Version: 1.1, by kh99
Developer Last Online: Sep 2020
Category: Mini Mods -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 08-24-2011
Last Update: 08-25-2011
Installs: 48
Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
What is it?
This mod automatically subscribes new users to one or more forums. The forums and type of notification can be set under "User Registration Options" in the adminCP. (Works on vb4 or vb3 versions).
1) In the Product Manager in AdminCP, import the product XML file (product-kh99_autosubscribeforum.xml).
2) Go to vBulletin Option -> User Registration Options to set the comma-separated list of forum ids, and type of notification.
1) Uninstall the product from the Product Manager in the AdminCP. (Doing so will not remove any existing subscriptions).
1) Tested on vb4.1.5 and vb3.8.3.
1.1 (Aug 26, 2011) - Added support for multiple forums
1.0 (Aug 25, 2011) - Initial Release
No, it subscribes to exactly the forums you list. It might be possible to allow child forums as an option somehow, but then if you were to add a child forum later it wouldn't automatically be subscribed, so I thought that might be more confusing.
No, it subscribes to exactly the forums you list. It might be possible to allow child forums as an option somehow, but then if you were to add a child forum later it wouldn't automatically be subscribed, so I thought that might be more confusing.
Adding the child forum would be helpful. I would be happy using this function even if I had to re-run it somehow to capture new(er) child forums not present when it was initially set up.
Adding the child forum would be helpful. I would be happy using this function even if I had to re-run it somehow to capture new(er) child forums not present when it was initially set up.
While you're thinking about future releases, would you consider linking this with secondary usergroups, so when a user joins a usergroup, either by him/herself, or by an admin, they are then automatically subscribed to forums that the admin has associated with that usergroup?
For example, in a car forum, if a user adds himself to the group "Buicks", then he would automatically be subscribed to the GM forum, since the admin had made that group/forum connection using your mod.
I don't want to add it to this mod, but I'm attaching a script you can use to add forum subscriptions for all users. You need to edit the script to set the forums and type of notification, upload it to your forum directory, run it, then remove it.
As someone mentioned above, I have no idea if subscribing someone to a mailing list is legal everywhere or not. But I do know that it's annoying, and doing it too often (or doing it after someone has chosen to unsubscribe) may well be illegal, so use with caution.
First, thank you for this mod and php script. It worked well for my community.
Is there a script that can be used to unsubscribe everyone from a single forum or multiple forums?
Hi - I have tried implementing this mod - everything seems to have gone OK - I selected the form ID, Selected daily digest and then added a new user - I logged in as them and checked the forum - but it wasn't subscribed - Have people found that this works with VBulliten 4.2 - or can anyone think of anything I have missed.
I have to admit I've been lax in testing this when new versions of vb were released, [S]and in fact it seems like it doesn't work with vb4.2.0. I'll look in to it and release an update as soon as I figure it out.[/S]
I spoke too soon - it does seem to work with vb4.2.0.
Originally Posted by Richard Changes
Hi - I have tried implementing this mod - everything seems to have gone OK - I selected the form ID, Selected daily digest and then added a new user - I logged in as them and checked the forum - but it wasn't subscribed - Have people found that this works with VBulliten 4.2 - or can anyone think of anything I have missed.
Any suggestions gratefully recieved.
When you say you added a user, did you go through registration or the adminCP? This mod will only work if you go through the registration page, and if you have "Verify Email address in Registration" set to yes, then the user won't be subscribed until they click on the verification link.