Version: 1.0.2, by Christos Teriakis
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.1.x
Released: 11-20-2011
Last Update: 12-01-2011
Installs: 49
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Sorry no more free time.........
ChrisTERiS PHP Freelancer *** Compatible with vB.3.8.x ***
1.- What's this?
With this AddOn you can sends Newsletters to your Members, informing then for the latest activity in your forums.
2.- Features
Custom Header/Footer
CSS file to change the look and feel of the newsletter
Add a Custom Greeting
Mark a Post as Important to include the full text of this post in the Newsletter
Latest News/Announcements
Latest Sticky Threads
Latest Popular Threads (most replies)
Latest Threads
Include a sidebar (PRO version)
Member Info (even with the amount of the unread emails (PRO version)
Special Member (Give a userid to promote a user) (PRO version)
Top Members (PRO version)
New Members (PRO version)
Schedule One-time Newsletters
Schedule Reccurings Newsletters (PRO version)
Preview Newsletter (Test email)
Add Advertisments to Newsletters (PRO version)
Exclude Advertisments from specific Usergroup(s) (PRO version)
Bounces Emails
Blacklist Emails
Relay Emails (Send a message even from your mobile) (PRO version)
Newsletter Archives (PRO version)
Send Emails using Mail() function
Send Emails using Sendmail (PRO version)
Send Emails using SMTP (PRO version)
3.- Installation
Upload all files from the upload folder to your vB directory
Import product-newsletter.xm
Set the General Settings
Set the Mailserver settings
Set Newsletter Options
Schedule a Newsletter and test it.
4.- Copyright
All outgoing newsletters are having a copyright link in the footer. You're not allowing to remove this line (The PRO version is without this copyright line).
5.- Important Notes
You need to set a dedicated email address for bounce emails (from email) which you'll never access with any mail client. Doing it, you'll download the emails, and thus, they'll never preceed from the system.
Most cheap GoDaddy hosting plans are not having the Mail() function enabled. If this you, sorry but this mod will not works in your site.
installed...all look perfect but when i try to send newsletter i had no one user in mail list?!?!?!?... explain how to send mail to specified usergroup ... my forum is 4.1.8. suite...
installed...all look perfect but when i try to send newsletter i had no one user in mail list?!?!?!?... explain how to send mail to specified usergroup ... my forum is 4.1.8. suite...
The field "To Send" will get value when the cronruns. To have this value now has no sence. Let me explain. Let's say that you setup to send a Newsletter after 5 days. Now you've 1,000 Members, but till the Sunday you maybe have 1,200 Members. If the newsletter was counting the Members to send emails now, the new 200 members will not get the Newsletter.