Extra Threadfields 1.0.0 (Light)
Sometimes your websites require more than just the typical "title" and "message" fields in topics. This vbulletin mod allows you to create and manage different fields separately.
You may not alter the template to take out our link titled "Extra Threadfields".
What features does this hack provide?
Add extra fields to threads. These include:
Text fields
Select Drop Down Fields
Radio Fields
Checkbox Fields
Enhanced extra threadfields manager - Premium Only*new
Search through fields within forums (forumdisplay.php) - Premium Only*new
Search through fields in search.php - Premium Only
Control order in which fields are displayed
Edit thread fields via the "edit thread" page
Edit thread fields via the "edit post" page - Premium Only*new
Set the forums in which you want fields to appear in - Premium Only (light version may set forumid's, but are a tad more limited as to how many)
Show fields automatically in thread
Show fields automatically in forumdisplay
Make a field required - Premium Only
Control what forums the field is shown in, You can use this in the light, but it's limited to one forum per field, the premium lets you enter multiple forums per field
Enable/Disable system
Enable/Disable automatic showing fields in thread
Enable/Disable automatic showing fields in forum
Make the field only editable by staff - Premium Only
Control what usergroups can edit staff-only editable fields - Premium Only
Show extra fields in subscriptions - Premium Only
Show extra fields in forum index - Premium Only
Show extra fields in search results - Premium Only
Control what fields are searchable - Premium Only
Enable/Disable automatic showing fields in forum index - Premium Only
Enable/Disable automatic showing fields in search results - Premium Only
Style how your extra fields appear in threads (using html) directly from your admincp! - Premium Only*new
No template edits required! - Premium Only*new
What does this hack require?
Template Edits: None!
File Edits: None!
Products Imported: 1
4 Easy Steps Step 1. Import the following product: product-extra_threadfields.xml Step 2. Upload the files in the upload folder. Step 3. Edit the newly added options in admincp as you please Step 4. Enjoy the vBulletin Mod!
F.A.Q Q. How do i get extra fields to show in the "edit post" page? A. This is only available in the premium version.
Nicely done. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work with the mobile theme. Any chance this can be done without template edits? I think this works with hooks and apparently the mobile theme doesn't play nicely with this addon. (Don't blame you, a lot of inconsistency with mobile choices.) How about Apps like tapatalk? I'd love to be able to use it.
Confirmed - doesn't show in the mobile skin (can be fixed with a variable) but also doesn't show up on the entry side either. If this is a hook, this means no mobile, desktop only. Let us know if you can do this. I'd be interested.
And of course if you mean the default-installed vbulletin mobile skin, that won't work, because that skin is recognized as "mobile" skin.
I think it is a "flaw" on vb's mobile system itself, imho.
I used to use Dartho's theme but updating it regularly was an incredibly painful process. It was easier adapting vBulletin's beginning attempt at a mobile theme, which also was better at behind held by cookies and more usable on tablets. Still, there are challenges as you allude to.