Version: 2.2, by i.s.s.w
Developer Last Online: Mar 2022
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 09-02-2011
Last Update: 04-02-2013
Installs: 90
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
This product of the security team: is a free product that is configured and programmed from the members of the to reduce risks and intrusions that target the social networking or what we call the vbultien . and of course, there are groups of hackers want to destroy and revenge and they learns more and new ways to penetrate the script taking advantage of the poor security in server settings or ignorance of the owner of the forum. We are here to make a product that keep your site in safe and notable development that is being checked in its efficiency before it is been issued in the market.
Versions of MOD
2.2 ad issw latest release on 01/04/2013
2.1 ad issw latest release on 06/02/2011
2.0 ad issw was promoted to work on the generation of 4 06/17/2010 -
a d i.s.s.w 1.3 has been Released 27/12/2009
a d i.s.s.w 1.2 has been Released 08/23/2009
ad i.s.s.w 1.1 has been Released 03/17/2009
ad i.s.s.w 1 change, update and special experience before closing the old version 4
The most important changes between versions 2.2 ad isswVersion Release Date 01/04/2013
Defense intelligent templates work a new self-2.2 update
Self-recovery feature of the new formhome templates 2.2 update
Additional update in FAQ 2.2 update
Additional update in stop spam 2.2 update fixed problem for using table prefix fixed problem for using other plugin admin_global
2.1 ad issw Full Version Release Date 06/03/2011
Re-programming of the work area
Intelligent integration to work on the generation of releases 3 and 4, a new 2.1
Forum protection from distortion through this templates 2.1 update
File an additional screening tools update 2.1 updated
Additional update in FAQ 2.1
Send a message when you break to email selected in the Control Panel 2.1 update
Defense intelligent templates work a new self-2.1
Prevent spam from writing new threads 2.1
Integrated management of human verification of the new Forum 2.1
View a log entry for the Management Forum and observers . new2.1
Examine the files of the Forum amendments and questionable. new 2.1
Discover new features from the experience of using the product
ad issw was promoted to work on the generation of 4 06/17/2010 -2.0
The work area and the basic code to work with this fourth-generation update 2.0
Forum protection from distortion through this templates 2.0 update
Variables and conditions of templates for the Generation new 2.0
a d i.s.s.w 1.3 has been Released 27/12/2009
Forum protection from distortion through templates update 1.3 Update
Prevent a number of queries caused by our products exploited 1.3 Update
File an additional screening tools update 1.3 Update
Self-recovery feature of the new formhome templates 1.3
Help a new additional 1.3
a d i.s.s.w 1.2 has been Released 08/23/2009
Forum protection from distortion through the templates update 1.2
Send a message when you break to email selected in the Control Panel 1.2 update
Additional file examines the mistakes of the Forum with an explanation of the amendment added a new error 1.2
ad i.s.s.w 1.1 has been Released 03/17/2009
1. security formhome
2. Prevent the display of the config.php with possibility to put the name you want to prevent the development of the Shellphp hacker using some /home/user/vb/includes/config.php on browser
3. When the hackers of the forum communicate with the injection update template some formhome , our product close the MOD forum and send a notification to your email.
4. Send an email message for you to advise you define it to amend the required template.
5. Prevent injection issues and codes of conversion and processing.
6. Prevent penetration by Spacer_Close
ad issw 1 change, update and special experience before closing the old version 4
1. Version convert and change the previous series, which reached to version 4 of the 3.7 vbultien
//================================================ = \ \
the main features in the MOD Options
1 ? MOD on or off - using -yes and no
2 - activate - prevent conversion the codes of vbultien - and prevent the use xss and change html format to safe encode
3 - Activate the protection of the templates that been used to distort the Forum page break and show a message before the closure of the MOD to prevent the contents of the page to use member information
4 - MOD activate the possibility of closing the forum and this is recommended because if you inquire enabled hacker in the Forum, the MOD frustrate the process and closes fully Forum
5 - activate if you want to send a message when any hacking happens.
6 ? Protect the config.php file with choices to change its name from the display
7 ?Activate the retrieval of the vbultien if it been hacked through making a path for the config of the user you have.
8 - prevent spam from writing topics or new threads.
9- examine and scanning the Forum
10 - Center for news about the new gaps
11 - View access logs and events of the Forum
12 - assess the level of protection of the forum and improve its security
13 ? self repairing without reference to the website owner
MOD extra tools examiner
MOD is a complete tool for the protection of the Forum from the potential dangers that was exploited earlier from hackers
And not to protect the server in full
Because the protection of the server is different from the protection of Forum
and I am ready and happy to hear any comments about my product
So please don?t hesitate to write me back
Invalid SQL:
replace into issw_forumhome_backup SELECT style.styleid,template,template_un,css,stylevars,c sscolors,editorstyles from pacus_5777101_kyostyle inner join pacus_5777101_kyotemplate on(pacus_5777101_kyostyle.styleid=pacus_5777101_ky otemplate.styleid) where pacus_5777101_kyotemplate.title='FORUMHOME';
MySQL Error : Table 'ditusuk_tempik.issw_forumhome_backup' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, October 2nd 2011 @ 06:09:34 AM
Error Date : Sunday, October 2nd 2011 @ 06:09:34 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : XXXXXXX
Username : kyo
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.56-log
Invalid SQL:
replace into issw_forumhome_backup SELECT style.styleid,template,template_un,css,stylevars,c sscolors,editorstyles from pacus_5777101_kyostyle inner join pacus_5777101_kyotemplate on(pacus_5777101_kyostyle.styleid=pacus_5777101_ky otemplate.styleid) where pacus_5777101_kyotemplate.title='FORUMHOME';
MySQL Error : Table 'ditusuk_tempik.issw_forumhome_backup' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, October 2nd 2011 @ 06:09:34 AM
Error Date : Sunday, October 2nd 2011 @ 06:09:34 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : XXXXXXX
Username : kyo
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.56-log