How to install?
Read the documents inside the *zip file.
How to upgrade?
1. Upload and replace the new files.
2. Import XML product with "Allow overwrite" to YES.
Changelog: v1.0 - first release v1.5.2 - 1 bug fixed (only first post function issue), 2 phrase edits v1.8.0
- new feature: support for vBCMS articles & comments
- whos online locations added
- new feature: top rated (in latest 7 days) contents page
- new feature: postbit statistics
- change: only one button when "thumbs down" are disabled
- new feature: ability to change the color of the thumbs box and the color of amount font via admincp v1.9.0
- new feature: support for vBBlog entries & comments
- small fix to box template (thanks to Valter) update 22/12/2012
- bug fixed: guests could not show the thumbs number (shows a zero for all posts)
- to install this fix just upload and replace the updated file includes/functions_sc_thumbs.php. It is not necessary to re-upload all files or upgrade the product xml
noticed a problem already, looks like a positive thumb adds a 1 to the number, get hit with a negative and that goes to zero?
not sure if thats meant to happen or if it should still say 2
does/should a negative cancel out a positive?
Members can do only ONE type of thumb to a post.
If push this , then it goes to (=you cannot push it again) and the thumbs counter set to "old number +1". The be the same (=it means that you can push it to undo the ). If undo an by clicking , the counter goes to "old number -1".
If push this , then it goes to (=you cannot push it again) and the thumbs counter set to "old number -1". The be the same (=it means that you can push it to undo the ). If undo an by clicking , the counter goes to "old number +1".
Finally, if you have not thumb a post or you have undo your thumb (up or down), the two buttons has their colours (= it means that you can push everyone, but only one time for one thumb).
A button "with colour" may have two functions: add a new thumb or remove an old (opposite) thumb.
Does my mod works differently on your site? I ask you to check if there is a bug.
Really like this mod and hope and still playing around with it on my Test site.
I would like to show the number of Thumb up/downs in the users postbit below the avatar but for some reason they don't show up.
I am using the variables I found in the thumbs-center:
{vb:raw received.thumbsup}
{vb:raw received.thumbsdown}
Any help how to make them show would be great
Hi there,
as I've told you via PM, I'll give the screenshot to show you more details you've requested:
Screenshot 1: (Thumbs sent)
Screenshot 2: (Statistics)
Hope this information can help you. As you can see some data seem to be "botchy"
Try to run the recounters about SENT thumbs on admicp > Thumbs Up? (left sidebar block).
Very strange!
Hope to understand how this number constructed to your statistics.
Originally Posted by qpurser
Really like this mod and hope and still playing around with it on my Test site.
I would like to show the number of Thumb up/downs in the users postbit below the avatar but for some reason they don't show up.
I am using the variables I found in the thumbs-center:
{vb:raw received.thumbsup}
{vb:raw received.thumbsdown}
Any help how to make them show would be great
Next release (coming soon!) will have this feature (postbit statistics)
There is no need to have the red thumb down to appear when it's completely disabled. It's smaller, compact and I like to have this as well.
One question: what about the button of undo "thumbs up" vote?
Your example:
Can you give me an example screen about the "after" a thumbs up vote given?
Do you want a complete disappearing of or you have not problem if it appears after a thumbs up vote, to undo it? (I'm talkikg about ONE button each time)