Version: 2.5, by Scanu
Developer Last Online: Apr 2022
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 01-02-2012
Last Update: 09-15-2012
Installs: 113
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Code Changes Translations
No support by the author.
This modification shows an elegant forum description when moving mouse over the forum title. Look at the screenshots for more! This is the upgrade of my template modification SCANU - Forum description on title mouseover [as Xenforo].
Live Demo
If you want to see how great looks the jquery effect go here for the online demo.
Upload the product via admincp and go in Settings->SCANU's Forum description on tilte mouseover for customize the style. For 2.2 version: go in "Settings->SCANU's Forum description on tilte mouseover", set lesscode to yes and put the id of your last forum to perform the script.
For the update just redownload and reupload the file, make sure that overwriting is set to Yes.
Please post your translation in a reply so everyone can uses it.
In the description your " will replaced with ' for example if you write "errare humanum est" you will see 'errare humanum est'.
wonderful mod, works like a charm in a clean 4.2 version. Still i am using the forum category icons and i can't find any way to install this. As i read here, you know the answer to make this mods work together. Is it that hard to satisfy the 'customers' and have your mod installed by much more? We are all waiting for a solution
wonderful mod, works like a charm in a clean 4.2 version. Still i am using the forum category icons and i can't find any way to install this. As i read here, you know the answer to make this mods work together. Is it that hard to satisfy the 'customers' and have your mod installed by much more? We are all waiting for a solution
for both mod work
first remove "Elegant Forum description on mouseover [as Xenforo] -"
go setting forum category icons "disable autotemplete " install using manual
then install forum "Elegant Forum description on mouseover [as Xenforo]" mod
you will see both of mod working
thanks for your reply but the manual template edits from post 3 are not clear enough. if you could give some more details it would be perfect. Thank you in advance
5 days passed and still... no one able to answer my question... i have forum icons installed, what are the template edits to do. they are not clear enough in post 3. and if a do what i think i have to do (after seeing the 3rd post) all my forum messes up. can anyone give clear directions?
5 days passed and still... no one able to answer my question... i have forum icons installed, what are the template edits to do. they are not clear enough in post 3. and if a do what i think i have to do (after seeing the 3rd post) all my forum messes up. can anyone give clear directions?
Well, post 3's edits are pretty straight forward. Delete this, replace that. Can't really get more descriptive than that. What additional information were you looking for, specifically?
there are multiple descriptions and titles in the first place in the icon category code. after modifying some of them (that i though would be ok) my forum is messed up and when i hover on the forum title i just see code e.g <div.......
there are multiple descriptions and titles in the first place in the icon category code. after modifying some of them (that i though would be ok) my forum is messed up and when i hover on the forum title i just see code e.g <div.......
Did you follow TeamSempoi instructions in the post above, first? You have to install whatever forum icon modification your referring to first, before installing this one.
The forumhome_forumbit_level2_post template only has one instance of {vb:raw forum.description} and only one instance of {vb:raw forum.title}. So I'm not sure what other code you modified, and why.