Every donation is welcome and appreciated. This product is for free and it will stay free despite the fact that commercial products with much less capabilities cost a lot of money. So before you spend that money on other products, try this one and feel free to send that money to me
I have installed Semantic MediaWiki to my working version and it works great. Here is an example page, see the Live History and Appears On section near the bottom.
Installation instructions: 1. Upload the wiki_upload files to the wiki folder, and the forum_upload files to the forums folder.
2. Import the product in vbulletin.
3. Set the variables in Settings --> Options --> vBulletin Mediawiki.
4. Grant permissions to various usergroups.
5. Add tab to the wiki under Settings-->Navigation Manager. Set the "Tab scripts" field to "mediawiki".
I'm in the process of setting up a shiny new website with vBulletin 4.0.2, and MediaWiki 1.20.0with Semantic No user accounts to get in the way yet.
My plan is to set up the Wiki to be the primary purpose of the website, with the forum to be secondary. Since this is an add-on domain on my account, I would like the wiki to run from the wikidomain.com directory, and the forum to run from wikidomain.com/forums/ directory.
Will this arrangment cause any problems for this vbMediaWiki mod to work? Will it cause any problems with the cookies?
Edited to add: should I install the new vb forum database in the existing mediawiki database, or should I keep them separate?
I'm in the process of setting up a shiny new website with vBulletin 4.0.2, and MediaWiki 1.20.0with Semantic No user accounts to get in the way yet.
My plan is to set up the Wiki to be the primary purpose of the website, with the forum to be secondary. Since this is an add-on domain on my account, I would like the wiki to run from the wikidomain.com directory, and the forum to run from wikidomain.com/forums/ directory.
Will this arrangment cause any problems for this vbMediaWiki mod to work? Will it cause any problems with the cookies?
Edited to add: should I install the new vb forum database in the existing mediawiki database, or should I keep them separate?
so long as they are on the same domain, different folders should be fine so long as you set the paths.
i have them setup in different databases, has not been a problem. you probably want to keep them separate anyway, as it is cleaner to manage updates etc, also avoid the risk that some tables be of same names.
I have installed Semantic MediaWiki to my working version and it works great. Here is an example page, see the Live History and Appears On section near the bottom.
I get this error when trying to use Semantic Media Wiki
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wfProfileIn() in /home/cruisin/public_html/w/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_Setup.php on line 463
It refers to this:
* Initialise a global language object for content language. This must happen
* early on, even before user language is known, to determine labels for
* additional namespaces. In contrast, messages can be initialised much later
* when they are actually needed.
*/function smwfInitContentLanguage( $langcode ) {
global $smwgIP, $smwgContLang;
if ( !empty( $smwgContLang ) ) {
wfProfileIn( 'smwfInitContentLanguage (SMW)' );
$smwContLangFile = 'SMW_Language' . str_replace( '-', '_', ucfirst( $langcode ) );
$smwContLangClass = 'SMWLanguage' . str_replace( '-', '_', ucfirst( $langcode ) );
if ( file_exists( $smwgIP . 'languages/' . $smwContLangFile . '.php' ) ) {
include_once( $smwgIP . 'languages/' . $smwContLangFile . '.php' );
// Fallback if language not supported.
if ( !class_exists( $smwContLangClass ) ) {
include_once( $smwgIP . 'languages/SMW_LanguageEn.php' );
$smwContLangClass = 'SMWLanguageEn';
$smwgContLang = new $smwContLangClass();
wfProfileOut( 'smwfInitContentLanguage (SMW)' );