that proves we are SSL certified by GoDaddy to our checkout pages and listing creation.
15) Fixed a one-time bug for users that connect the same email to multiple Enthusify marketplaces.
16) Fixed a bug that left a space for the item image on the checkout page, even when the item has no image.
17) The ?forum username? field can now be used to match purchases with connected user accounts.
Useful for leaving feedback and for the upcoming ?My Orders? page.
18) Fixed a bug where users wouldn?t see any results if they made a search that returned fewer result pages than the amount of pages they had already navigated.
19) Fixed a bug where edits to listings by mods reassigned the owner of the automatically generated thread.
20) Fixed a bug where purchases of offers did not reflect the offer price if the payment was not being processed by Enthusify.
21) Sellers can now collect payment with Enthusify and receive a buyer?s payment on the same day.
To do this, they need to authorize a valid credit card.
This is reflected in all the communication buyers and sellers receive surrounding a listing.
22) If a thread is generated for a new listing, the success page will now link to the newly created thread.
23) If a thread is generated for a new listing, the ?Listing is Live? email also links to the thread.
24) If an admin visits the ?Who?s Online? page, the location column will say ?Enthusify Plugin? for users that are in the marketplace.
25) Made more updates to the listing creation process. (Improved the workflow / clarity)
26) Updated the ?Success? page that sellers see when they successfully create an item.
27) Updated the email the seller receives when his item sells. References where the seller is in the process and what to do next.
28) New users can now set their Enthusify account emails when they connect from the forum.
29) Significantly updated the listing creation process.
Added a ?Step 4? which is exclusively about how payment is collected and transferred.
Sellers can choose between collecting payment via Enthusify or on their own.
Sellers can now edit their PayPal email address.
Sellers can optionally provide us with feedback if they don?t use Enthusify to process payment.
Coming soon: Sellers will be able to opt into immediate payment transfer if they use Enthusify.
30) Sellers can use the ?enter? key in the descriptions to start a new line.
31) Added a toggle to ?My Active/Sold Listings? for moderators to switch between all the items for sale, and just their own.
32) Improved how users can switch between an item?s multiple images
33) Added a ?Report Item? tool below the item description.
When someone clicks this, an Enthusify staff member will receive a notification email.
34) Added ?Advanced Search? to the marketplace.
Users can now filter out listings without images, listings that are sold, and listings that are live.
Users can sort listings by post date, price, and Item title.
35) Buyers can now specify their forum username when placing a purchase.
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Old 03-05-2013, 12:57 AM
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Nice to see you continuing to work on this.. However, I have a big complaint. Someone from your company is spamming forums (using the "contact us" form) trying to promote your mod and claiming a ridiculously high revenue for the forum owner.. This "contact us" is seen by all the mods.
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Old 03-05-2013, 04:36 AM
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Originally Posted by vissa View Post
Nice to see you continuing to work on this.. However, I have a big complaint. Someone from your company is spamming forums (using the "contact us" form) trying to promote your mod and claiming a ridiculously high revenue for the forum owner.. This "contact us" is seen by all the mods.
Thanks for the kind words and for the heads up on the 'contact us' form communication. We learn about forums that might be a good fit for the marketplace mod in a variety of ways. When we learn about a site that might be a good fit and when our schedule permits, we do attempt to reach a forum's owner. As for an inbound communication that contains a revenue estimate, we attempt to use data from compete.com or quantcast.com and data from our existing partners to give a forum owner a sense of the fee-based revenue potential in the case that is of interest. The Enthusify plugin is 100% free for buyers, sellers, and forum owners. Some sites optionally choose to collect listing fees or final value fees through their classified sections. Many owners wonder what kind of revenue they can expect through such fees.
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Old 03-05-2013, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by vissa View Post
Nice to see you continuing to work on this.. However, I have a big complaint. Someone from your company is spamming forums (using the "contact us" form) trying to promote your mod and claiming a ridiculously high revenue for the forum owner.. This "contact us" is seen by all the mods.
Using the "contact us" form is not spamming. It is a way to "contact" the forum without spamming actually. I dont use this product so Im not sticking up for it, I just thought that that was a oxymoron
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Old 03-05-2013, 06:09 AM
lazytown lazytown is offline
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The contact us form is not for solicitations, and on our site it states it will go to all mods. So therefor it is spamming in my opinion.
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