Version: 1.0.2, by Christos Teriakis
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.1.x
Released: 11-20-2011
Last Update: 12-01-2011
Installs: 49
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Sorry no more free time.........
ChrisTERiS PHP Freelancer *** Compatible with vB.3.8.x ***
1.- What's this?
With this AddOn you can sends Newsletters to your Members, informing then for the latest activity in your forums.
2.- Features
Custom Header/Footer
CSS file to change the look and feel of the newsletter
Add a Custom Greeting
Mark a Post as Important to include the full text of this post in the Newsletter
Latest News/Announcements
Latest Sticky Threads
Latest Popular Threads (most replies)
Latest Threads
Include a sidebar (PRO version)
Member Info (even with the amount of the unread emails (PRO version)
Special Member (Give a userid to promote a user) (PRO version)
Top Members (PRO version)
New Members (PRO version)
Schedule One-time Newsletters
Schedule Reccurings Newsletters (PRO version)
Preview Newsletter (Test email)
Add Advertisments to Newsletters (PRO version)
Exclude Advertisments from specific Usergroup(s) (PRO version)
Bounces Emails
Blacklist Emails
Relay Emails (Send a message even from your mobile) (PRO version)
Newsletter Archives (PRO version)
Send Emails using Mail() function
Send Emails using Sendmail (PRO version)
Send Emails using SMTP (PRO version)
3.- Installation
Upload all files from the upload folder to your vB directory
Import product-newsletter.xm
Set the General Settings
Set the Mailserver settings
Set Newsletter Options
Schedule a Newsletter and test it.
4.- Copyright
All outgoing newsletters are having a copyright link in the footer. You're not allowing to remove this line (The PRO version is without this copyright line).
5.- Important Notes
You need to set a dedicated email address for bounce emails (from email) which you'll never access with any mail client. Doing it, you'll download the emails, and thus, they'll never preceed from the system.
Most cheap GoDaddy hosting plans are not having the Mail() function enabled. If this you, sorry but this mod will not works in your site.
Does this work in 4.1.9? I just upgraded and am having some problems with other mods due it. I would love the pro version, and shoot ads are good for business. But I want to insure it works first on this version.
Does this work in 4.1.9? I just upgraded and am having some problems with other mods due it. I would love the pro version, and shoot ads are good for business. But I want to insure it works first on this version.
Thank you in advance for your time.
To be honest I'm always waiting around 2 weeks before upgrading to a new version, as 99% should be something like 4.1.9 PL1 :erm:
But especially this addon, does not uses any vb functions, expect usergroups, that's why it works unmodified with vB3.x too. So, 99,99% should be compatible.
Okay Chris I got my test e-mail functioning. One quick question if I let it search all forums for the popular threads it will pull one out of a forum I have set up as the staff forum which is only viewable by moderators, supermoderators and Administrators. Any quick fix to this. Also a little help to display my forums logo in the header. You can see the attempt I made and if you click on the blue img link you will display the picture.
By default you can assign, which forum ids to include in Popular list. But I can understand you if you have 30 forums and you want to include 29 of them and let out just one, this is not the best way for you. You can tricky it by modifying the file: newsletter/functions.php.
Search for:
function getPopular
A few lines below you'll find:
WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 AND forumid IN ($forumids) AND replycount>0
Change it to:
WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 AND forumid NOT IN ($forumids) AND replycount>0
Doing this change (and only for the popular threads), the forum ids that you'll add in settings, will be excluded instead to included. Hope that you gor my meaning.
By default you can assign, which forum ids to include in Popular list. But I can understand you if you have 30 forums and you want to include 29 of them and let out just one, this is not the best way for you. You can tricky it by modifying the file: newsletter/functions.php.
Search for:
function getPopular
A few lines below you'll find:
WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 AND forumid IN ($forumids) AND replycount>0
Change it to:
WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 AND forumid NOT IN ($forumids) AND replycount>0
Doing this change (and only for the popular threads), the forum ids that you'll add in settings, will be excluded instead to included. Hope that you gor my meaning.
Gotcha so maybe I could do that for the most recent also. Cool and thanks for the quick reply.
Can this do some of the things we discussed via pm a while ago? Such as most popular thread in the past week/month (top replies in past week, top views in past week, etc)?
Okay Chris I got the code changed and it worked great with my test PM. I scheduled one to the super mods and administrator but it did not work. I am going to need more help. I really want this to work. It's probably the mail server settings. PM coming to you.
Okay Chris I got the code changed and it worked great with my test PM. I scheduled one to the super mods and administrator but it did not work. I am going to need more help. I really want this to work. It's probably the mail server settings. PM coming to you.
I went back and read all the posts. If I can get it working I will pay for the pro version. Send e-mails gets me this in admincp....
I went back and read all the posts. If I can get it working I will pay for the pro version. Send e-mails gets me this in admincp....
Newsletter Send Emails
Could not instantiate mail function.
There is a notice about this in my main post. The free version is using the Mail() function to send newsletters. Some hosting providers (like GoDaddy), have disabled this function.
There is a notice about this in my main post. The free version is using the Mail() function to send newsletters. Some hosting providers (like GoDaddy), have disabled this function.
It was never that Chris I finally asked Hostmonster for the correct e-mail settings and got it to work. Your link to the Pro version doesn't work anymore. As soon as you fix that I am ready to buy. One last question is my Issue count is up to 8 now. How can I role it back to Issue number one. I assume testing it raised the number up to 8.