This mod allows VB4 owners to easily add an Rssfeed from you admincp where it has the option to target cms as a destination of the feeds. This mod is build and tested on 4.1.5 so it should work on this version or any versions afterwards. But it is not supported for any version after4.1.8.
I build this mod because a lot of people where asking for it in several post here and there.
I tried my best to avoid file replacing in your forum so you will have no trouble when upgrading for newer vbulletin version so no worries.
03-10-2011: ver 1.0.1
-Bug fixed in 1.0.1
06-10-2011: ver 1.0.2
- "Invalid Action Specified" Bug when hitting run scheduled task now fixed in 1.0.2
- "Fatal error: Call to undefined function convert_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode() in /home/..../public_html/includes/cron/rssposter_cms.php" error when running RSS Poster Robot (CMS) fixed in 1.0.2
10-10-2011: ver 1.0.3
- Will not run if the forum is not set fixed in 1.0.3
- Publish problem fixed in 1.0.3
08-12-2011: ver 1.0.4
- bug: Imagepreview is not shown on articles section.
- Add option to remove backlink to our website from the articles.
- New feature add where to set to set the minimum number of words in the article to be inserted.(paid version only)
- New feature add where to filter articles using negative words.(paid version only)
Installation: (Upload the files before installing the product)
1. Download plugin and unzip.
2. Upload all the contents of the "upload" directory to your forum root.
3. Login to your vBulletin admincp.
4. Open "Plugins & Products", and go to "Manage Products".
5. Click on "[Add/Import Product]".
6. Import the XML file that you download. Make sure you set "allow overwrite" to "yes" when updating. Best practice for updating this mod is by uninstalling the old version and installing the new one.
7. After installing go to your admincp you will find "RSS Feeds For CMS"
use it to add you rssfeeds for cms and select "Post Items as Articles" and set the target section of the article.
1. Login to your vBulletin admincp.
2. Disable all the rssfeeds entries from admincp.
3. Delete all the rssfeeds entries from admincp.
4. Open "Plugins & Products", and go to "Manage Products".
5. Uninstall the product.
6. Remove all the files you upload to your website as follows
7. Done
I have had this installed on my site for a few months. Lately it has started duplicating blog updates. I am slightly confused as to why this has started happening.
Well I left it on, and it managed to generate over 20 duplicates of the same content.
Anything created before will be duplicated here since it is using different type of post identity for each feed. What it should not duplicate is the feeds that is created after the update. I prefer to use new rich rss feed that is frequently updated for the test and swich off the old rssfeed source for a while.