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Old 06-02-2012, 10:44 AM
nhawk nhawk is offline
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Originally Posted by djrichards View Post
OK. I have inferred from the vague explanations here that the "THIS_SCRIPT" value for every possible link from the primary tab URL needs to be entered in the Tab Script(s) field with a period separating each value.

But are you saying that if we need to enter more than 30 characters we need to enter it by manipulating vBulletin code instead of via the interface provided? This is obviously a bug or, at the very least, an oversight in design. Can we expect this to be submitted for resolution in a future release?

However, the tab highlight is the least of my problems with the Navigation Manager. As another stated, it's simply cosmetic but it definitely should be fixed at some point.

My real concern is the problem with the 404 error that occurs EVERY TIME when clicking other tabs after first visiting a tab that points to a URL that is not within the standard /forum path.

You can see this happen at my site (lancisti.net) by first clicking the Photo Gallery tab, then clicking any other tab. You'll see that after clicking the Gallery tab, any other tab click results in the /gallery directory replacing the /forum directory within the URL.

It also seems to somehow break the URL for the icon image in the announcement message at the top of the Gallery page.

Do we need to create another thread to get some help on this issue?
This is one of those bugs/improvement requests that has been reported/requested and has been marked 'resolved' and 'working as designed'...


And the requestors resolution was...
To fix this I edited all the tabs to have {options.bburl}/ at the start - all was ok.
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Old 06-02-2012, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by nhawk View Post
This is one of those bugs/improvement requests that has been reported/requested and has been marked 'resolved' and 'working as designed'...


And the requestors resolution was...
Hardly what I would call a resolution. I see that VBulletin still has a lot to learn about customer support and product design/revision.

They could save themselves a LOT of grief and time in responding to customers with this problem if they simply changed the Nav Manager default values to include the "/forum/" path in front of each PHP file name.

Not only would it reduce requests for support, it would also provide a clear example that would help users easily figure it out for themselves. Not everyone who uses this COMMERCIAL product is a PHP coder or works all day at a Linux command line for a living.

I really don't understand companies who seem to have the Incredible Hulk's "Puny humans!" attitude toward those who provide their livelihood. Obtuse responses to support/enhancement requests are not only unhelpful, they run completely counter to a company's goals.
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Old 06-02-2012, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by djrichards View Post
Hardly what I would call a resolution. I see that VBulletin still has a lot to learn about customer support and product design/revision.

They could save themselves a LOT of grief and time in responding to customers with this problem if they simply changed the Nav Manager default values to include the "/forum/" path in front of each PHP file name.

Not only would it reduce requests for support, it would also provide a clear example that would help users easily figure it out for themselves. Not everyone who uses this COMMERCIAL product is a PHP coder or works all day at a Linux command line for a living.

I really don't understand companies who seem to have the Incredible Hulk's "Puny humans!" attitude toward those who provide their livelihood. Obtuse responses to support/enhancement requests are not only unhelpful, they run completely counter to a company's goals.
You should drop off the attitude pal and be a little more appreciative of those that are trying to help you.

Sorry to say this but you come off as arrogant and rude and with this attitude you will not find many people that will be willing to help you out.
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:07 PM
djrichards djrichards is offline
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Not my intent to be rude or arrogant and I apologize for coming off that way. But if you have a problem with people having opinions other than yours, then, well, you just have a problem I guess.

From my POV (as a customer), the arrogance is on the part of people who seem to get miffed when a person asks a fairly simple question and then gets aggravated with flip answers from an employee of the product's company. If I was in any way knowledgeable in PHP coding I wouldn't be asking such questions in the first place.

Do you not believe that it's a company's responsibility to support their customers AND a users responsibility to provide feedback for product improvement? That's the way it is in the world that I live and work in. I know that this is a "volunteer" site and perhaps I was in error to have have expected any real support for my problems here. But vBulletin is not an open source product and people who have purchased it rightfully expect to receive adequate and useful support provided in a professional manner, especially when it's coming from one of the company's employees.

I ALWAYS have a great deal of appreciation for those who are actually helpful. But telling me that I simply need to "write a plugin" or "read up" on something is far from helpful. I work with product developers on a daily basis so I understand that it's hard for coders to understand this. But it really is easier to provide a simple explanation of the fix needed and why/how the fix works. Educating users along the way is a far better support model than telling them that there's nothing wrong with the product/design and they are just not smart enough to use it.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply say:

The default tab paths use only relative paths to their respective files. If you wish to have tabs that direct users to a URL outside of the default forum directory, you will need to edit all of the default tab paths to include "/forumdir/" before the filename.

I would also add that anyone providing even semi-official support for the product should be charged with logging any and all such support requests for evaluation by the design team as future fixes or enhancements. The issues I've talked about here definitely should qualify in that regard AND should be quite simple fixes.

But instead, I got:

You PROBABLY have YOUR URLs set wrong. You should read up...

Now, please explain this arrogance thing to me again.

But no worries. I now understand that this really isn't the place to ask for vBulletin product support so I won't make that mistake again.

Thanks for your input. Really.

--------------- Added [DATE]1338658813[/DATE] at [TIME]1338658813[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by nhawk View Post
This is one of those bugs/improvement requests that has been reported/requested and has been marked 'resolved' and 'working as designed'...


And the requestors resolution was...
nhawk, as was pointed out to me so eloquently , I probably should have thanked you for your response. I did find it useful so thank you.

But just to add to this so others reading this thread get the full picture about this issue, one of the dev team members also posted the following there. Apparently it's not a complete fix.

"Simply adding {options.bburl} most likely won't work if suite components (Forum, Blog, CMS) are located in different directories."
Another of the developers there also stated the following and this is what I take issue with:

"The current default is working as it should on a standard install, the whole point of the Manager is that those that need to change the url can"
I believe that this is most definitely NOT the whole point of the Nav Manager. It's a usability enhancement and is being promoted as such. If the whole point was ONLY to provide the ability to change URLs in the default tabs, they wouldn't have also included the ability to add new tabs. Hence my previous statements about responsiveness to customer support and product enhancements.

But enough complaining. I know this isn't the place for that. Just wanted to clarify for those who seemed to be offended by my remarks.
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by djrichards View Post
Not my intent to be rude or arrogant and I apologize for coming off that way. But if you have a problem with people having opinions other than yours, then, well, you just have a problem I guess.

From my POV (as a customer), the arrogance is on the part of people who seem to get miffed when a person asks a fairly simple question and then gets aggravated with flip answers from an employee of the product's company. If I was in any way knowledgeable in PHP coding I wouldn't be asking such questions in the first place.

Do you not believe that it's a company's responsibility to support their customers AND a users responsibility to provide feedback for product improvement? That's the way it is in the world that I live and work in. I know that this is a "volunteer" site and perhaps I was in error to have have expected any real support for my problems here. But vBulletin is not an open source product and people who have purchased it rightfully expect to receive adequate and useful support provided in a professional manner, especially when it's coming from one of the company's employees.

I ALWAYS have a great deal of appreciation for those who are actually helpful. But telling me that I simply need to "write a plugin" or "read up" on something is far from helpful. I work with product developers on a daily basis so I understand that it's hard for coders to understand this. But it really is easier to provide a simple explanation of the fix needed and why/how the fix works. Educating users along the way is a far better support model than telling them that there's nothing wrong with the product/design and they are just not smart enough to use it.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply say:

The default tab paths use only relative paths to their respective files. If you wish to have tabs that direct users to a URL outside of the default forum directory, you will need to edit all of the default tab paths to include "/forumdir/" before the filename.

I would also add that anyone providing even semi-official support for the product should be charged with logging any and all such support requests for evaluation by the design team as future fixes or enhancements. The issues I've talked about here definitely should qualify in that regard AND should be quite simple fixes.

But instead, I got:

You PROBABLY have YOUR URLs set wrong. You should read up...

Now, please explain this arrogance thing to me again.

But no worries. I now understand that this really isn't the place to ask for vBulletin product support so I won't make that mistake again.

Thanks for your input. Really.

--------------- Added [DATE]1338658813[/DATE] at [TIME]1338658813[/TIME] ---------------

First of all I do not have a problem with people having other opinions than mine. Opinions are like you know what, everyone has one

Anyway, all I wanted to say is that with the way you spoke to Lynne and to everyone else trying to help you, was way off base. Lynne is one of the most helpful persons around here and at vb.com.

Whereas about the answer that you got, it was the correct one. It pointed you in the right direction. You could also try to help yourself first btw by doing a little search rather than complaining.
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Old 06-02-2012, 05:37 PM
djrichards djrichards is offline
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Originally Posted by borbole View Post
Anyway, all I wanted to say is that with the way you spoke to Lynne and to everyone else trying to help you, was way off base. Lynne is one of the most helpful persons around here and at vb.com.

Whereas about the answer that you got, it was the correct one. It pointed you in the right direction. You could also try to help yourself first btw by doing a little search rather than complaining.
I have no doubt that Lynne is a truly lovely person. Again, my apologies for coming across as rude or arrogant. But, to be honest and direct, the answer I received was a typical coder response that was obtuse at best and was far from complete or useful to me.

As for doing a search first, that's always my approach. How do you think I found this particular thread? It seemed to be the only one that even marginally addressed my problems. Do you think I just clicked on the first thread I found and posted my questions? Where else would you suggest I look other than perhaps at the forum at vBulletin.com (which I have also done)?

My complaints only came after I tried more than once to ask questions in a reasonable manner and got responses I found to be unhelpful.

As for the answers I received, are you saying that you consider "write a plugin" or "read up" to be "correct" answers? If so, then we'll just have to differ on that.

Pointing one in a "direction" is hardly the same as providing an explanation with a complete and correct answer, (such as the one that I actually provided).

I'll try not to trouble any of you experts here again with my silly little questions. Promise.
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Old 06-13-2012, 04:52 PM
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Wow reading some of that hurt my head a little.

I think this is the right thread thought, We have awards and gxboxlive leaderboard mods enabled and added them using the navigation system on vb4.2
But when i click either the tab highlighted is always forum, how do i stop this and if its by code where do i put it.

Many thanks for any help you can offer
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Old 06-13-2012, 09:16 PM
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Check the pages and look to see what THIS_SCRIPT is set to and enter that as the Tab Script for the navtab.
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Old 06-14-2012, 05:58 AM
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OK done Lynne thanks that was easy,

Next one is the additional tab which is just a link to a part of the forum "game nights".

I saw discostu's posts but dont really understand where I am looking for the set_navigation_tab_main

and then where do i post the script
PHP Code:
if (in_array($GLOBALS['forumid'], array(2,15)))  $root 'tab_nzg3_214'
PHP Code:
is what the forum.php says

the forum id is "6", dont understand "array", and the tab is "tab_ota1_544"

As usual thanks for your help
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Old 06-15-2012, 02:58 PM
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Hopefully i haven't made it too confusing in my previous post but just checking in does anyone know what/where i should be putting my perspective code.

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