Version: 2.1.2, by Elite_360_
Developer Last Online: Mar 2022
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 4.2.x
Released: 11-08-2012
Last Update: 06-09-2015
Installs: 170
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Code Changes Additional Files
No support by the author.
Mark As Installed = Support For Version Information And Features for Next Version: Go to Post #3
This Mod Works From 4.2.x
Markup Everywhere well almost like 90% if you use every feature that vb has.
Added Member Action Drop-Down where it did not have it.
Username Font
Username Prefix (Clan Tags) and the Option to Change to a Suffix in "Usergroup Manager"
Auto Template Edits
If you don't like the way this mod does the HTML markup,
It's compatible with vBNinja mod Ultimate Usergroup HTML Markup Customizer
but username prefix (Clan Tags) and username font will not work with this mod.
Re-upload your vb version all the file but delete the install directory and the includes/ file. Don't Run Vb Upgrade
Then go to Installation
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation:
1. Upload the contents of upload folder to your forum root.
2. Import the product-e360_markup.xml product file go to AdminCP >
Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
3. Go to AdminCP > Settings > Options > e360 - Usernames HTML Markup Options and config.(There a link to the file edits there too)
Only if you want to use User Name Prefix and Font
4. Go to AdminCP > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > and config each usergroup "e360 - Username Html Markup Permissions"
See this Image i never add your Optional code.
See this In Section < ?
And why he change the color Name master color is Red when i install this mode showing color is Green here and Header showing is Red
See this Image i never add your Optional code.
See this In Section < ?
And why he change the color Name master color is Red when i install this mode showing color is Green here and Header showing is Red
ok i figure it out it only markup the user Primary Usergroup color
it will not markup Display Usergroup color so you would have to switch the Display Usergroup to match the Primary Usergroup if the user are in two group i can make it so it markup the Display Usergroup but if the user only in one usergroup his musername will have no markup everwhere
ok i figure it out it only markup the user Primary Usergroup color
it will not markup Display Usergroup color so you would have to switch the Display Usergroup to match the Primary Usergroup if the user are in two group i can make it so it markup the Display Usergroup but if the user only in one usergroup his musername will have no markup everwhere
i think i can fix this so it will show with one selected
If you could achieve this, this could be very useful. How server intensive is this?
it will be running off vb own query just adding to it from some plugin's i got the new code wrote just trying to figure out switch between them it works but not right yet
it will be running of vb own query just adding to it from some plugin's i got the new code wrote just trying to figure out switch between them it works but not right yet
just figure it out it now works will release on 11 or 12 of Nov
v1.0.2 - Nov 11 2012
New: Display The User Display Usergroup color if they are in multiple Usergroups Work on newest member too as of 1.0.2
New: Newest Member Markup without adding a new Query as of 1.0.2