Users or teams can join ladders and challenge other players or teams in the ladder. Elo rating system is used which calculates the difficultly of a match according to the players' ranks and this is taken into account when the ranks are updated after the match is finished.
Feature List:
General Features
All pages are XHTML valid
Tournament Features
Hall of Fame (Top 10 Tournament Players)
Permissions can be set per usergroup
(AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> {Select Usergroup} -> Tournament Permissions)
Tournaments start automatically when no slots are left
Tournaments have proper Date/ Time converted to users timezone and DST
3 Tournament Modes: Last Man Standing, Single Elimination, Double Elimination and Round Robin
Filter Tournaments Displayed according to Tournament Status
Tournament User Stats Page
'Start Tournament' for Single Elimination adds bye players and creates brackets
Tournament options
Turn on/off tournament
Create Thread on Tournament Creation
Require check-in before tournaments
Tournament Stats in Member Profile
Tournament Stats in Postbit (Can be turned on/off in Tournament Options)
Comments per page
Tournament description length shown in tournament List
Tournament Display
LMS realtime ranking shows if players are equal positions
Tournament View Counter
Tournament creator and last edited by notes at bottom of tournament
Since the latest 5.8.8 update the previous tournament bracket update has changed and no longer shows like it did for 5.3.3 showing the W or L or the scores of the matches. Can this be corrected to once again show the scores and W & L like in 5.3.3 update. That was so nice, and now it looks so bland.
I have also noticed the ladder bracket colors have changed to black. I went into ladder settings and changed to #FFFFFF which is white, and they will not change from black. Can you please check into this. I have deleted cache and cookies to see if browser was stuck and still they are black in color.
Just wondering if there is any updates coming to correct the bug that changed how the brackets look and colors can not be changed.
Alright, couple of issues I've noticed since our first big tournament.
It doesn't allow the reserves to check in, then once the tournament starts, it does not allow me to swap them in with those that didn't show up. So currently the reserve system is broken and not working. It should allow them to check in like everyone else, then at the start of the tournament, if someone doesn't show within the core sign in, they get slotted into the bracket when it is generated. I had many upset people that I couldn't slot them in manually.
Also the reporting of who won needs to be more clear on what they need to enter in. They didn't know if they needed to do W/L or 1-0 or what. We also had people submit their results that they won and their opponent didn't submit anything so they wouldn't advance on. So I had to manually advance them. Maybe do a simple radio button on who won and advance the person but then push them back if the other person contests it by saying they won instead. Or even just do a check box on who won, not a text field.
Also, when people comment on the tournament page itself within the comment section. It says there is 2 pages of comments, but then I click on the next page number from the first one, it just refreshes the page and does not take me to the second page of comments.
There is also the issue of names. A persons username on the website is different than in the game. So people don't know who to find when it comes time to compete. So it would be nice to not use their website name and make them enter in a different name, their in game name.
My biggest issue though is the reserves not being allowed in. Would be nice to also have a chat room on the tournament page itself as well, so that way the players can talk to organize the games.
dont know if you read it, but would you look into making a separate category for group play based on same system as leagues, maybe without dates as we use groupplay for one day events.. or just an option to leave out(might be better)
Is it possible that in knockout stages or leagues etc that they enter there own scores, both parties have to enter the score, either the manager from the team or individual in head to head etc, currently as stated above its just advance someone to the next stage.