Version: 1.5, by rellect
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 4.1.x
Released: 12-05-2011
Last Update: 02-12-2012
Installs: 182
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Two columns of categories
If you installed the mod, please "Mark as Installed".
This mod splits the categories list into two columns.
vBulletin 4.0.0 and newer.
You don't have to change anything in the templates/files, just upload the plugin and that's all.
AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
Settings: Settings -> Options -> Two columns of categories
- Enable/Disable the hack
- Set the margin between categories
- Disable the hack in specific styles
[06-12-11] v1.0:
First Release [06-12-11] v1.1:
Fix minor bug: the necessary css now loads only in the index
[07-12-11] v1.2:
Fix bug: necessary css now work for who choose save css as files
[08-12-11] v1.3:
The hack works now with all 4.1.X versions
[10-12-11] v1.4:
New Feature: Disable the hack in specific styles
[13-02-12] v1.5:
Optimization of the code
No more one column with 50% width - fixed completely
The hack works now with categories which act as forum
Gap issue fixed!
Future Features (not included in this version):
Ability to choose which categories to split instead of all categories.
This does not look right unless you have the same number of forums in each category.
You can reorder the categories so categories with same number of forums will be side by side.
Currently I have no other solution..
If I will have other idea I will implement it in the next versions.
Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
It would be nice to be able to pick which themes this would apply to.... Just a thought
I'm working on it
Originally Posted by Sforums
Tested on 4.1.0 pl2
Only left column appears, right is totally blank. I m using custom skin btw.
RellecT, can you look into this?
Second, can you give as a posibility to chose what categories to use? I really don't want entire forum page split in 2 columns.
I can look into this, but I need you to send me a link to your forum so I can check what cause to the problem.
About the posibility to chose what categories to use,
It's complicated because the categories are arranged in LI lists..
so it a problem to split some of the categories.
I'm still trying find a solution for this..
Originally Posted by Kraxell
I test it now but it dont works very good for costums themes and alot of subforums. Iam sad
Just incase any one has not got this to work you need to make sure you have a the main forum of each section set 'Act as Forum ' as NO.
This will then make the 2 columns on the main page.
I had all my forums and sub forums set as Act as Forum so did not show up untill i just added main forum headers for each section in my forum
Yes which means this is how it looks from a top level down perspective:
- Main Category (One single category of forums)
-- Forum within ^ the Main Category
--- Sub-forum ^ inside of the forum above only.
--- Another Sub-forum ^ inside of the forum above only.
- Second Category (This would be separate, normally below the one above depending on how you have them "ordered" in the admincp. In the case of this modification if you have it setup properly i.e. this was in fact a category it will now try to place this directly beside the other category listed above but each will have it's own "wrapper" per say.)
-- Forum within ^ the Second Category
--- Sub-forum ^ inside of the forum above only.
--- Another Sub-forum ^ inside of the forum above only.