Version: 2.0.6, by Vossi
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 4.1.4
Released: 02-14-2011
Last Update: 06-16-2011
Installs: 127
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
What is vBulletin-Glossary:
A professional glossary with features like :
attachments in entries using vBullstin attachment system
searchable by using the vBulletin standard search
edit-history just like in wikipedia
synonyms to combine crosslinkings to other words
optional entryfields for more details of entry
vb-SEO compatible
- Upload all files in 'upload' to your server
- set 777-permission for the following directories:
- Import 'product-vbglossar.xml' in AdminCP as Add-On.
Right after the import of the productfile, go and set the usergroups. Afterwards edit the setting in AdminCP (Settings and Crosslinking). Now go to 'manage categories' and create the wanted cats.
Now the glossary should be configured and ready to use.
Updates from previous versions:
Follow the instruction of a new installation, also check the file permissions. After importing the product (overwrite: yes), check the grouprights and the settings of the glossary as there are some new features. In case the entries won't show up, please rebuild the datastore in the tools-section of the glossarin in admincp.
Template Modification:
Edit template 'search.css' and check for the following text
This addon has been developed by the follwing people (a-z): Andreas, Captainslater, G?rome, Surviver and me. We spent every free minute for this project (coding, translation, tests, etc). Also MrD and Ragtek have tested during the time when this addon got developed.
In directory '/tools' you might find a usefull Script by G?rome. User of vBCMS will find a module for their portal in directory 'vbcms' which shows a random entry of the glossary.
1.0.0 - First version
1.0.0 PL 1 - Fixed Version by G?rome, users can't write unwnated entries anymore.
1.0.1 - overwork of the code, now working with datastore and datamanager. Also we included some small new features into the addon (e. g. revert entries, inlinemod, etc).
1.0.2 - overwork of the code, bugs removed, a lot of new features
1.0.3 - fixed more small bugs and added new functions (create threads for discussions, more options for crosslinking, better options for mods/admins, etc).
1.0.4 - bugfix-release.
1.1.0 - added more main-features (synonyms can be used now, optional use of entryfields within categories, PDF-functions included, vB-SEO kompatible, TOC-list, etc)
2.0.5 - Version for vBulletin 4.x with additional new features, bugs fixed.
2.0.6 - Version for vBulletin 4.1.4 with small bug fixes.
Version 4.1.11
This mod works without a problem for me
Very impressive modification
and about to Donate! thanks Vossi
I am happy to help others is you have version 4.1.11 or higher
I also install it on vb 4.1.11 and it run good
but i have the following problem when i try to Export glossary entries i get the following error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_table_dump_sql() in /home/___/public_html/vb/admincp/admin_vbglossar.php on line 769
Add a new phrase in through your AdminCP (Add New Phrase):
Product: vBulletin - Glossary.
Name: vbglossar_showlist
Text: Show all the entries in a sigle page.
Same in the English box.
After doing that, add a new template named "GLOSLIST" (case sensitive) through your AdminCP with this content:
Erstelle Tabelle/create table vbglossar_category ... Warning: file_get_contents([path]/includes/database_error_message.html) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1149
Warning: file_get_contents(/home/xxxxx/public_html/includes/database_error_page.html) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xxxxx/public_html/includes/class_core.php on line 1256
I can't remember if that was the error I got when I first tried to install it but, try changing "TYPE=MyISAM" to "ENGINE=MyISAM". After doing that both this and Link Directory works for me.