How to install?
Read the documents inside the *zip file.
How to upgrade?
1. Upload and replace the new files.
2. Import XML product with "Allow overwrite" to YES.
Changelog: v1.0 - first release v1.5.2 - 1 bug fixed (only first post function issue), 2 phrase edits v1.8.0
- new feature: support for vBCMS articles & comments
- whos online locations added
- new feature: top rated (in latest 7 days) contents page
- new feature: postbit statistics
- change: only one button when "thumbs down" are disabled
- new feature: ability to change the color of the thumbs box and the color of amount font via admincp v1.9.0
- new feature: support for vBBlog entries & comments
- small fix to box template (thanks to Valter) update 22/12/2012
- bug fixed: guests could not show the thumbs number (shows a zero for all posts)
- to install this fix just upload and replace the updated file includes/functions_sc_thumbs.php. It is not necessary to re-upload all files or upgrade the product xml
Guests can not see the rating? It just shows them number zero?
Will you be adding the guest accessibility? It will be a good addition.
Excellent Mod.
Originally Posted by jaffaman
Installed thanks for your great mod.
I would like to see that as well.
I am not fussed if the guest can use it but i would like them to see the number of thumbs up/down votes and if they hover over the thumbs it comes up with something like You are not logged in or you do not have permission to use the Thumbs up/down rating system.
One other thing is there a setting to have one thumbs up/down per post so you can not give a post a thumbs up and a thumds down on the same post?.
wow it is a bug! To fix the viewing of thumbs votes to guests, open the file functions_sc_thumbs.php (located in /includes folder), find the lines:
// if guest, do not load the thumbs (return empty cache)
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 1) {
return $cache;
I use post-legacy style and just some minor issues.
With the people who are listed as thumbs up is there a way I can put in a right-margin it as the last letter is cut off on the right hand side.
Also, when the hover over the number of thumbs up, it's fine for posts with 4-5 lines but where there is a post with 1 lines it goes really weird. Just when I hover it, but otherwise it's fine.
Originally Posted by AURFSCAN
Also I think the show thumbers popup should be to the left of the box and up, not below..
That too can be fixed in the css. Reason being If there is only one post in a thread theres no room for the box and the browser goes crazy with trying to scroll.. theres a mention of it in this thread
Originally Posted by Impromptu
I don't believe I have received a response but maybe my post was unclear.
The top image has an error indicated by the arrows as when you hover over the number it pushes the number/thumb to the left, but the bottom image you can see it perfectly aligned. The top image moves to the left as when the post has only 1-2 lines, but the bottom image doesn't as it has 4-5 lines in the post.
Is there a way that the right slider bar doesn't appear for the top image. Even better would be that if the right and bottom slider bar be removed completely, is that possible?
You can't see it but the top image continuous changes and moves back and forth from the top image to the bottom image to the top image to the bottom image.
Also is there a way to add a title to the image to say 'Vote Here' or 'Thumbs Up' so it makes it clearer to the reader that the thumbs up means you can vote there.
Thanks, Jay
PS - if the above is a result of my VB skin, could you just show how to put the 'thumbs up' after the content of the post? Thanks
Was a fix for this yet? Basically, when rolling over the number to enable stats in the drop down box, a scroll bar is added to a short post, making the whole thumbs area flicker in and out.