This AddOn replaces the file memberlist.php and shows this list in a better interface and adds more features in the listing (mostly in the PRO version). Please note, that as I said before, there is a replacement of the original memberlist.php, so in case that you want to revert back, you must re-upload this file from your vB distribution. Also after any vB upgrade you need to re-upload my memberlist.php (just re-upload, no re-importing the xml file).
2.- Features
Homepage with the following blocks
Meet Our Admins
2nd Same Block to promote another usergroup (PRO version only)
Top Rated Members (PRO version only)
Top Posters Last Week
Top Posters Last Month
Top Posters Overall
Just Join Us
*** All blocks can be turn On/Off and also you can change the title
Search Members
Join date
Age (PRO version only)
Points (PRO version only)
Infractions (PRO version only)
Aim, Icq, Msn, Yahoo, Skype (PRO version only)
For Messaging the search works like "Has Aim, Has Icq" and not as the native vB Search where you can search only for a specific account.
Rate This Member (PRO version only)
Contact Member
Add to Buddy
Send Friend Request
Aim, Icq, Msn, Yahoo, Skype (PRO version only)
Show Avatar or Image
Show Online Status
Reputation (PRO version only)
Featured Members (Different background color) (PRO version only)
3.- Installation
Upload all files in upload directory to your forum directory
Import product-forummembers.xml
Goto Forum Member Setting and set them as you like
Click "Usergroups" (Forum Members Menu) and select which usergroups you want to show (Hold Ctrl + Click for multi select).
Goto vB Usergroup permissions and set them accordinally.
4.- Copyright
This mod is an upgrade of Mary's MemberIndex for which I've got the rights. Copyright removal is phohibited (PRO version does not has copyright link).
First of all, I'll appreciate if don't use bold letters. I can read normal fonts fine.
Second. This mod works with ALL versions of 4x. Has released by Mary juts 10 days of the first release of 4.0.0. So, it's not a version problem.
Check if the usergroups that you've selected have been saved. As for disabling. It depends on what you want to see. If you just disable it WITHOUT UPLOADING the original vB memberlist.php for sure you'll see it again because memberlist.php is a file that must exist in you directory. If you've uploaded the original vB file and still you're seeing the screens of my mod, just clear your browser's cache.
As for the styling issues. Is it compatible with vB Default style? If yes, and you want it to appear ok with your custom template, then contact your designer or company from where you bought it.
I will be taking over this mod for ChrisTERiS. I am investigating how it will best work, I may end up starting my own mod thread with a slightly updated version in the next few days.
i uninstalled and reinstalled, but now i get this:
But no index with letters to look for members:
The letter index appears only when you click in any of the usergroups. But I can't see the usergrousp bar at the top, so once more I'm saying to set which usergroups to show.