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vBulletin Cron Based Database Backup
Version:, by Paul M Paul M is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Version: 4.2.x Rating:
Released: 12-27-2009 Last Update: 11-25-2013 Installs: 1434
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No support by the author.

As of 23 Nov 2017 this modification has been withdrawn.

This is a cut down version based on a backup system written by Trigunflame for vb 3.0. It is a simple vBulletin cron trigged php system that does a dump of your database - either as one complete file, or as one file per table. Especially useful now that IB removed the old ACP backup option in vBulletin 4. Files can be (G)Zipped to save space.

All the options are located in the ACP in vBulletin Options >> vBulletin Automatic Backup

To install, download and unzip the files, and follow the instructions in the text file.


v4.0.1 : 28-Dec-2009 : Initial release for vb 4.0.0 Gold.
v4.0.2 : 29-Dec-2009 : Added ability to block process larger tables.
v4.0.3 : 27-Jun-2010 : Added Gzip option.

v4.1.0 : 04-Dec-2010 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.0.

v4.1.7.0 : 16-Oct-2011 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.7.

v4.2.0.0 : 24-May-2012 : Updated for vBulletin 4.2.0.
v4.2.0.1 : 17-Mar-2013 : Removed vboptions from backup call..
v4.2.0.2 : 25-Nov-2013 : Fix php 5.3 deprecated warnings, added mysqldump backup.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-28-2012, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by charlesr View Post
And how do I find out how long it takes to run on mine? The log in vb just gives time of start and "success".
You need to manually run the schedule in Schedule Manager.
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Old 06-28-2012, 05:32 PM
Skivey Skivey is offline
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Hmmm... I uninstalled, reinstalled and over writ all files via ftp.

Reded settings and reran the scheduled task and again I get

Automatic Database Backup for vBulletin


Bit concerning this, im not doing anything wrong.
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Old 06-28-2012, 07:55 PM
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What happens if you run the sql "SHOW tables" ?
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Old 06-28-2012, 11:36 PM
Skivey Skivey is offline
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it lists me a shed load of DB tables
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Old 06-29-2012, 01:47 PM
Skivey Skivey is offline
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ok, really not to worry now. Ive decided to use mysqldumper instead and create a cron with the cpanel. Not only does backups of the forum but my whole list of databases.

Thanks for trying though!! )
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Old 06-30-2012, 07:41 AM
charlesr charlesr is offline
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Originally Posted by Paul M View Post
You need to manually run the schedule in Schedule Manager.
Thanks. Did that.

30 mins for the live backup and 7 mins for the compression.
Is that about what you'd expect for a database of my size? (see a few posts back).

No point in me running this once an hour! It would be in a constant state of backup
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Old 06-30-2012, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by charlesr View Post
30 mins for the live backup and 7 mins for the compression.
Is that about what you'd expect for a database of my size? (see a few posts back).
That seems a bit slow. I have 1.65 GB data, 900M index, and it backs up in < 10 Min.
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Old 07-01-2012, 06:51 AM
charlesr charlesr is offline
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Really? How odd. I just tried it on my local PC instead (test server) which is pretty fast and it took 23mins for the backup (obviously the gzip bit didn't work), so a little faster, but not nearly as quick as yours.

Any suggestions/ideas? I checked and the database isn't fragmented to any significant degree.
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:03 AM
compassion23ph compassion23ph is offline
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Where can i SEE the .gzip file of this?
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Old 07-04-2012, 09:13 AM
JMEWLS` JMEWLS` is offline
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HTML Code:
Processing access (1) [Compressing File] : Processed 1 Rows in 0.029 Seconds
Processing action (18) [Compressing File] : Processed 18 Rows in 0.022 Seconds
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Processing forumrunner_push_data (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing forumrunner_push_users (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
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Processing groupmessage_hash (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing groupread (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
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Processing imagecategorypermission (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing indexqueue (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
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Processing infractionban (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing infractiongroup (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing infractionlevel (4) [Compressing File] : Processed 4 Rows in 0.016 Seconds
Processing ipdata (1713) [Compressing File] : Processed 1713 Rows in 0.194 Seconds
Processing language (1) [Compressing File] : Processed 1 Rows in 0.165 Seconds
Processing mailqueue (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing moderation (9327) [Compressing File] : Processed 9327 Rows in 0.332 Seconds
Processing moderator (19) [Compressing File] : Processed 19 Rows in 0.005 Seconds
Processing moderatorlog (56661) [Compressing File] : Processed 56661 Rows in 6.044 Seconds
Processing navigation (40) [Compressing File] : Processed 40 Rows in 0.041 Seconds
Processing notice (4) [Compressing File] : Processed 4 Rows in 0.029 Seconds
Processing noticecriteria (4) [Compressing File] : Processed 4 Rows in 0.059 Seconds
Processing noticedismissed (151) [Compressing File] : Processed 151 Rows in 0.008 Seconds
Processing package (3) [Compressing File] : Processed 3 Rows in 0.005 Seconds
Processing passwordhistory (6096) [Compressing File] : Processed 6096 Rows in 0.241 Seconds
Processing paymentapi (7) [Compressing File] : Processed 7 Rows in 0.006 Seconds
Processing paymentinfo (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing paymenttransaction (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing phrase (16538) [Compressing File] : Processed 16538 Rows in 1.121 Seconds
Processing phrasetype (78) [Compressing File] : Processed 78 Rows in 0.008 Seconds
Processing picturecomment (27) [Compressing File] : Processed 27 Rows in 0.017 Seconds
Processing picturecomment_hash (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing picturelegacy (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing plugin (204) [Compressing File] : Processed 204 Rows in 0.056 Seconds
Processing pm (2514) [Compressing File] : Processed 2514 Rows in 0.11 Seconds
Processing pmreceipt (12) [Compressing File] : Processed 12 Rows in 0.008 Seconds
Processing pmtext (2178) [Compressing File] : Processed 2178 Rows in 0.474 Seconds
Processing pmthrottle (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing podcast (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing podcastitem (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing poll (204) [Compressing File] : Processed 204 Rows in 0.089 Seconds
Processing pollvote (1656) [Compressing File] : Processed 1656 Rows in 0.11 Seconds
Processing post (317671) [Compressing File] : Processed 317671 Rows in 33.858 Seconds
Processing postedithistory (26315) [Compressing File] : Processed 26315 Rows in 4.321 Seconds
Processing posthash (7) [Compressing File] : Processed 7 Rows in 0.026 Seconds
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Processing postrelease (1) [Compressing File] : Processed 1 Rows in 0.14 Seconds
Processing prefix (5) [Compressing File] : Processed 5 Rows in 0.074 Seconds
Processing prefixpermission (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing prefixset (1) [Compressing File] : Processed 1 Rows in 0.089 Seconds
Processing product (15) [Compressing File] : Processed 15 Rows in 0.005 Seconds
Processing productcode (23) [Compressing File] : Processed 23 Rows in 0.02 Seconds
Processing productdependency (9) [Compressing File] : Processed 9 Rows in 0.006 Seconds
Processing profileblockprivacy (80) [Compressing File] : Processed 80 Rows in 0.007 Seconds
Processing profilefield (6) [Compressing File] : Processed 6 Rows in 0.005 Seconds
Processing profilefieldcategory (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing profilevisitor (4631) [Compressing File] : Processed 4631 Rows in 0.12 Seconds
Processing ranks (7) [Compressing File] : Processed 7 Rows in 0.014 Seconds
Processing reminder (No Row Data) [Compressing File]
Processing reputation (1268) [Compressing File] : Processed 1268 Rows in 0.062 Seconds
Processing reputationlevel (15) [Compressing File] : Processed 15 Rows in 0.027 Seconds
Processing route (4) [Compressing File] : Processed 4 Rows in 0.028 Seconds
Processing rssfeed (40) [Compressing File] : Processed 40 Rows in 0.008 Seconds
Processing rsslog (48182) [Compressing File] : Processed 48182 Rows in 2.455 Seconds
Processing searchcore (391069) [Compressing File]
Keeps timing out here. Switched on block processing. Not sure what else to do.
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Phrase Groups Available:
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Included Files:
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Hooks Called:
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  • post_thanks_function_fetch_post_thanks_template_end
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  • bbcode_parse_complete
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