On the footer of my forum (vb4.1.5) i just noticed where it says admin, mod, contact us, archive etc.. that i have two links now that say web hosting?? i click on it and it takes you to glowhost.com. how do i remove this and how did it get there? Thanks in advance
you need to open up the spam-o-matic .xml file hit ctrl+f then type in whatever the link says, it will find it. Simply delete the line of text you want to remove and reupload the xml.
Q. How come there are links to GlowHost.com two times on my public forum?
A. That would be because you did not use the settings to turn these links off.
You should disable the affiliate manager if you do not want to run the affiliate program and the link will go away.
You should also disable the "Give Thanks" link if you do not want to help support this mod. Please keep in mind that this is a free mod with free support (to you) and someone pays for development and support (us). We rely on your links to our site to help support development of this mod so we greatly appreciate your participation if you keep the "Give Thanks" link enabled. Linking to us ensures support and future (New and Improved!) releases. Yes, it is OK to link to us even if you use a different host. We have hundreds if not thousands of sites that link to other hosts. Your host should not give you any problems if you are paying them to host your site.
It's a very small and unobtrusive link. Come on! Help us out and link us! (How is that for shameless self-promotion?)