Version: 1.4.0, by Ted S
Developer Last Online: Nov 2020
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 09-06-2011
Last Update: 04-05-2014
Installs: 214
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Version 1.4.0 has been released to remove the giftery / list it integration of the addon now that service has been discontinued. No upgrade is needed though there have been a few other bug changes since 1.3.5.
Finding Feedback Can be Like a Needle in a Haystack
The more your forum grows, the more of a challenge it becomes to sort through the history and get the full story.
Product Review Forums Brings Structure to the Chaos
As a full-featured product management addon, PRF sits on top of your forum allowing you to create defined products which, unlike individual posts, stay relevant over time. Each comment, review and even product updates filter back into this one spot allowing for a quick and comprehensive overview while the individual discussions rage on as always.
Here's just a few of the many features you'll find in PRF:
Bring structure to products with established pages & reviews
Reduce the number of repetitive posts from members looking up the same info
Increase your traffic with content-rich, seo friendly, product listings
Drive revenue by adding your own affiliate links to product listings
Increase the activity stream's value with review integration
Engage visitors with integrated wishlists from
Installation is not upload & go... individualized settings are required. Read the install file.
Enabling Product Forums: To show product details and ratings, each product-forum must be enabled in the forum manager.
Adding Products: You may upload products one at a time through the admin [includes an image uploader using GD] or you can bulk import through XML. You can also enable users to add moderated products through a global and usergroup option.
Product Review Index: To access your forum's product overview go to - You may want to add a link to this to your navbar or as a tab.
Customization: This addon is made to be customized. To change the color schema see clientscript/vbulletin_css or dive right on in to the templates and phrases.
Powered by This mod is maintained includes two integrations you should know about. Both can be controlled through the mod options.
Is anyone still having issues with the minimum review length on a recent version of vBulletin? If so please share your version and WYSIWYG admin setting.
Could you please implement the feature that if I type 0 into the minimum review length the programm isnt checking the length?
Could you please implement the feature that if I type 0 into the minimum review length the programm isnt checking the length?
if(strlen($comments) < $vbulletin->options['prodforums_minreview']){ $errors .= "Your review comments must be at least ". $vbulletin->options['prodforums_minreview'] ." characters long.<br />"; } // must have rating picked
It does work if I go through the drop down menu on the admincp settings->options
Either way I'm happy now I can do everything I need to do with it. Thanks for the good mod. I was looking for something like this either for other forum or wordpress.
Have you re-uploaded the xml files since upgrading?
Version 1.2.3 stable has been posted as a non-critical but certainly suggested bug fix.
Major Fixes / Changes
- Fixed category management [adding / deleting]
- Fixed database escaping for users without persistent connections
- Added the option to disable the WYSIWYG editor
- Changed prodforums_product_details to use a <div> for the product block rather than an <li>
- Removed the $ before the Manufacturer name in products
To upgrade upload the new xml file and php files. You may also want to update the XML files to update your Admin CP links.
I get this message when adding a product via productreview.php, I do not get the error via the ACP add product method. Happens with both v 1.2.2 and 1.2.3
Fatal error: Call to undefined function print_stop_message() in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/productforums.php on line 846