Version: 4.1.7, by Jaxel
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 04-16-2010
Last Update: 10-26-2010
Installs: 915
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Don't forget to click INSTALL!
I'm an unemployed computer programmer... if you appreciate the work I have done on this mod, please don't hesitate in offering me a donation by clicking the "Support Developer" link to the right of this text. A donation of $50 or more automatically gives you the right to remove the copyright footer for this modification from a single forum.
This is a new modification, spawning from the old VB 3.x Video Directory modifications.
For all intents and purposes, both my old Video Directory Remixed mod, and Survivor's original Video Directory mod have been discontinued. Neither of us are maintaining these older versions, they will not receive any future updates and we will not be providing any support. This version has a new name because it has been completely rewritten from scratch and is not being built on Survivor's old code. Because of this, if you are upgrading to this new version, from the old version, be sure to read this entire post in order to understand the upgrade process.
What is this mod?
Simply put, this mod is a directory for media. It supports URL inputs, in order to extract meta data and directorize media into a simple and easy to understand library. Users can add their favorite media from a select few online distribution centers (such as Youtube or Vimeo) and categorize and tag them as they see fit. This mod offers rudimentary support for the hosting of local media. An administrator can upload a media to the /customVID/ (default) directory; then add the media to the library using the URL code of "local:filename". Media hosted locally will be displayed using JWPlayer, but will not provide meta data, so that kind of information will need to be entered manually.
Integrated directly into the vBulletin user database and product manager.
Fully phrased and built on tempaltes for easy re-skinning and styling.
Simple to use administration features and usergroup permission settings.
Landing page with the most recent, most popular and highest rated media.
Ability to add media into a single category, while adding multiple tags.
Ability to browse media through categories, tags, and user contributions.
Summary tag cloud with a link to the entire list of tags in the system.
Comment and rating system based on AJAX including graceful degredation.
Individual RSS Feeds for newest videos, categories, tags and user media.
Search function for titles and descriptions.
If you are upgrading from before version 1.1, please install that version first.
Upload all the files in the "upload" directory of the attached zip file to your forum root.
CHMOD the /customVID/thumbs/ directory to full read/write/execute 777 permissions.
CHMOD the /customVID/sitemap/ directory to full read/write/execute 777 permissions.
Import the product file called "product-medialibrary.xml" in the Product Manager of vBulletin.
Set your usergroup permissions and media library settings in your administration control panel.
OPTIONAL: Enable the "Generate XML Media Sitemap" scheduled task in your administration control panel.
NOTES: Make sure you decide what you wish to use for your thumbnail quality setting. By default, thumbnails are saved at 50% quality. At 50%, thumbnails will only be 2kb in size, but at the expense of quality. At 100%, thumbnails will be about 15kb in size, but will have the highest quality. I recommend setting it to 80%, which would leave thumbnails at 5kb in size with still excellent quality.
Every time you change your thumbnail quality setting, you will need to run the "Rebuild Media Thumbnails" to see any changes.
The "video*" tables from your previous installation of VDR need to exist in your database.
Enable the "media ADMIN import" plugin in the plugin manager of your control panel.
Run the "Import Media from VDR" process in your update counters menu in maintenance.
Disable the "media ADMIN import" plugin in the plugin manager of your control panel.
Run the "Rebuild Media Thumbnails" process in your update counters menu in maintenance.
You may now uninstall VDR once you confirm everything has been imported as intended.
NOTES: You will mostly likely get at least one error while rebuilding media thumbnails...
When you get an error, click the details link for that media. If the media displays some sort of error such as "This video has been removed" or "This video no longer exist", then that means that media is gone and you'll be unable to generate a thumbnail for that particular media. Use the available options on that media's detail page to DELETE it from your library. Then go back to your browser window which is rebuilding thumbnails and click the "retry from this position" link.
If you got an error for a media, but after clicking the details link you can find no obvious error with the video; then the error could have just been a simple syn/ack failure. Just click the "retry from this position" link and the system will try to rebuild that thumbnail again.
Known Bugs:
There is a conflict with this modification and some of Valter's VSA modifications that will prevent navbar permissions from being handled correctly. I don't know exactly who's fault it is; but I'm pretty sure there are no errors in my code that would be causing this problem. There is a work around for this however.
What about the video size (same page view), how can I increase the size for HD like Vimeo? Anytime I go to the "hosts" admin page and click edit, it redirects to the home page.
second problem:
tags are stuck together, not separated by space or comma
Author of that post suggested following change in .xml file and it worked. Please note this modification adds comma and space. Presense of space will allow proper line break and proper display of tags in main MEDIA LIBRARY page.
I uploaded the new xml but this messed up my navbar menu. How can I fix it?
I uploaded the new xml but this messed up my navbar menu. How can I fix it?
It was better to modify directly in the template but no matter.
About navbar. I recommend you disable your existing navbar and install my simple mod which you can find in my signature. Just try.
I can't remember where I got it, but here is the forumblock I use:
Create a new forum block with PHP as the content type, and add this code in the content part. You can edit how many thumbs you want to display in the forum block by editing the "LIMIT" part in the code.
global $vbulletin;
$medias = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
SELECT media.*, media_service.*
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "media AS media
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "media_service AS media_service ON(media_service.serviceID = media.serviceID)
ORDER BY media.dateline DESC
while ($media = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($medias))
if ($media['length'] == 0)
$media['length'] = "???";
$duration = $media['length'];
$minutes = floor($duration / 60);
$seconds = $duration % 60;
$seconds = str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$media['length'] = "$minutes:$seconds";
$media['intrate'] = intval($media['rating']);
$media['thumbnail'] = $vbulletin->options['media_thumb_dir']."/thumbs/". $media['mediaID'] .".jpg";
$media['href'] = construct_href_details($media);
$templater = vB_Template::create('8WR_media_WIDGET');
$templater->register('media', $media);
$mediabits .= $templater->render();
return $mediabits;
Make sure the template to use is 'block_html'
How do I edit the css for the block? I edited the 8wr WIDGET template's last line, and nothing is changing (hard refreshed page)
Please take a look at is there a reason why the clips should not be lined up under each other? It's irritating to have them diagonally bellow each other. Anny fix for this?
Please take a look at is there a reason why the clips should not be lined up under each other?
Try this code.
PHP Code:
global $vbulletin; require_once(DIR.'/media/media_functions_hrefs.php');
// %d $show_count = 5;
$medias = $vbulletin->db->query_read(" SELECT media.*, media_service.* FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "media AS media LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "media_service AS media_service ON(media_service.serviceID = media.serviceID) ORDER BY media.dateline DESC LIMIT ".$show_count);